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So today, we got kicked out of homeroom because we had no teacher in there and the boys were kicking this little soccer ball around; the year coordinator came in about three times telling us to stop kicking it around and leave the door open. She sent us into Dunne (a homeroom). They were watching Harry Potter. We all ran in talking loudly, so the teacher in the Harry Potter homeroom told us "For everyone who just walked in, we are watching this movie in silence. If you don't want to be silent, then you can all go across the hall to Bruchauser (another homeroom) and talk".

I have never seen so many students stand up and walk out of a classroom in sync so quietly. 

I love my grade.

*not my format
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So today, we got kicked out of homeroom because we had no teacher

4 faves · Dec 30, 2010 10:12pm






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