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You dont have to read this but,,,
it would mean alot. one of my friends(a boy) is saying that he is going to commit suiside by hanging himself. ive talked alot of people outta it before. but he just wont listen. He told me his dad abuses him.and everyone hates him..i told him not everyone. i also said i could count on my witty girls to get me 100 favorites thats ALL hes looking for. So you dont have to beilive me but i would NEVER lie about anything like that. you guys dont know how much stress is on me to get 100 favorites so please for him.if your reading this

i love yoou.
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You dont have to read this but,,, it would mean alot. one of

1250 faves · 59 comments · Jun 12, 2011 6:24pm






sophxoxo · 1 decade ago
i was in the same mindset for a long time, but my friends (and witty) got me through my depression. there was a lot of family problems, and my older brother took his life. please tell him that it wont be worth it. things always get better.
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taayxox · 1 decade ago
lol *cough* liar *cough*
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SheDreamer · 1 decade ago
so you think that killing yourself would make everything better? you're wrong. Our life isn't our own. If he has siblings, tell him to think of them. if he goes away, who's his dad gonna abuse next? he has to stay for his siblings' sake. tell him he has to think of you. if he dies, who will be your friend? he has to stay for your sake. tell him that it takes a strong heart to leave, but a stronger heart to stay when things get tough.
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SpkShay182 · 1 decade ago
tell him to look right infront of him and see who went out of her way to try to care for him<3 ur a great friend u kno tell him hes lucky because not that many ppl are like that now in the world
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xtrame · 1 decade ago
i hope he dosn't that would be like really sad
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iloveyoucheese · 1 decade ago
f you think its a lie go ahead its NOT gunna affect me. your ovisily a mean person NOT to beilive this..i would never ever lie about something like so hop offf!
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CH_MP_5_7_11_LOVE · 1 decade ago

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bam_margera13 · 1 decade ago
999th person to fave this. hail satin
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tiredofyou · 1 decade ago
such a lie
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MariahMadison · 1 decade ago
Tell him life has ups and downs, lots of them.. and ive questioned suicide here and there.. but, its only a temorary fix. youu hurt more people than you think by commiting it..
my friend sydney sanders hung herself almost three months ago.. . please just please tell him its not the answer.
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livelaughlove1995 · 1 decade ago
I was in this situation friday night and I honetsly didn't know what to do/say. I lost it and so did he. He is still here with us. Hopefully you convinced him not tooo!
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livelaughlove1995 · 1 decade ago
I was in this situation friday night and I honetsly didn't know what to do/say. I lost it and so did he. He is still here with us. Hopefully you convinced him not tooo!
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memories4ever · 1 decade ago
tell him i love him ♥ with all of my heart.
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keeponsmiling · 1 decade ago
stay strong <3 im here if you ever want to talk!
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princessraja · 1 decade ago
Tell him to stay strong<3
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heytherepolarbear · 1 decade ago
Someone in my town comitted suicide by hanging himself November 15th, 2010, and the town was completely devastated and is still healing to this day. Please, please make sure he doesn't do this. Best wishes, stay strong♥
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MsConfident · 1 decade ago
tell him no matter what happens Jesus loves him so much he hung on a cross for him. and we all care about him too! When life is the most horrible it could ever be, thats a great place, because it can only get better < 3
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sweetcatie43 · 1 decade ago
I trust youuu; Tell him TONS of people care. I know i do, and i don't know him. Everyone has special things about themselves. Even him. He's amazing i bet. Keep your head up. Both of you. (:
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ems_xo · 1 decade ago
remember that life has its ups and downs but the ups always last longer than the downs and it will always get better, promise him, swear down that suicide is cowardly. How would his friends and family feel if he just opted out like that? selfish. thats right, taking away your problems and just piling them on someone else. Not fair, selfish, call it what you will but i think its sick. Suicide should never even be CONSIDERED as an option. no doubt about it.
this comment isnt supposed to be harsh, but it is supposed to be true and i can tell you now that if he commites suicide there will be a lot of people who wont forgive him. There were two people at my school who commited suicde last year, during the same week, in the same year, and i knew them both. You should have seen the PAIN the whole school was in, their families and especially their friends. You have one problem or one bad day and you put so much pain and hurt on to so many people for the rest of theirs lives, how do you want to be remembered? as the amazing handsom grandad who got along with everyone and had a great life, or as a cowardly teenager who ended their life short and hurt everyone else in the process?
just think about it, please.
i dont want to see anyone get hurt.

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xoalicecullenxo · 1 decade ago
i'm always here for him if he wants to talk!
email me if he waants;
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jillybean · 1 decade ago
tell him to stay stong♥
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