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  by: iwishiwasdifferent
 CHAPTER 1: (part 2)
Sam's P.O.V
It was 2 in the morning and I was lying in bed with April.
I couldn't sleep. I had too many things running through my mind.
April was asleep, breathing softly next to me.
I wrapped my arms around her waist, and felt her pregnant belly.
I missed you so much when you were gone...
Months had passed since we reunited, but i still felt like i had just found her again, and i would do anything to keep her.
I felt a little kick on my hand.
I smiled. Our baby was growing fast. I had a feeling it was going to be a girl. My little baby girl. It was still shocking that i was gunna be a dad. But I knew I wanted  April to have this baby, and I would keep them both safe.
I felt a light squeeze on my hand and saw that April was gently holding my hand on her stomach.
"Sam..." She whispered, turning her head to look at me with a sleepy smile on her face.
I leaned forward and kissed her cheek,
"Don't worry, keep sleeping."
She breathed out and I closed my eyes.
April's P.O.V:
when I woke up, I had horrible morning sickness.
I stumbled out of bed and ran into the bathroom, my stomach lurching.
I kneeled on the cold tile floor and threw up.
Being pregnant was annoying as hell.
And I still had four months of discomfort to go until my little baby was ready to come out.
Don't get me wrong, i loved feeling my baby growing and changing, but i just wanted to see her. I just wanted her to be out, where I could hold her and cradle her.
I flushed the toilet and got up and brushed my teeth, then leaned against the wall, exhausted.
Sam walked into the bathroom. His hair was messy and he looked disheveled.
"Morning sleepyhead." I said, and smiled wearily.
"You okay?" He asked, looking at me concerned.
"Yeah, just morning sickness."

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DISGRACE. (sequel to BRUISED) by: iwishiwasdifferent CHAPTER

28 faves · Feb 27, 2011 11:21am






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