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You think you're not pretty. There is always someone uglier.
You're chilly. People around the world are frozen.
You want a boyfriend. Some people don't even have a family.
You're complaining you're hungry. A child out there is starving.
You want new clothes. Someone is looking for anything to stay warm.
You want to die. People who are dying would give anything to live.
You want more money. People are in poverty.

So don't waste time on things you think you want
because there is always someone out there who needs
it much more than you could ever possibly know.

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You think you're not pretty. There is always someone uglier.

579 faves · 4 comments · Dec 25, 2010 3:36pm






xeerriinnx1997 · 1 decade ago
sooo true..we all complain about these things when some people have it even worse:/
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brunettex3goddess · 1 decade ago
best quote ever!
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princess_alone · 1 decade ago
It's so moving.. I am really thankful for u came up with this quote .. I mean I was just so depressed about something but now I realize that "IT'S OKAY"
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yourcool · 1 decade ago
i read this a different way, but the way you mean it is wonderful.

but what if i or anyone else was the uglier one.. the frozen one.. the one with no family.. the starving one.. the one striving to stay warm.. the one dying.. the one that would do anything and everything for money.

honestly, i really like it.. just.. some people might be one of those.
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