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Quotes added on Tuesday, April 7 2015

  1. gooddeeds gooddeeds
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 4:33pm UTC
    THAT’S THE STEREOTYPICAL NORMA very obvious reason for guys to like short women is the traditional societal norm. Most of the guys have always dated women shorter than them so the degree of the difference didn’t really matter.As long as a guy likes a girl, their difference in height doesn’t really make that much of a difference.

  2. gooddeeds gooddeeds
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 4:35pm UTC
    Let my heart says something about this stort or tall girl " Short girls are just really cute! They always look sweet and petite irrespective of what they do. And they always always attract attention. I don’t know how but they just do! "

  3. gooddeeds gooddeeds
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 4:36pm UTC
    Tall, short doesn’t really matter as long as the girl is genuine, kind and loves me with all her heart!I did says a lot now it is your time what do you says ?

  4. Ashleyray12334 Ashleyray12334
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 4:49pm UTC
    It does not matter if people do not always understand things you happen to enjoy or love.
    You should find one thing, every day that you look forward to it. one thing that makes you happy, and if people do not like it or even notice it, who cares...
    If I listened to people who disagreed with things I enjoy doing, I would not be a writer
    My writing will probably never make me famous, but I do it anyway, because I enjoy it

  5. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:04pm UTC
    A to Z Survey! (:
    Available: yesss
    Best friend: don't have one
    Crush: no one
    Dad's name: Matthew
    Easiest person to talk to: Claire
    Favorite band: 1D... 5sos
    Gummy bears or worms: gummy bear
    Hometown: UK
    Instrument: used to play tenerhorn or alto horn(as they cal it in the usa)
    Job: don;t have one
    Kids: 2-3
    Longest car ride: idek
    Milk flavor:strawberry
    Number of siblings: 1
    One wish: calum follow me
    Phobias: death..
    Quote (favorite): 'music speaks when words fail'
    Reason to smile: music, sleep, twitter
    Song you last heard: 23:59 -mcbusted
    Time you woke up: 11
    Unknown fact about me: idek myself
    Vegetable: carrots
    Worst habit: i don't know
    X-rays you've had: in my mouth.
    Your favorite food: pasta
    Zodiac sign: Leo

  6. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:18pm UTC
    Loving you was
    Wanting you was

  7. Deep breaths, my love* Deep breaths, my love*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:18pm UTC
    "Why do we have to be so uniform? When I order a grilled lobster in a restaurant, why doesn't anyone bring me a cooked telephone?" -- Salvador Dalí

  8. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:19pm UTC
    This is gonna get personal, you ready to get deep?
    Your relationship with the last person you texted:
    Relationship between you and your parents:
    Could you cry right now?
    Last time you cried and why:
    the other day. tv show..
    Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you weren't:
    Time you stayed up last night and why:
    12 i think.. twitter
    Last person you cried in front of:
    i really don't know.. i mainly cry when i'm on my own
    Last person to upset you:
    Today, at 9am:
    Are you ticklish?
    Would you ever get a tattoo? Where?
    yes, wrist
    Would you introduce the last person you kissed to your parents?
    Haven't kissed anybody so..
    Last person you rode in a car with:
    mum and dad
    Do you like rock music?
    Yeah..why not
    Current Facebook status meaning:
    Rest in peace to my old teacher
    Do you enjoy late night chats?
    Will Saturday be a good one?

  9. gooddeeds gooddeeds
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:22pm UTC
    "The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you." — Markus Zusak

  10. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:30pm UTC
    These Are The Things I Never Told You (VI)
    I often have to fight back the urge not to talk to you. I know that you said that I'm a good friend (you have no idea how much that made me smile) but I can't let myself ruin this (like I ruined it before).
    But it's hard when there's a silence only you can fill and a shouting only you can calm and I don't know why or how but you being sanity to me and that's more than I couls ever ask of anyone else and I am so grateful.

