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Through My Eyes - Spring Break
Chapter 15 - The Party Invitations

Dominick's POV
"Dude, guys! We should throw a huge party!" I suggested.
"Yeah, dude! But theres only 10 of us." Austin said.
"We can go to the beach and invite some hot chicks."  Carson said.
"Yeah! Are you girls up for it?" I asked.
"Only if we can invite some hot guys." smiled Amber. So we all broke up into teams to go invite some people to our party. I was with Carson. We decided to walk the boardwalk.
"Cute blonde to the left." Carson said.
"Hey, I'm Dominick." I went right up to her.
"Oh hey. You're pretty cute. By the way, mines Lily. Who's your friend?" she said.
"Carson." I replied.
"You are pretty cute too, Carson." she smiled.
"Well, we're having a party tonight at our beach house. Wanna come?" I asked her
"Sounds awesome!"
"You can invite some friends if you want to, we're looking for people to invite."
"Okay, I will!" We gave her our address and went to find more people. We invited a guy named Drake and 2 girls named Lexi and Eliza. That makes 4. We went back to the house, our job was about done. Especially if they invited their friends like we said.

Baylee's POV
I was with Kayla for the party search. We walked along the beach, and saw some guys playing football. There was at least 5 of them.
"Hey guys." I yelled out to them. They all stopped playing and turned to face me.
"Party tonight at my place? By the way I'm Baylee." I put on my cutest smile.
"Sure." One guy came right up to me. He was tan, with green eyes, and short brown hair. He was really muscular. "By the way, I'm Luke." He said.
"Well, Luke. You and all your friends can come." He told me all their names. The shortish redhead was Justin, the super tall blonde was Christian, the super muscular black haired one was named Liam, and then there was a brunette with skater hair named Dylan. I gave him the address and waved goodbye flirtatiously.
"Well that's 5 people down." Kayla laughed.
"We need some more girls, because we can't have all guys!" I said. We invited 3 girls named Katie, Devin, and Anna. Then, we invited another guy named Mike. We went back to the house, 9 people is a lot.

Roxie's POV
Amber came out with me. We hung out at the snack shop, and invited every cool person who came in.
"Hey, I'm Amber." She said to a guy.
"I'm Ian." He said. He had dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes.
"You wanna come to my party tonight?"
"Sounds cool, can I invite some of my friends?"
"Totally, go ahead! How many, do you think?"
"Um, maybe 4?"
"Cool. See you later, Ian." She flirted with him MAJORLY. He left. That's 5 people down. We invited 2 more guys named Owen and Tommy. Then a girl named Chelsea. That makes 8 people! We went back to the house after that.

Jake's POV
Austin went with me, and we invited 6 super hot chicks. Christi, Kathryn, Alyssa, Phoebe, Erica, and Elli. Then 2 dudes named Josh and Wendall. That makes 8, so we went back to the house. Alicia and John invited 3 guys, 3 girls. Our total party amount was 35 people, but if they invite friends, it could be even more. We set up for the party, some regular drinks and I put out some alcoholic beverages. Might as well have fun, right? We locked all of our bedroom doors except the spare ones, and put on some sick music. Before we knew it, people started arriving.

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Through My Eyes - Spring Break Chapter 15 - The Party Invitations

9 faves · Feb 6, 2011 9:40am






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