Witty Profiles

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hug me, kiss me, tell me I'm beautiful, hold me, laugh with me, laugh at me, smile, look into my eyes, hold my hand, text me first, sing to me at random moments, call me when you think I'm sad, are stupid, play with my hair, always make me smile, tickle me unexpectedly, show me off to your friends, tell me you love me for no reason, act more like a little kid than I do, give me butterflies even though we've been "together" for months, tell me everything is gonna be ok, rest you head on my shoulder, slow dance with me, always want to be touching me, make fun of yourself, put little "<3's" in the middle of your text messages, use cheesy pick up lines on me like "what's cookin' good lookin'?" on me, don't mind when I fall asleep texting you, look around when people say my name, push everyone out of the way just to be next to me for a second, make me feel so wanted, give me stupid nicknames, scream "wait for me" when I walked ahead of you, wait for me to go to class, walk me to class even though we don't even have it together, give other guys looks when I'm talking to them, you tell me cute things, look at me when something funny happens, call me "babe" randomly in a text message, know what I like without me having to tell you, know I'm not the skinniest girl but still like my body, say "I love you" instead of "love you, or ily", say "goodnight<3" when you text me, can make me smile thru a text, wave to me at your football games like you haven't seen me in forever, hug me t least 3 times before I leave a party, are so immature but you know I love you, aren't afraid to make the first move, tell my friends to move so you can sit next to me, play fight with me and let me win, actually care about me, can be "mine" and my best friend at the same time, smell good, taste like boy ;), think I'm pretty with out make up on, like my hair natural, don't want your mom talking to me about you even though I've known her longer than I've known you (and I talk to her about you all the time), act like I have no flaws, make my heart beat faster than ever, play with my toes like we're 5, call me silly, look at my eyes more than my boobs, make an effort to see me, make funny faces to cheer me up, would come to my games to see me play, notice little changes about me, can know when I'm sad, or upset, know that I will always have feelings for you, look at me like I'm a princess when I see you at Bar/Bat Mitzvahs', look for me first when it's time to slow dance, take pictures of just me and you no matter how bad both of us look, have the biggest most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, can tell what mood I'm in, make me laugh, make me cry, love me, make me love you, kiss me in the rain, call me girl, act like we're bother and sister but then the next minute we act married, take sips of my drink and know I won't care, know that no matter what you do I won't stay mad at you, would tell me it's gonna be ok if I got a bad grade on a quiz or test, felt like you were the only guy that could mess with me, thought every guy I ever dated besides him was an idiot for leaving me or stupid for not being able to stay with me, can be sweet when you want to be, actually have a sweet side to you, think I should name my daughter Stacy 'cause "I have it goin' on", lick my lip after we kiss but only if I had candy before because you wanted to taste the candy off my lips, think it's cute how I love Disney movies, smile and laugh at me for no reason at any random point in the day, speed up in the hallway to see me, say sorry about a million times if you know I'm really mad at you,learned to deal with my bitchyness, m   a    k    e       m   e          l   o  v  e          y o u

I love how you
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hug me, kiss me, tell me I'm beautiful, hold me, laugh with

14 faves · Jul 23, 2011 1:41am






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