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Fears, Tears, & Beers
Part 5

I made it to the bus JUST in time. I sat down and plopped down my stuff. As I did that, a bunch of papers flew out. "UGH!!!!" I yelled. I started mumbling to myself as I collected my stuff from the floor. Someone picked up my Drawing Notebook. "Hey, that's m--!" I looked up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." It was John. He held it out for me. I took it and smiled. "Thanks. Um, sorry for barkin' at you there. It's just ... private." I put it in my bag. "So, um ..." He sat down. "Ricky's having a party this Friday. Ricky Louis. You coming?" John asked. I finished picking up my books and pencils, then sat beside him. "Yeah, I am." I smiled at him. I noticed Carmen sitting in the seat diagonal from us. She gave me an evil stare. Oh God.
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Fears, Tears, & Beers Part 5 I made it to the bus JUST in

8 faves · 1 comments · Mar 7, 2011 7:11pm






Mockingjay · 1 decade ago
Please write more :D
I'm reading all four of your stories, so I'd be happy if you posted on either one of them x]
They're all really good, you're a real talent!
Doesn't it get confusing writing them all at the same time?
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