  11. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:30pm UTC
    It's survey time!
    just press shuffle on any music player and see what happens
    1.What song describes you?
    Used - Paradise fears
    2.What song describes your life?
    long way home- 5 seconds of summer
    3. What song will play at my funeral?
    bright lights/magic - trebles (pitch perfect)
    4.Does someone love me?
    heart attack- demi lavto
    5.What do people think of me?
    best song ever - one direction
    6. What type of men do I like?
    brithday - katy perry
    7.What will my dying words be?
    another world - one direction
    8.What will my life be like in the future?
    give you what you like- avril lavigne
    9.What will my surroundings of death be like?
    gotta be you - one direction
    10.Where will be the next place i'll travel to?
    one last time - ariana grande
    11.What will happen today?
    what makes you beautiful - one direction
    12.What song describes your friends?
    sensitive guy-mcbusted
    13.What song describes your boyfriend/girlfriend
    story of my life - one direction
    And what song will end this quote?
    better than words- one direction

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. gooddeeds gooddeeds
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:34pm UTC
    I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance.

  14. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:37pm UTC
    True Or False Survey
    I am a cuddler - true
    I am a morning person - false
    I am a perfectionist -false
    I am an only child -false
    I am Catholic -true
    I am currently in my pajamas -true
    I am currently single -true
    I am currently suffering from a broken heart - false
    I am okay at styling other people’s hair -true
    I am left handed - false
    I am addicted to my myspace -false
    I am very shy around the opposite gender -false(i'm shy around everyone)
    I bite my nails -false
    I can be paranoid at times -false
    I currently regret something that I have said-true
    When I get mad I curse frequently -true
    I like someone -false
    I enjoy country music - true
    I enjoy jazz music - false
    I enjoy smoothies -true
    I enjoy talking on the phone - true
    I have a pet - true
    I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal - true
    I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” person - false.
    I have all my grandparents - false
    I have at least one sibling - true
    I have been told that I am smart -true
    I get higher then C’s in school -false
    My GPA is higher then 2.5 -idk.
    I have broken a bone - false
    I have Caller I.D. on my phone -idk
    I have bathed/showered with someone - when i was younger
    I have changed a diaper - false
    I have done something illegal - false
    I have friends who have never seen my natural hair - false
    I have had surgery - false
    I have killed another person -false
    I have had my hair cut within the last week -false
    I have had the cops called on me - false
    I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn’t - false

  15. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:40pm UTC
    Drifting, floating, falling,
    dropping away from reality.
    Screaming, crying, calling, voice reaching out to you like hands begging for your touch.

  16. _xLovex_ _xLovex_
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:43pm UTC
    A to Z Survey! (:
    Available: Yes, but for a limited time only ;)
    Best friend: Elizabeth
    Crush: It's a secret ;)
    Dad's name: It's a secret
    Easiest person to talk to: Patricia
    Favorite band: 5sos or fallout boy
    Gummy bears or worms: gummy worm
    Hometown: Somewhere in poland idk
    Instrument: Keyboard, barely xD
    Job: Not about that life
    Kids: Not about that life either
    Longest car ride: idk..... 4-6 hours?
    Milk flavor: None (I don't like milk)
    Number of siblings: 1
    One wish: To be able to erase peole :o
    Phobias: My friends being mad at me, falling from high places, heights, death
    Quote (favorite): 'You don't have to love me.You don't even have to like me. But you will respect me'
    Reason to smile: My friends, School (believe it or not),Music, My cat, YouTube
    Song you last heard: Turn around- The Fiber one commercial xD (My friend sang it)
    Time you woke up: 7 am
    Unknown fact about me: Im insane (in my own way) xD
    Vegetable: Cucumber (with ranch sauce, of course :3)
    Worst habit: Probably eating xD
    X-rays you've had: My neck, arms, stomach i think, mouth
    Your favorite food: You can't force me to choose.
    Zodiac sign: Leo

