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Orange Eyes
Part 19

So he's .. gone, I thought to myself in chemistry class. I wasn't paying attention at all during school. At lunch, I sat with Terry. "Hey. How was your break?" She asked. I stared at the food in front of me, instantly losing my appetite. "Um ... fine ..." I replied. The lunch room was packed and louder than usual. I spotted Zack. "Hey!" I called out. Terry pushed aside her light brown hair and turned towards me. "I got 4 new movies. We are gonna have a movie night this Saturday!!!" She practically screamed. I nodded. Zack walked over to us. "Hi Terry." He said. "Whateverr." Terry turned away and began eating her salad. "Ugh, c'mon guys! You've been fighting since the 8th grade!" I told both of them. They didn't say anything. "Just try to be nicer to each other. Promise?" I asked. They grumbled. Close enough.

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Orange Eyes Part 19 So he's .. gone, I thought to myself

5 faves · Mar 4, 2011 6:04pm






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