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Member Since: 22 Aug 2010 01:09pm

Last Seen: 30 Nov 2020 11:36pm

Location: the feckin moon lad

Gender: F

user id: 121920

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Je t'aime un petit peu.
Audrey. 16. Boarding school. Ultimate Frisbee. "Life is about creating yourself."
My best friend Jesse wrote this for me on a bad week.
I read it when things feel hopeless:

what jesse wrote me

Has it ever occurred to you that you could change your life right this second if you really wanted to?  You could stand up and yell at your teacher if you wanted to. You could place yourself in a life or death situation if you wanted. You could even take that risk and just spontaneously and passionately kiss the one you really love by surprise. You could change the entire outcome of our lives, and if our lives are really as bad as we say they are, why won’t we take those chances?
I don't fight with stupid people on the internet so if you're going to leave a sassy comment on my profile, I will most likely not give one single . Ladies & gents, I have had much worse than you.

  1. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2013 5:50pm UTC
    i forgot boys were supposed to be nice and cute and pay for stuff until i went on a double date

  2. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2013 9:53am UTC
    I was sitting in a dark, crowded room watching “The Real World” with some friends and then it ended and I stood up not realizing my laptop was halfway out of my bag and it slipped and fell on this girl’s head (she’s quite popular) and she was like “AAAHHOOOWWW WHAT THE HELL” and all I could was stand there and keep saying “I’m really sorry” and “I’ll get you ice if you want” and I’m so humiliated omg

  3. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 3:38pm UTC
    me: sometimes i talk to myself
    me: omg same!

  4. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 9:18pm UTC
    Me: Sloths are appearing all over Tumblr now.
    Mom: What?
    Me: Sloths.
    Mom: What?
    Me: SLOTHS.
    Mom: Spell it for me.
    Me: S-l-o-t-h-s.
    Mom: Sloths? What is a sloth?
    Me: *laughing* You don’t know what a sloth is? Look it up.
    Mom: Okay. *a few seconds later* Oh, you mean a Folivora. See, I know it by it’s scientific name. And it’s higher classification name is a Pilosa.
    Me: You’re getting this right from Google, aren’t you?
    Mom: *laughing* Alright, if I could get into college so can you.

  5. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2013 6:50pm UTC
    My mom today:
    "Audrey, it's snowing."
    "Audrey, there's a blizzard."
    "Audrey, there is a blizzard outside. It's on every channel."
    I didn't even have to look out the window once.

  6. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2013 2:09pm UTC
    Yesterday my friends from home invited me to go skiing with them because they knew I was coming home from boarding school. They just texted me saying they already went without me. Cool. See you again in the summer. Unless you already made plans idk.

  7. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 2:48pm UTC
    everybody judges me for liking this one boy
    & i know i should ignore them
    but how am i supposed to do that when i'm in between my
    best friends and my crush?

  8. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 7:02pm UTC
    are you a magician because abracadayum

  9. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2013 7:49pm UTC
    I'm feeling an 80's movie marathon this weekend

  10. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 23, 2013 9:14am UTC
    "who are you,
    you are not a name
    or a height, or a weight
    or a gender
    you are not an age
    and you are not where you
    are from
    you are your favorite books
    and the songs stuck in your head
    you are your thoughts
    and what you eat for breakfast
    on saturday mornings
    you are a thousand things
    but everyone choses
    to see the million things
    you are not
    you are not
    where you are from
    you are
    where you're going
    and i'd like to go there

  11. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2013 5:15pm UTC
    if you wanna be my lover you gotta be in a band

  12. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2013 12:53pm UTC
    Super Hot Guy at Starbucks: "Are you coming or leaving?"
    Me: *Faints*
    Super Hot Guy at Starbucks: "Are you coming or leaving?"
    Me: "Leaving."
    Super Hot Guy at Starbucks: "Great. I guess you won't mind if I take your seat then?"
    Me: "No."
    Me: *Leaves Starbucks*

  13. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2013 10:52pm UTC
    Somebody please help me learn the first 99 numbers in pi.

  14. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2013 10:46pm UTC
    "Okay, they're coming," said Hassan. "What's your name?"
    "Okay. I'm Salinger, pronounced SalinZHAY."
    "Y'all here for the tour, are ya," Lindsey's boyfriend said.
    "Yes. I am Salinzhay," Hassan said, his accent passable if not magnificent. "This is my cousin Pierre. We visit your country for the first time, and we wish to see the Archduke, who started our- how you say- first Earth war."
    -An Abundance of Katherines, John Green

  15. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2013 10:30am UTC
    Me: "Hey. What's up?"
    Him: "What sports do you play?"
    Typical boy.

  16. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2013 8:28pm UTC
    My friend: Oh my God he just poked me on Facebook.
    Me: Oh my God he totally wants you.

  17. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2013 7:58am UTC
    The most exciting/ most embarrassing thing happened last night. I went to a school dance with my friends at another all-girls school. The boys from the all-boys schools met us there. I don't know a lot of boys like some people do because I'm pretty shy. Anyway, in the last, say...20 minutes, this cute guy started dancing with me. My friends were dancing with boys, too, so it was fine. I could tell he wanted to kiss me because he kept leaning in but it wasn't obvious. Then, his friend came over to him and told him they needed to get on the bus. So, before he left he said, "I have to leave now. Do I get a kiss?"
    Oh my God it was so embarrassing because I freaking kissed his cheek instead of his mouth because I've never kissed anyone before. He gave me a funny look so I just TOLD HIM. I JUST BLURTED IT OUT.
    I said, "I've never kissed anyone before."
    But it's fine because he smiled a little and asked me to put my name & number into his phone. Then later, he texts me and asks me why "a pretty girl like you has never kissed anyone before".
    What just happened.
    I can't even deal with myself right now.

  18. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2013 11:46pm UTC
    i need help

  19. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2013 2:09pm UTC
    *Deciding between two sweaters*
    Mom: Wear the black one. It goes with your boots.
    Me: What? This is navy!
    Mom: Are you high?

  20. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2013 2:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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