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Summer 2011.
Here's to the short shorts, with soaked bikinis below.
To the bug eyed sunglass, & burning sun against us.
Here's to the witches who will be talking crap.
To the late night phone calls, and daily walks that
smell like sunscreen, & cheese puffs. To the sticky
fingers from those long popcicles that taste so good.
To the seven day long sleepovers with the girls.
To finding romance,&actually working on staying in love.

Nah forget that love stuff, let's just have some fun.
To watching scary movies with storms surrounding you.
To the tans, [fake ones, and real ones] that won't fade.

To no school, what can get any better then that.
To those tears, of happiness, and even the sad ones too.
Ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner + in between.

To staying up late, my day is gonna end at 6 AM!
To sleeping in, cause I wont get up till at least 1 PM.
To the public pools, well the ones with that cute life guard.

To big purses, to makeup, to everything we need.
I already can tell this is going to be oh soo greeaaattttt!!!

To make a scene in our polka dot bikinis babe,
I want summer, I need summer. I'm craving summer.
To the same season, new year.

Oh summer 2011, you're going to change my life.

(not mine)
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Summer 2011. Here's to the short shorts, with soaked bikinis

365 faves · 2 comments · Feb 10, 2011 8:51pm






xoGAMERCHICKx3 · 1 decade ago
I wish I were a bear, so I could just hibernate the winter away... ♥ This makes me so excited.
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arh1012 · 1 decade ago
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