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Fantasy and Family
Chapter 12

"I'll have scrambled eggs please," I said to the waitress.
Lucas smiled and said, "Same for me."
I looked at him and smiled sheepishly. "So, you looking forward to going back to school? We're big sophomores now!" I said to break the silence.
He laughed cutely and said, "Yeah…nah not really. I hate school."
"Me too." I said with a frown. Just then, my phone rang with a Justin Bieber ringtone singing "Baby". It read: Mom. I decided to ignore it. She knew I was out with Manda. No big deal.

Lucas and I talked for another 5 minutes until my phone vibrated telling me I had 3 new voicemails. Suprisingly, my phone didn't ring. I knew I couldn't ignore her now. I excused myself, got up from the table and walked to the bathroom.

The first one said, "Katie Anne Shaw. Where are you? Come home right now. I'm very mad! And answer my calls next time!" I laughed and said, "Oh, mother."
The second one said, "Katie, please come home right now. Please." She sounded like she was whispering, yet crying. I started to get worried and decided not to listen to the last one and go straight home.

I walked back to the table to tell Lucas that I had to go and headed towards the door.
"Wait, i'll drive you." Lucas said.
I ignored him and started speed-walking around the corner to my house. I didn't know what I was going to find at my house when I opened the door. Since I was panting from walking so fast, I decided to walk slowly the rest of the way. Eventually, I was there outside my average-sized house. I braced myself, opened the door and dropped my bag.

I looked up and saw a figure shaped like a man. I stopped.
Dead in my tracks. I was frozen.

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Fantasy and Family Chapter 12 "I'll have scrambled

1 faves · 1 comments · Jun 30, 2011 9:41pm






carata711 · 1 decade ago
Who is it ahhh !!

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