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i'm just doing a survey.
 who here on witty supports
  gay rights?
 (i do. i believe love knows no gender.)

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i'm just doing a survey. who here on witty supports gay rights?

593 faves · 85 comments · Feb 28, 2011 5:26pm






Soda71227 · 1 decade ago
The bible also says that you can't get tattoos and that women have to keep their hair covered and that the punishment for not being a virgin when you get married is execution and a whole bunch of other stuff people don't follow
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brittneigh_ · 1 decade ago
This makes me mad more than anything. People are PEOPLE. Get the over it. I support this 10000000x1234567890. Like honestly, people are people. There's nothing wrong with it. I went to a camp, Bible camp, and they're saying "it's not wrong, but it's not what God wants" or whatever. Personally, I didn't pay attention. No one should care wether or not anyone is gay. It's their life. It doesn't change your life, does it? No. Does it affect how you live? No. Does it change ANYTHING about you? Not at all. Seriously, get the over it. I'm tired of hearing about people being against it. No one that is gay has a right to be treated so harsh for their way of living. It's their life style, not yours.
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xSugar · 1 decade ago
Respect what people don't believe in and maybe they'll respect what you do believe in. NO ONE has the right to tell another person who they can and can't love. I am Catholic but I think everyone should open up their mind a little bit and make their own informed decision.
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Hannahxo · 1 decade ago
Don't like gay marriages? Cool. DON'T GET ONE. I hate how people are taking away other people's rights just because they don't believe in it. That's okay if you don't believe it, I understand completely, but that gives you no right to say gays can't marry. They love who they love. What if you were in love and some group of people said, oh you can't marry him/her because it's wrong? Would you find someone new to love? OF COURSE NOT. Because you LOVE that person. So, please, if you don't support gay marriages, then just don't get one.
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Xobri96Xo · 1 decade ago
Will all of you just shut up?

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amandamccann · 1 decade ago
God made people to marry the opposite not the same so its wrong. I absolutely one hundred percent against gay marriage but i dont have anything against them.
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rawr_ima_kitty239 · 1 decade ago
I completly support it! I've always wanted a gay friend to shop with and crap(:
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ktb19 · 1 decade ago
theres no reason to hate on gay people. love is love no matter the gender.God loves everyone no matter what. It's like saying blondes can't date blondes and brunettes can't date brunettes. i support it 100% Imagine someone telling you oh you can't love him her or that kid over there because you have things in common. so haters...it is your opinion,but gay people have rights like all of us. just saying my opinion.
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runaway_from_reality · 1 decade ago
I support Gay Marriage & to the people who don't, see life from gay people's point of view.
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Emo_Skittle_Juice · 1 decade ago
Well like Gay people are really cool and fun because gay guys are always fun to be around and they don't say like disqusting stuff (Usually) and they understand girls better. I mean im Bi and whatever (btw I like guys just a smidge more) but yea and for all of you idiots who are like gay people are weird how about get to know one? I have 5 gay guy friends and they help me shop at Hot Topic for all my stuff. They help me SHOP. Who doesnt love gays?
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alyssaalyssa · 1 decade ago
I support gays 100% I'm not gay, they're still people just like you and I, they just aren't attracted to the opposite . Saying you don't support gays because of your religion is bs. Every religion that i know of is complete b freakin s. You can say go to hell or whatever the hell you want but seriously that doesn't exist it never did, it never will. Guess what? hell, is the core of the earth. "heaven" is the atmosphere. just my oppinion. You asked for an opinion and that's what you got. Don't judge mee yo.
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Shadeyboo · 1 decade ago
i'm not for it but i'm not against it. The people who are gay can't help that. but they can choose Jesus, & be healed & forgiven. But I also love everyone. & if you choose to be gay thats your decisions; not mine to judge. I love you.

& for the supporters if you don't agree then cool. but yelling at people who don't agree isnt going to change they're mind. in fact it might just be hurting your own cause.
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verymadison4 · 1 decade ago
its doesnt mean we dont want them to be happy...i want people to be happy i would never change that...i just think its wrong. no hate.
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ShannonCullen2 · 1 decade ago
I love gays. I'm a Christian. And my second religion is Lady Gaga. She is seriously my hero. She wants everybody to be accepted as who they are, because who they are, is beautiful. Quote here... "Because God makes no mistakes." Although the Bible says same marriages are not okay, religion and government are NOT supposed to mix! Isn't it in the Constitution?! I'm not positive but politics and church are supposed to be seperate. THAT is why they should be able to get married. It honestly doesn't mean a thing that I extremely believe they should be able to get married, it doesn't seem to help that millions of people support them either. But the Constitution DOES help. Even if you disagree with it, please at least let them be happy. They go through enough, they deserve it.
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verymadison4 · 1 decade ago
JessforJesus is correct.
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antonia2014 · 1 decade ago
all u damn people who are agianst this are the wrong ones!!!!! my momS (emfficece on the s)are getting married in may!!!! they have more love than my dad and my mom did. I strongly dislike all of u who hate gays or lesians.it doesnt matter wat in the hell the bible said. oh and whoever said that we "who agreee with it will burn in hell" well wat the F*** are u thinking...honestly i want to know y u think this. so u can comment on my page but wat ever u do dont hate on my moms. im done for now.

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JessforJesus · 1 decade ago
I have nothing against them. But me PERSONALLY, I disagree. I don't disagree with the other people's choices, I am just not that way. It's against my religon and values, morals, etc. There's no hate here, and for most of the comments there is not hate either. This person asked for opinions, and they got them. Try and respect others' opinions, don't try and tell them they're wrong or stupid or haters. Because we aren't and you aren't. Everyone has an opinion, so let them share it without all the drama and the negativity. There's no right or wrong answer, it's a SURVEY.
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verymadison4 · 1 decade ago
looks like somebodys full of themselves freaking ninja pickle!!!!!! nobody cares if ur bi. its wrong anyways. u will rot in hell for saying god isnt real. have fun.
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pickle_ninja · 1 decade ago
totally 10000000% agreeing with shmimmers18 & BeautifulLove , i've already stated my opinion, now its time to talk to an . @xobrookealexis24 "so yu hate me? well, im pretty sure i was born this way. now its about god? HA! a buncha guys made the bible, who were all homophobic shitheads. im bi, im pretty sure i can repopulate still. HA! not normal? so im like- an alien er sumthing? im abnormal, im crazy, theres no one else like me? 1 out of every 4 people is gay. im bi, im not a , i dont talk like that, i just like both genders. & if people ARE that way, so be it! let them be! they're living their lives! just having fun! yu want us all to laze around & bore ourselves to sleep all day? you. its not wrong. im pretty sure if you say you HATE all gay ppl, just for being who they are, thats selfish, arrogant, rude, and DEFINITELY homophobic. a man to kiss another man, have with him, and love him, is discusting and unnatural to you? well you discust the living outta me & most gays on here as well. you're unnatural cause doesnt god want us to all be nice to each other? GOTCHA THERE, HUN. god is not real. i just "got on your " about it anyway. screw yu & yer unnatural opinions. & idfc if yu dont change yer "ways", i just wanted to tell yu off. .
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verymadison4 · 1 decade ago
you idiots who say non supporters are wrong and have no right to post and say their wrong...WTF? REALLY? Its opinion, morons, no right answer. so stop being no it all snobs. Everybody has a right to have an opinion so stfu if you have a problem with that. I DONT SUPPORT ONCE AGAIN! God meant to have a WOMEN and a MAN to keep generations going. its just plain wrong to have it otherwise. k...? thanks.
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