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Friend or Sister? Chapter 17
 Corey's POV:    
        I pulled up to Kailin's house, beeped the horn of my jeep and a few seconds later she came out to my car. I wanted to make it as unlike a date as possible, which is why I beeped instead of getting out of the car to get her. She got in the car and laughed. "You beeped?" she asked. I smiled "Yes I did. Ready?" Before she could reply I quickly said "wait-don't answer that. of course you're ready or else you wouldn't be sitting in my car." She smiled and said, "5 points and a gold star for you for remembering." I laughed and said "and five points and a gold star for you for remembering that." Kailin laughed and I drove off to the pizza place. I ordered the same pizza we got the first time, and as I was paying the check she asked, "what movie are we seeing?" I smiled and said, "you'll see." She rolled her eyes and stood up. I stood up to and we walked back to my car. I drove to the movies, got our tickets from the box office and before she could see them I handed them to the ticket collector. She glared at me then walked to the snack bar. We ordered two cokes and a large popcorn for us to share. I led her to the theater and that's when she realized it was Saw 7. She smiled big, and I laughed and said, "my mom thought I was crazy for taking you to see this, but I told her you would love it." She was still smiling as she said, "Yess!! I do! She grabbed my arm since my hands were holding the popcorn and coke and pulled me into the theater. We took a seat at the back of the theater and were shocked to see very few people in the theater. When the movie started Kailin instantly reached for my hand, I didn't mind, it wasn't a date, she was just scared. 

Kailin's POV:
     I instantly reached for Corey's hand as the movie started, then instantly regretted it. I didn't want to make is awkward by letting go though, so I just kept my hand there. I love scary movies, but only when I'm with someone who I feel safe with. Towards the middle of the movie I noticed my head was laying on Corey's chest and his arm was tightly around me. I didn't mind, this is one freaky and scary movie. After a few more minutes I looked up at Corey as he was intensely watching the movie. I guess he felt my eyes on him because he looked down. I stretched my neck up and quickly kissed him, on the lips. He looked surprised, but I just smiled and turned my attention back to the movie. I felt Corey hug me a little then go back to watching the movie. 

Corey's POV:
     When Kailin kissed me, I was shocked. But I didn't mind, I've been wanting to do that since dinner last night, but I didn't want to press her since she just broke up with Matt. I hugged her a little then went back to watching the movie. When the movie ended we both stood up and as I was about to gather our empty popcorn tub and empty coke bottles Kailin surprised me and pulled me into a tight hug. I know she likes my hugs so I just hugged her back tightly. 
     After we went out for ice cream I dropped her off at home, this time I walked her up to her door. Kissed her goodnight and watched as she went inside. 


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Friend or Sister? Chapter 17 Corey's POV: I pulled up to

2 faves · Jan 23, 2011 1:55pm






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