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to the teen years. The years of late night phone calls and staying up until two in the morning. Going to the mall, partying until whenever, or even just relaxing with a few friends. The years of crushing really hard, and expecting a fairy tale ending, ((forever and always)), but knowing that our hearts will be broken in the end. We live for Spring and Summer break, and we try to avoid the drama in between. We all have our pet peeves, the things that really get under our skin. We say that we hate gossiping, but we have the tendency to do it anyway. Us teenage girls adore our iPods and cell phones, and the guys are addicted to Black Ops. We randomly log onto MySpace, and think, "Wow. This is what we used to go on!?" We take a billion pictures, and try to make as many memories as possible. We love hanging out with out friends, and though we don't like to admit it, we like hanging out with our family, too. We lie. A lot. It's a force of habit for us. We are extremely self conscious and insecure. Us girls live for those moments when he says hello to us, and the guys live for the moments when she gives him the time of day. 
These are the years to remember.

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Welcome.. to the teen years. The years of late night phone calls

13 faves · Jan 30, 2011 3:31pm






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