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Summer Lovin’
-Chapter 28-
*Max’s POV

That was one of the scariest moments of my life. When she yelled my name, I knew that I could save her. The image of the water slowly dragging her back with it kept playing in my mind as she slept in my arms. I slowly faded into a deep sleep and woke up the next morning. I turned over to see Alyssa cuddled up against my chest; she looked so cute when she was asleep. I kissed her on the head and inhaled her strawberry scent that drove me crazy. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled, “Hi.” She said, “Hi.” I said laughing. “Guess what?” she asked, “What?” “I love you.” She said propping her self up on me, I looked at her for a minute, noticing how beautiful she was. Her hair was wavy and had gotten lighter with the sun. Her eyes were the brownest eyes I’d ever seen and they were beautiful. Her lips were just the right shade of pink, and she had a few freckles along her face. “You’re beautiful Alyssa, and I love you too.” I told her smiling. We went upstairs and ate our cereal and went to enjoy the last month of our summer together, I liked the sound of that, our summer.

*Alyssa’s POV

After breakfast, Max and I decided to go shopping. I put on my favorite shorts, a black tank top and my black and white sneakers. (http://www.polyvore.com/blackandwhiteeee/set?id=27898365) We walked up the street and into the smoothie café and ordered some drinks. When we sat down, I noticed a pack of boys staring at Max and I; Max’s face was tense. “Everything ok?” I asked him nervously, he shook his head no. “We gotta go.” He said and walked me out the door. 
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Summer Lovin’ -Chapter 28- *Max’s POV That was one

16 faves · Feb 5, 2011 6:21pm






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