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 Just Fly

part 2 chapter 1
As I thought more to say to Dylan, to relax  him and myself, I thought of the amazing two weeks it has been. He didn't only make me believe in love but made me believe in myself. Thup.
      A bright blue light, the light you see in bug zappers, shined straight into my pupil. "Whhere am I?" I didn't know how I managed that out. Each breath seems more valuable than the last.
      "Jade. Oh my god." Who's hugging me? Where am I? Where's Dylan? Is he okay? "Jade, honey? Do you recongnize me? The blurred vision became clearer. The curly hair. The caring voice. "Mom? MOM!" "Jade! You're okay, don't worry." 
       The cold tears rolled down my paled cheeks. I didn't know what was going on. But I'll soon find out, about everything. 
2 and 1/2 weeks earlier.

    "I geuss I'll start with the essentials.  I'm Jade Delbuen. Dell - boo - n. And you are?" His eyes made everything worthwhile. Even if he didn't say a single word, his eyes will make up for everything else. After 3 minutes of crickets chirping in the backround he opens his mouth and says " I'm Dylan Martinis. Like the acoholic drink." I giggle, he shows me his shyboy white smile and boom. I thought knew it, this was going to be an amazing summer.Too bad I didn't know that  what was going too happy in the following two tumultous weeks. 
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Just Fly part 2 chapter 1 As I thought more to say to Dylan,

1 faves · Jun 18, 2010 10:30pm






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