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DayThree:8 ways to win my heart
1. Do not call me a genius.
2. Just talk to me, in person. I hate it when guys just talk in text and then ignore you in person.
3. Do not compliment me. If you must, then do not over do it.
4. If you are going to play a game with your friends, invite me to play with you..even if I say no, it still feels good to be wanted.
5. Only say something if you truly mean it. For example, if you are apologizing for something and you don't mean it, don't bother.
6. Go ahead, make fun of me..I find this hilarious. Just don't get to the point where it is hurtful.
7. Do not try to compete with me in everything. And if you do win in a competition, do not go way over the top with the celebrations.
8. There is no need for extravagant plans. I am perfectly happy with just walking around or just playing a game of some sort (like soccer or football).

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DayThree:8 ways to win my heart 1. Do not call me a genius. 2.

1 faves · Mar 25, 2011 11:12pm






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