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*Chapter ten*
My heart jumped out of my chest. I felt like dying. I couldn’t figure out why, but I wasn’t upset. It was…It was…anger. I was angry. Tired of him, tired of everything he’s done. I hated him, hated everything about him.
I took a deep breath. “MATT!” I screamed. “DON’T DO THIS, PLEASE, PLEASE GOD DON’T DO THIS.”
Matt laughed like he always did when I spoke. I was worthless to him, weak. “You know, I think you’re just a little too late.”
My knees were weak. My heart stopped. “NO! DON’T DO THI…”
BANG!  A gunshot. A scream. Someone hit the floor. Someone who’s life was taken away from them. Someone innocent.
I was dizzy, I couldn’t breathe. The phone slipped out of my hands onto the floor. I didn’t hear it crack in half. I was frozen. I couldn’t move. Every inch of me was numb. Only one thought went through my head. Was it Cole, or Justin?
All I knew was the one of them was dead.
And with that thought, I fell to the ground, falling in and out of consciousness, until finally I became unconscious.
That’s the way I liked it. That way, I didn’t have to feel, or think about anything.
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Fearless *Chapter ten* My heart jumped out of my chest. I felt

10 faves · 1 comments · Aug 4, 2011 7:12pm






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