Witty Profiles

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Part 8:

I woke up the next morning at 9:30. Nobody was up in my house, so I was happy that I had silence in my house. I went downstairs and made myself a bagel and sat and watched TV. My mom came down at about 10 and started making breakfast for Jared. I told her that I was going to go upstairs and take a shower. John texted me at 10:30 and told me that he would come pick me up at 1. I responded back okay. I got back into my room and got dressed. I wore short jean shorts and a shirt that made my boobs look hug. I hoped
that he was a guy that noticed stuff like that lol :) I got dressed and then I straightened my hair. My hair actually went really straight today. I was happy. I put my necklace on that is actually really pretty. I did my makeup, not too much but a perfect amount. I looked at the clock and it was only 12:30. Ugh , 30 more minutes. I went downstairs and I told my brother that I would play him in xbox. It was almost 1 because I kept looking at the clock. The game ended a little before it was time to go. John texted me and said that he was parked on the end of the block and he was waiting. I told my mom that I was walking to Amanda's that was around the block from me. I kissed her goodbye and told her that I would text her later.  I saw his car parked only a few houses down and I was really excited. I got in the car.

part 9 coming up soon [:
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Part 8: I woke up the next morning at 9:30. Nobody was up in

0 faves · 4 comments · Feb 24, 2011 5:12pm






daisysmazy123 · 1 decade ago
continue pleasee!!!
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Forgotten_Love · 1 decade ago
I Love this Story Continuee Girll :)
I wanna keep reading about what happens(:
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DreamBigLoveLong · 1 decade ago
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DreamBigLoveLong · 1 decade ago
wtf?! Wheres part 89 gurl?! ;)
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