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Type your name with your nose!
and plz keep it going

qao6sswaq- alyssa haha im rong
aqloexaq- Alexa haha 

shannon- shannon 1rite
janine- Janine :D 
swte3ph- steph haha

nichole-nichole YESSSSS 
ash- ash:D
kylee- kylee=)
amber- =D

caereloleyu- carley =0 OH NO!
rachel- ha! own!
wsop0yi8aq- Sophia! haha! I stink!
dc045raqol9- im awesome!!! hah Coralie

vicdtorioa - supposed to be victoria.
kristen<<< OWNAGE !
tg98qanjhjnhaq - gianna... shooooot
cor8 - cori so close :))

chyriswtinaSOOO close Christina:)

ujmaqdi888de3- my name is Jackie...... hey, this isnt fair for ppl with long noses! They'll do better :(
stev98e- stevie.
trsrrrroooortwertertttttthkjgkkgggeeerrrrrrrrrrjjootqarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrree <<<<<< TarahahahahhaOWNED IT[x
Meghan<3   <--- Damn, I'm good :D
jenna;] i think it explains itself<3

agbhitgqaIL <----abigail ahaha. not too good

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Type your name with your nose! and plz keep it going qao6sswaq-

0 faves · Aug 4, 2010 6:51pm




