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Friend or Sister? Chapter 12
            It's been two weeks and Kailin and I still haven't talked. I think she's overreacting, but I guess I could have pulled away sooner. The two classes we have together we don't talk, even 2nd period when we sit next to each other, she just angles her body another way. The most awkward thing is when we pass each other in the hallway and we're like the only 2 people in the hallway, we both pretend not to see each other, but we both know we're trying to trick ourselves. Luckily Lindsey hasn't talked to me, I guess she got the message at that party. My alarm clock started beeping and I rolled over and turned it off. I don't know why I even set it, I hardly sleep anymore, I just replay that night over and over again. I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I put on some jeans, since it's getting colder, and a t-shirt, and with that, I walked downstairs. "Good morning! How did you sleep?" my mom instantly asks. I shrug, "Not much better then any other night." She looks concerned, whatever, it's my life not hers. I grab a breakfast bar and go get my backpacks together. I walk back into the kitchen with my shoes on and backpack all ready to go. My mom looks at me, "Have a good day!" she says cheerfully. I just smirk and walk out to my car. When I arrive at school I see Kailin talking to someone, as I park my car I see that that person is Matt, her ex. It looks like they're getting friendly again. I sigh, grab my backpack, and get out of my car. Unfortunately I have to walk past them to get to first period, so I quickly walk by pretending not to notice. When I get a little farther down I turn around to see her looking at me, crap. We both quickly look away and I walk to first period. I've been kind of a loner since we broke up. I mean I don't have any particular reason not to, it's just that I don't want to. I take my seat in first period next to Nick. "Hey man! Where were you Friday? Claire's party was awesome!" I laugh, "Nick you think every party's awesome." He smiles "Corey, c'mon you haven't done anything since...yeah...you've gone to school, then football practice, then home. Then to school, football practice, then home. You need to get out more! Tonight after football I'm taking you out on a man date." I laugh again, "A man date? Can't we just say we're hanging out?" I smile, Nick shrugs, "Yeah yeah call it what you want." Nick looks towards the door, his eyes widen, then he turns back to me, "So what have you been up to?" he says. I narrow my eyebrows (in a confused way), "what?" I turn to look at the door and Nick pulls on my arm, but it's too late, what I saw was enough. Kailin kissing Matt. I turned back to Nick and looked down, he hit my arm, "Corey, don't let her get to you." he said quietly right before the bell rang for class to start. 
     That night Nick and I were going to play basketball at the gym to get ready for try-outs. Which turned out to be a big mistake. As we pulled into a parking lot I saw Kailin getting dropped off and walking into the gym. Nick pretended not to notice so that I wouldn't bring it up. He parked "Ready?" he said. I nodded, we went upstairs to the basketball court and saw Kailin taking 3-pointers on one side of the court. "We'll just stay on this side." Nick said. I looked at him, "Yeah I forgot, Kailin's a big basketball player, everyone thinks she'll make varsity." He nodded then we walked onto the court. We played one on one for awhile. Then, Nick being obnoxious hit the ball really hard on the backboard and it went flying to the other side of the court. Right as Kailin was about to take a shot, it whacked her on the back of her head and she fell to the ground. I glared at Nick then ran over to her. She was conscience thank god, she just got the wind knocked out of her. Her eyes fluttered open and she felt me holding her head up off the ground. She didn't say a word as she tried to get up. "That's not a good idea." I said gently pushing her back down. "Why? I'm fine just leave me alone." She tried to get up again, this time I let her, I didn't want her to me more mad at me then she already was. As soon as she stood up she almost fell but I caught her. She smiled at me then quickly wiped it off her face. HA! I thought, so she was trying to act mad! I helped her walk over to the bench and helped her sit down. "Sorry about that, Nick hates it when I score on him..." Kailin smiled a little then held her head. "Are you sure you're okay? I can call your mom for you." I said taking my phone out of my pocket. She looked up at me and nodded, "thanks." she said quietly. I called her mom and helped Kailin out to the car. Then I went back up to Nick I glared at him, grabbed my things and left. He quickly followed because unfortunately he was my ride home. He dropped me off, I took a shower, then went to bed. 

*sorry it's long a kinda boring...any ideas on what should happen next??

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Friend or Sister? Chapter 12 It's been two weeks and Kailin

6 faves · 4 comments · Jan 5, 2011 6:01pm






XxbubblygirlxX · 1 decade ago
ur welcomee!
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justdance08 · 1 decade ago
oooh thats good(: ill use some of that...thanks!
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XxbubblygirlxX · 1 decade ago
This isn't boring!! Kailin should be really quiet after wards because she has a secret and she tell Corey that Matt abuses her and Corey starts a fight with Matt and kailen acted stupid and went for Matt the she realized how stupid that was cuz he broke her arm meaning Matt broke her arm and Corey comes to comfort her cuz she told Corey about the secret and then will Corey has his arm around her she should lean in for a kiss hope u liked my idea!!
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maddiroxx · 1 decade ago
corey should walk to school then kailyn comes in and kisses him
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