Witty Profiles

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1. male friend: Doug
2. female friend: cailey
3. Vacation: old orchard beach
4. age: 13
5. memory: going to cooperstown in 2009

1. Time of day: 7:00 am
2. Day of the week: Monday
3. Food: sushi
4. Memory: parents splitting up for a little
5. Subject: english


1. Person you saw: my brother
2. Talk on the phone: i don't remember 
3. Hugged: Elizabeth
4. IMed: too long ago

1. Kiss: ...
2. Truck: ?
3. First school: preschool playmates
4. Job: vaccuming my house on saturdays???

1. What are you doing now: wathcing MTV movie awards
2. Tonight: sleeping
3. Wearing: black shortd and a volleyball t-shirt
4. what did you eat for lunch: salad
5: Better than yesterday: same...boring!!

1. Is: monday
2. Got any plans: maybe
3. Goal: to tlak to my crush who doesnt go to school with me :(
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: school
5. Do you have work: nah

1. Number: 6
2. Song: airplanes
3. Colors:  bluee yellow and lime green
4. Season: summer <3

1. Are you in love?: wouldnt say "in love"
2. Dating someone: nope :(
3.Missing someone: yea
4. Mood: frustrated
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Bests_______ 1. male friend: Doug 2. female friend: cailey 3.

0 faves · Jun 6, 2010 9:36pm




