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Summer Lovin’
-Chapter 26-


I slowly walked over to Bryan’s bed and knelt beside Taylor. “What happened?” I asked her, her face was red and puffy from crying. “We were walking in town, and then this car came out of no where and he pushed me out of the way and it hit him.” She said crying, I pulled her in and hugged her. The doctor came in and we stood up, Taylor wiped her tears away and asked the doctor if he was going to be ok. “It’s hard to tell, he was hit pretty hard. All we can do is wait.” He said and then walked out the door, my parents came in with Jaime and my mom started to cry. My dad held her tight and we all took a seat, waiting. After a few hours, the kids got something to eat while my parents stayed with Bryan. When it got late, we all went home, except for Taylor, she decided to stay with my parents. I hugged my mom and dad and kissed Bryan’s cheek and walked out of the hospital. ‘Oh God, please let my brother be ok.’



*Taylor’s POV


A few days had gone by and I was still at the hospital with Bryan’s parents. I couldn’t leave him; I may never get to see him again. This past month has been amazing with him; he was the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. When his parents left the room for a minute, I knelt down beside him and talked to him. “Hey Bry, I know you may not hear this but I just want to say it anyway. I love you. Ever since I met you, I stopped cutting. I know I never told you, but my dad used to abuse me. So, I came down here to escape from all that, and met you. From day one you’ve treated me like a princess and I’m so thankful to have you. Bryan I love you please wake up, please. Please don’t go, don’t leave your family, friends, and everyone who loves you. You can make anyone smile even when they’re having a terrible day, I would know. Please wake up Bryan.” I told him as he lay there with his eyes closed. Beep, beep, beep. The beeps mocked me and started to tear up. Right as I was about to run out crying I heard a faint moan, I turned around and couldn’t believe what I saw. Bryan’s eyes were open; I ran over to him and hugged him as the tears poured out of my eyes. “Taylor.” He whispered and wrapped his arms around me, I broke apart and looked at him, “You’re ok.” I said starting to cry again. “Because of you.” He said and smiled a little bit. I kissed his cheek and ran to go get his parents, when I found them in the food court I yelled, “He’s awake!” They dropped their food and we ran back to Bryan who was now sitting up. “My baby!” Mrs. Walker screeched and ran over to Bryan, “I’m ok mom.” He said a little embarrassed, I decided to leave them alone and call Alyssa.


*Alyssa’s POV


“Max get up!” I yelled as I hung up the phone. “What is it!” He yelled running into my room, I was putting clothes on as I replied, “Bryan’s awake!” He smiled and ran back to his room to change, I grabbed the keys and drove to the hospital to see my little brother. We ran to his room and he was talking to my parents and Taylor. I gave him the biggest hug that I had ever given him, “Bryan!” I yelled as I let go of him, “Hey sis.” he said smiling. The doctor came in and said that Bryan was free to go and we all piled in the car like a happy little family. My mom, Jaime, Taylor, and I decided to make dinner to celebrate Bryan coming home. We made his favorite; meatloaf, potatoes, corn, and triple chocolate cake. We all stuffed our faces and the boys cleaned the dishes. To end a perfect day, Max took me for a romantic walk on the beach. I don’t think this day could have gotten any better. We walked hand in hand talking about everything that there was to talk about. Big dark clouds formed in the sky and it started to rain down on us. Instead of being a typical girl and yelling about how my hair was going to get wet, I danced around in the sand. Max was laughing, “What’s so funny!” I yelled over the sound of the pouring rain. “You’re adorable!” He yelled back, I smiled and took his hand and started dancing again. “I can’t dance!” He yelled at me, “I’ll teach you!” I took his hand and spun him around; we ran all over the beach attempting to dance but wound up wrapped up in each other’s arms. “I love you Max.” I told him as raindrops ran down my cheeks. “I love you more.” He said wiping the rain off of my face and tracing his hands through my hair. He leaned in and we had the greatest kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me in eliminating the space in between us. As we were making out we heard someone yelling, we turned around to see a fire fighter yelling at us, but we couldn’t hear him. “Watch out!” He yelled so we could hear him, we turned around to see a huge wave coming our way. 

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Summer Lovin’ -Chapter 26- I slowly walked over to Bryan’s

16 faves · Feb 4, 2011 3:44pm






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