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So what if this quote is in black and white?
Yes, it's hard to notice, but if you read this quote, you might find out something you didn't know.

Just because this quote is plain doesn't mean that you
 should ignore it. It's probably a lot better than those colorful quotes, but you won't take time to stop and give it a chance.

Maybe it doesn't have a pretty cover, but this quote could be something amazing and you wouldn't know it because you judged it on how it looked, not by what it said.

I guess you're just as shallow as a teenage boy. If a girl isn't pretty, he ignores her.

IF YOU'RE READING THIS, you've given this quote a chance. You know the message now and understand that although this quote is not the most beautiful quote, it has a message, and a meaning, and it's a quote. Every quote, no matter what it looks like, has some meaning behind it.

Just like every girl has a personality, a soul, and a meaning behind her. 

Since you've taken time to discover the wonders of this quote, someday a man will take his time to discover the wonders of you:)

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So what if this quote is in black and white? Yes, it's hard

120 faves · Oct 30, 2010 7:14pm






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