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Through My Eyes - Spring Break
Chapter 18 - The Party Part 3

Kayla's POV
I danced with Dominick for the whole party. He was sooo adorable. He would slow dance with me during the fast songs, and wrap his arms around my waist. I looked into his eyes.
"Kayla, I love you. I missed you when we stopped being friends. Remember the promise we made each other in 4th grade? Friends forever? Well we broke it. But I'm ready to make a new promise."
"Are you now?" I giggled.
"Yes. Kayla, promise me. You'll be mine forever."
"I promise." I kissed him on the lips as we slow danced.

Austin's POV
Since Baylee doesn't like me anymore, I found a new girl. I pulled her out onto the dance floor, and danced with her.
"Christi. I really like you." I told her.
"I like you too Austin." I pulled her in for a quick kiss.
"Oh crap, I have to go!"
"What, why?"
"I have a curfew." She grabbed a pen and scribbled her number on my hand, and she ran out. She dropped her phone on her way out, and I picked it up. How was I supposed to call her, when I had her phone?

Jake's POV
I ran out of the house and sat on the sand. How could Kayla kiss somebody? I heard someone sit down on the sand next to me, and turned my head.
"Jake, I'm really sorry. I just can't stand the idea of someone else being with you, and I got jealous. I wanted you to feel the way I felt when Chelsea was flirting with you." I turned to face her. How could I say no to those eyes?
"Roxie. I love you. I've never felt this way for a girl before. I'm used to being the player, but I feel like you made me hang up my jersey. You're the only girl I want to be with." She grabbed my hand.
"I'm sorry." She whispered. I leaned against her, and she could tell I forgave her. I kissed her passionately. She bit her lip. I got up, and pulled her behind me. We went for a walk along the beach.

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Through My Eyes - Spring Break Chapter 18 - The Party Part 3

8 faves · 2 comments · Feb 6, 2011 4:13pm






writemeastory · 1 decade ago
ohh sorry typo.
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starzofthesea · 1 decade ago
I thought that Roxie was the one who kissed Christian not Kayla? ........

Jake's POV
I ran out of the house and sat on the sand. How could Kayla kiss somebody? I heard someone sit down on the sand next to me, and turned my head.
"Jake, I'm really sorry. I just can't stand the idea of someone else being with you, and I got jealous. I wanted you to feel the way I felt when Chelsea was flirting with you." I turned to face her. How could I say no to those eyes?
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