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Careless: Chapter 5

Devon's POV:

      The rest of the weekend I did pretty much nothing, as usual. Monday morning I rolled out of bed, put on light wash skinny jeans, a black shirt, scrunched my hair, applied eyeliner and mascara, grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. In the kitchen I put my converse on, grabbed a breakfast bar and went to school. When I got to school there were posters everywhere, apparrantly this band is looking for a drummer. I decided, maybe it's time I start being social, or whatever. So I took a look at the poster and saw that the band was made up of 2 guys and 1 girl. Zack, Mckayla, and Justin. Zack is the leader, he has long black hair that almost covers his pure brown eyes, he has a lip piercing, and he's basically a skinny jeans kinda dude. He plays the guitar and is a background singer. Mckayla, has straight bleach blond hair with pink highlights, a nose ring, and piercings all along her ears, she has the same style as me and is the lead singer. Lastly, there's Justin, he's basically the same as Zack, except no piercings. They're a good fit for me, same style, the 3 of them keep to themselves...but aren't as un-social as me, they talk to other people, I thought I'd give being their drummer a try. Now I told Blake I wasn't that good, but I'm actually pretty good if I do say so myself, I drum for some of my parents clients if their drummer can't make it for some reason. I think about when I see Zack during the day and realize he's in my first period. Score. I smiled and walked to first period, this might actually be good for me.
    I walk into first period to see Zack sitting on the opposite side of the classroom, Mckayla and Justin aren't in this class. I walk up to him, "Hey Zack, so you guys are looking for a drummer?" He looked up surprised, we haven't talked since pre-k when I told him off- in baby language- when he hit me with his pillow during nap time. He smiled, "Yeah you interested?" I nodded "Yeah. Is there like a try-out or something?" He shook his head and smiled, "Nahh, you hardly talk to anyone, I don't think you would put yourself out there to be a drummer in a band if you weren't good." I laughed and nodded, "That's a pretty good reason." I smiled and sat down next to him. We had a substitute teacher in this class, so we just spent the rest of the class talking about music. We exchanged numbers and he told me he would text me when they had rehersal. The rest of the day was actually nice, I talked to Zack in the other classes I had with him and at lunch he introduced me to Mckayla and Justin. They were all really nice, and really similar to me. 
   The rest of the week went pretty much the same as the first, although since it's the last week of school we have exams the last 3 days. I haven't heard from or seen Blake since he texted me after I brought him his phone. But I don't really care, I'm just glad I actually have a group of friends now. The last day of school Mckayla and I decided to have a sleepover, I suggested my house, since it's huge and no one has used the movie theater in the basement in years. We drove to my house after school and I introduced her to my parents and told them about the band, they were really excited for me, but I could tell they were trying to hold it in so they wouldn't embarass me.

*feedback? I know this is kinda boring, I just wanted to introduce the new characters and like show that they are actually friends & Zack, Mckayla, and Justin aren't just using her for her skills, they are actual friends(:


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Careless: Chapter 5 Devon's POV: The rest of the weekend

6 faves · 2 comments · Jan 29, 2011 7:54pm






alexlova1 · 1 decade ago
I like it, please write moree (:
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reilly0oxx · 1 decade ago
real good i like how you write about down-to-earth stuff like this rather than writing about someone getting or something lol but i havent read your other stories....so i dont know haha
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