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You don't HAVE to go to Church to Be A Christian. You Might have you view, But Other people Have theres Opinions Of things.
You say you Don't judge People, But you do. Some people Might be Christened But that doesn't mean you HAVE to go to Church, To say That YOU are Right YOU need to Respect other people. If a Christian is someone who is kind, caring, and keeps the basic ethical teachings of loving God (without specific practices) and loves one's neighbor, then the answer could be no, one does not have to go to church. See, You are Not ALWAYS right.
Church Does NOT make you Christian. You can be a strong Believer And not go to church.
The Bible never said "If you don't go to Church every Sunday, You are not a Saved Believer." Therefore you can be a Christian and not set foot in a church your entire life.

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You don't HAVE to go to Church to Be A Christian. You Might

5 faves · 1 comments · Oct 15, 2010 1:30pm






Christian_Chic · 1 decade ago
It's nice to be with christians and share your faith though. You can't act like a christian and automatically be one. YOu have to accept Jesus. And show it.
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