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You Can Be My Queen
Chapter 11.
Jessica's POV.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!!" I said while the guy was getting the air balloon set up. Ever since I was a little kid, I've always wondered what it felt like to be in something floating in the air. Now I'll know.
"How much does this cost?" Justin asked. He asked it like he just had to know, but not like cost was an issue. Justin's the only boyfriend I've had that isn't ever worried about money. Well, I can see why. He has his share of money.
"70 dollars." The guy said. I thought that was kind of cheap. Justin slipped him 120.
"Oh, you gave me extra." The guy said, giving Justin 50 dollars back. Justin shook his head.
"No, keep it."
"You sure?" He asked him.
"Yup." Justin said as the balloon puffed up.
"Go ahead!" The guy said, opening the little door in the side. Justin and I walked on. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah!" I said. I was so excited! He let us go but there was still a rope so we didn't take off too fast. He gave us a tutorial how to make sure we didn't do anything wrong. When we were set, he let the rope go. We floated away. The land beneath us got smaller and smaller. I didn't even know that people had crowded around us, taking pictures.
"This is nice." I said. I looked over the edge. I'm not afraid of heights at all, so it was really cool.
"Yeah, it is." He said. "Let me take a picture of you." He said, kind of randomly.
"Okaay." I said. I went against the wall and smiled. He snapped a picture.
"Let me get one of you." I said to him. He did the same thing. He smiled and I hit the camera button. When we got done with that, I took a picture of the both of us, the world spread out behind us. Justin took a picture on his phone too. I tweeted the picture.
"can you guess where we are?" I attached the picture. Justin looked like he was tweeting also, because he was typing. I was surprised that there was even connection up here. Only one bar, but it was still something. I looked at his Twitter. He tweeted.
"@TheOfficialJessicaBieber and I turned into superheros...we learned how to fly (:"
Our picture was also attached to his. I checked my mentions.
"OMG. you're on a hot air balloon, @TheOfficialJessicaBieber"
"Hey, look who I found floating through the air! @JustinBieber and @TheOfficialJessicaBieber didn't expect to see that one when I woke up this morning..."

There was a picture attached of the air balloon floating. I RTed some of the people. I put my phone away when the connection went away.
"Wow." I whispered, looking over the edge. Justin came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and we stood there for a little.
"This is romantic, huh?" He said into my ear. He kissed my neck and my shoulder.
"Well, it is when you do that."
"It would be more romantic if you kissed back." He said in an irresistible voice. I turned around in his arms.
"Oh, would it?" I asked him in a teasing voice.
"Yeah, it would actually." He said. I smiled and leaned into kiss him. I smiled at him when we pulled away. Who would have ever thought that I'd be in a hot-air balloon with Justin Bieber? Well, dreams really do come true.

*we can go nowhere but up from here, my dear. so tell me what you gotta fear.

:D:D:D:D THANK YOU FOR ALL THE FAVES LATELY...don't i feel special? uhh, you know ittt!
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You Can Be My Queen Chapter 11. Jessica's POV. "Oh my

79 faves · 10 comments · May 17, 2011 6:00pm






beautifulx · 1 decade ago
love these stories! i mean, im not the biggest fan of justin bieber, i mean i like his music & he's incredibly hot! but i love this story. i've been hooked since chapter 1 of You can be my Queen! because i love the song Dr.Bieber. ♥ I just have a few suggestions ! ; 1 ) after Jessica & Justin get back from there honey moon, Jessica should be pregnant! :x 2) Justin & Jessica should write a song. [not a legit one, but i think you can come up with some lyrics!) 3) Keep writing, you're great! Love you Beautiful:)
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Apage · 1 decade ago
love ittt!! very much
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_Rhi_ · 1 decade ago
i wanna ride in a hot air balloon now :D
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DreamBigLoveLong · 1 decade ago
You deserve the faves missy! Wow don't i sound stupid?? O well, love it!
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fanofrenee · 1 decade ago
:):):) BEST.STORY.EVERR.(:(:(:
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luckylady11 · 1 decade ago
u should get more faves
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ittsssmekate · 1 decade ago
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ToxicBubbles · 1 decade ago
Why wouldn't you be getting all these faves, your story is amazing! :D
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KARLiROSE · 1 decade ago
you deserve all the faves you've been getting, your story is just so good! :D
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penguinluv · 1 decade ago
faving is a pleasure:)
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