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Fantasy And Family
Chapter 4
(title is subject to change)

I woke up around 8:30 to find no one in the hotel room.
"Great, they went to breakfast without me," I said to myself. I rolled my eyes and threw my hair up in a messy bun. i put on a white shirt, blue sweatpants, and flip-flops and headed out the door to find my mom.
As soon as I walked down the hall, I remembered that I forgot my phone. So i sprinted back, only to find Lucas walking down the hall.
"Oh. Hey..Katie," he said as if he didn't remember my name.
I was surprised, "Hi Lucas."
"Why are you up so early?"
"I'm trying to find my mom. They went to breakfast without me."
He laughed, "Well, today's your lucky day because I'm about to go eat. Wanna come?"
I smiled, "Sure."
Lucas was the sweetest boy I ever met. We talked over some bagels and orange juice. We got to know each other really well. I learned he lives near me and goes to a school about a half hour away from mine. He has 3 sisters, no brothers. We are both sophomores and love the Phillies.
"So, you go to East Creek, right?" he asked me.
"Yeah, I do. It sucks though."
He laughed adorably and said, "I know. I hate my school too. But, do you know Joey Hanson?"
I bit my lip and managed to say, "Yeah…. I do. How do you know him?"
"He's on my baseball team. You into him?" he asked and winked.
"Uhh.. no," I laughed and smiled.
We finished up our bagels and he walked me back to my room. I could hear my family inside since they were so loud.
"So, uh.. could I uh.. have your number?" he blushed and smiled.
"Sure," I said with the biggest smile ever.
We exchanged numbers and he hugged me goodbye. I went inside the room and got ready for the park. I could not stop thinking about Lucas and how sweet he was. I knew we would be great friends.

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Fantasy And Family Chapter 4 (title is subject to change) I woke

2 faves · Jun 17, 2011 9:44pm






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