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Fears, Tears, & Beers
Part 2

Later on, me and Carmen hung out at my house. She sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I went to the kitchen to get us both a cookie. "So Ricky is having a party this Friday. You going?" Carmen asked from the other room. "Party at Ricky's? Friday? I don't know if my parents would let me ..." I said, opening a container of cookies. "Well, I'm going. I hear John's going too." She smiled. I grinned and threw a chocolate drizzle cookie at her. "Shut up."
*          *          *          *          *
Carmen left after a few hours of talking about the party, playing Wii Sports, and finishing our homework. At dinner, I brought the party up. "So, um, there's a party Friday. Can I go?" I asked sheepishly. I poked my turkey. "Party? Who's house?" My dad asked, with a mouthful of mashed potatoes and gravy. I took a sip of water. "Ricky's." I sliced off a little of my turkey and put it in my mouth. Yum. "Ricky?! Ricky Louis?! No. I'm sorry, but no. That boy is one hundred percent trouble, Violet." My mom said. I slammed my fork down. "BUT MOM--!" I yelled. She gently put her fork down. "No!" I finished eating my turkey and potatoes and stormed up to my room. I was going to that party Friday. One way or another, I will.
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Fears, Tears, & Beers Part 2 Later on, me and Carmen hung

6 faves · Mar 4, 2011 5:53pm






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