  17. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:43pm UTC
    Which member of One Direction are you most like?
    Harry Styles:
    [x] you have curly hair
    [] you're cheeky and flirty
    [] you have dimples
    [x] you have a British accent
    [] you talk slowly
    [x] you're the youngest of your friends
    [x] you love white Converse
    [] your favorite food is tacos
    [] you have green eyes
    [x] you're under 6ft
    [] you love wearing blazers
    [] you have a great voice
    Louis Tomlinson:
    [] you have straight hair
    [] you love to wear stripes♥
    [] you love pants that end above the ankle
    [] you own at least 1 pair of Toms
    [] you have blue eyes
    [x] you have a British accent
    [] you're the oldest of your friends
    [] you're sassy, outgoing and crazy
    [x] you love to sing
    [] you love people who eat carrots
    Zayn Malik:
    [] you have amazing eyelashes
    [x] you have black or dark brown hair
    [x] you can be very quiet
    [] you're mysterious and the 'badboy/badgirl' of your group
    [x] you have piercings
    [] you're the 'devil' of your friends
    [x] you love varsity jackets
    [] you have great fashion senses
    [] you have a catch phrase
    [] you hate dancing
    [] you're vain
    [] you use hair products
    [] you like to rap
    [] you like to sing solos
    Liam Payne:
    [] you change your hairstyle constantly
    [] you've had your hair straight and curly before
    [x] you're sweet as can be
    [x] you work hard to make people happy
    [love twitter] you love to be on Twitter and do twitcams
    [x] you love wearing plaid
    [] you can pull off a closed or open-mouthed smile
    [] you have a signature dance move
    [x] you love Disney films
    [x] you love singing
    [x] you have a British accent
    [] you're like the 'father/mother' of your friends
    [x] you take care of the people you love
    Niall Horan:
    [] you have amazing hair
    [] you have an Irish accent
    [] you bleach or dye your hair
    [] you're a hat person
    [] you have rosy red cheeks
    [x] you love sneakers
    [x] you LOVE to eat food
    [x] you like guitars
    [x] you're funny/like funny people
    [] you have blue eyes
    [x] you have/have had braces
    [] you like to eat sweets for breakfast
    [] you hate Disney films
    [ a abit] you can do an Irish jig
    [x] you love Liam
    [x] you love to sing
    Harry: 5 ♥
    Louis: 2 ♥
    Zayn: 4 ♥
    Liam: 7 ♥
    Niall: 7 ♥
    Liam and Niall

  18. Witty-Throwbacks* Witty-Throwbacks*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:47pm UTC
    Nothing In Life Is Free
    unless you steal it

  19. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:48pm UTC
    Answer with one word
    1. Where is your cell phone? sofa
    2. Your significant other? none
    3. Your hair? brown
    4. Your mother? sofa
    5. Your father? computer
    6. Your favorite thing? music
    7. Your dream last night? werid
    8. Your favorite drink? coke
    9. Your dream/goal? success
    10. The room are you in? louge
    11. Your hobby? singing
    12. Your fear? death
    13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? working?
    14. Where were you last night? bedroom
    16. Muffins? mmmm
    17. Wish list item? bed
    19. Last thing you did? looked
    20. What are you wearing? clothes
    21. Your TV? on
    22. Your pets? adorable
    23. Your friends? good
    24. Your life? ehh
    25. Your mood? eh
    26. Missing someone? no
    27. Car? no
    28. Something you’re not wearing? socks
    29. Your favorite store? new look
    30. Your summer? eh
    31. Like someone? no
    32. Your favorite color? blue
    33. When is the last time you laughed? idk
    34. Last time you cried? friday
    35. Who will resend this?idk
    36. Place you go to over and over? mind
    37. Person who emails you regularly? nobody
    38. Favorite place to eat? idk
    39. Why did you participate in this survey? bored
    40. What are you doing tonight? sleeping

  20. The_Online_Report The_Online_Report
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2015 5:51pm UTC
    Get The Frozen Look (But In This Case The Summer Look):Part 2-Modern Day Elsa...
    Written By *The_Online_Report*
    Sparkling Blue Tank Top:
    Nice Sparkling Blue Pants:
    Matching Shoes:
    This Is The_Online_Report Giving You The Hight Fashion Tips And Saying Good-Bye


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