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Friend or Sister? Chapter 14
 Corey's POV:    
     Once she calmed down Kailin told me what happened. "I-I-I Matt was cheating on his real girlfriend who he's been with for two years! TWO YEARS! he was cheating on her with me!" She paused, "when she found out, she started fighting me, I'm not a fighter you know me." I smiled, I couldn't picture Kailin fighting anyone. She continued, "She started hitting me, slapping me, and pulling my hair. A typical girl fight." She shrugged, "Needless to say, Matt and I-br-bro-broke up." She started crying again, not as heavily as last time just a few tears. I wiped them away for her. It killed me to see her so upset over breaking up with Matt, but I didn't want to tell her how I really feel about her, it'll just make dinner more awkward. We were sitting in silence just looking down, my arm was around her shoulders and she was trying to control her breathing. "Dinner's ready!" my mom said as she walked into the doorway of my room, we didn't even hear her come up. "Oh...sorry...come down whenever you're ready..." she said then went back downstairs. Kailin sat up, wiping her eyes she said, "I guess we should go downstairs..." I took my hand off her shoulders and she stood up, walking into the bathroom to splash water on her face. She came out looking refreshed and she smiled at me, "thanks for listening" she said blushing a little and looking down. I nodded "anytime." I walked over to her and looked into her eyes, I could tell she was a little uneasy and that she didn't want to kiss me, I just smiled and pulled her into a hug. 

Kailin's POV:
     Corey was staring into my eyes. I thought for a second he was going to kiss me. I wasn't ready for this, but in a sense I didn't want to "ruin the moment" so I just stared back into his eyes. Then he just pulled me into a hug. I relaxed and breathed out relived it didn't turn into a kiss. I love when Corey hugs me. I feel like I'm protected from anything in the entire world. His muscular arms around my small body, I felt safe. I didn't want to move. I rested my head on his chest, yes his chest, Corey's a lot taller than me, and I felt him tighten his grip. "Kailin?" he said. Oh god, please don't say I love you. "Yeah?" I replied not moving my head at all. "I know I messed up, but I still love you, I don't know if it's a brother type of love or if it's a relationship type of love. But what I do know, is that I want to be friends again, with zero weirdness between us." He pulled out of the hug, dang it! I wanted to stay there forever. He looked into my eyes, that's kind of how I feel too, at least he had the guts to say it out loud. I smiled and that seemed to relax him a bit. "Corey, that's how I feel too. But for now can we go back to how we were when we were first friends. How we told each other everything?" He smiled "Yeah." I pulled him back into a hug and he laughed. "I love your hugs" I mumbled into his chest, "I feel like nothing can hurt me." He kissed the top of my head, "I won't let anything hurt you. Ever."

**Sorry it's been so long! I have exams all this week but a snow day today so I had time to write! How do you like the different point of views. I really like reading stories with different POV's so I thought I'd give it a try(: As always, I'm open for feedback and ideas! xo

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Friend or Sister? Chapter 14 Corey's POV: Once she calmed

6 faves · Jan 18, 2011 10:11am






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