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I'm always a mess. I can never keep my own secreats. I laugh too hard at stupid things. My favorite songs make me cry. I always watch for 11:11 but i miss it more then i notice it. I live in the past, in the memories i have wityh the people i love. I hate thinking about reality & i'm so homesick that its not even funny. But not homesick in a missing my house kind of way maybe its more like heartsick from all the things that i cant get back. its hard for me to define myself....I guess im just cliche....the girl who loved too hard & didnt get anything in return. I don't want to be the heroine in some tragic love story, i just want the one person who has never  given me the second thought

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I'm always a mess. I can never keep my own secreats. I laugh

11 faves · Oct 29, 2009 1:12pm






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