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welcome to my life
chapter 1

I opened my eyes to a lovely saturday morning, and ran outside. It was summer, and I was free to do whatever. Not that my foster parents would care, they hardly have time to even say hi to me. I've never had a parent figure though, so I'm used to it. I ran over to the dock and sat on the edge, dipping my toes into the water. I swung my legs back and forth, water splashing everywhere. I felt the sunshine on my freckled nose, and my blonde hair was lighter than usual, that's just what summer does to it. I stared out over the lake, seeing fish occasionally skim the top of the water. I got up, and went back inside. I got ready, and decided to run up to my brother's shop. He's 27, and he owns a car shop. His name is Jason. He's not my real brother, but I consider him it. I pushed open the shop doors, and walked inside.
"Ay, Christy! You're here!" Jose, one of his workers, shouted from behind a car.
"Little sis!" Jason said. "What's up?" He smiled.
"Nothing, just bored."
"Oh. How's Sue and Peter treating you?"
"The same, you know." I looked at the ground and he frowned. Jason was muscular, with brown hair and green eyes.
"Well you're always welcome to hang out here if you'd like." I smiled that I always had a place to go. All the guys at the shop always had my back.

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welcome to my life chapter 1 I opened my eyes to a lovely saturday

7 faves · Feb 25, 2011 4:08pm






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