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Quotes added on Saturday, June 30 2012

  1. LoveLD LoveLD
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:22am UTC
    30 Day Challenge
    Day 1- 15 facts about you.
    Day 2- the initials of the person you love.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you.
    Day 4- the thing you most fear.
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life.
    Day 6- favorite sport(s).
    Day 7- favorite song.
    Day 8- your deepest secret.
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now.
    Day 10- last time you cried.
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart.
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry.
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly.
    Day 14- favorite book.
    Day 15- favorite animal.
    Day 16- favorite show.
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you.
    Day 18- the story behind your life.
    Day 19- person who scares you the most.
    Day 20- last major injury.
    Day 21- favorite youtube video.
    Day 22- phone type.
    Day 23- biggest confession.
    Day 24- last break up.
    Day 25- last heart break.
    Day 26- the day you regret the most.
    Day 27- first friend.
    Day 28- favorite drink.
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family.
    Day 30- a letter to a friend.

  2. Jennygee143 Jennygee143
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:22am UTC
    It's hard
    to forget
    who's given
    you so much
    to remember.

  3. Okkatie1 Okkatie1
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:22am UTC
    That moment when it literly hurts ..hurts to get up..or even move..breath,..anything all you can do is cry and try to get some air into yourself~

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. Riahdeere Riahdeere
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:23am UTC
    Sweet Summah Lovin
    chapter one .
    I sat there on the front porch steps, staring up at the stars . Headphones in but volume off, I just wanted to listen to the frogs croak and crikets chirp without being bothered . I saw a set of head lights coming up the drive that belonged to an old pick up .
    It was Jake the boy I had known for years . I started to fall for him about a year and a half ago, when we actually started to talk . His short light brown hair, his hazel eyes and perfect smile . He was a friend of the family, so it was normal to see him here, but when he walked towards me, with that smile my stomach went crazy . I tried to pretend I didnt notice him .
    He sat down next to me and as I glanced over at him he was looking at me with his killer smile . He was gorgeous, with his sleeve-less flannel parshly buttoned, and old tore up base ball hat, in the pale moonlight . I tried not to let him know that i liked him .
    "wanna go for a ride?" he said it so casually, like he asked me that daily . "sure, where to ?" i tried to sound as causual and normal as I could, but I knew I failed when he started to laugh, trying to cover it up with a cough .
    (feed back? comment if you want to be updated, should i continue ? what ya'll think?)

  6. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    This is something that
    passed through my head.
    So if Renesmee dated Jacob and had a lil baby child
    it would be half vampire- half werewolf.
    Wouldn't it be its own enemy?

  7. iloveshane678 iloveshane678
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    im sexy and i know it

  8. blueeyedblonde blueeyedblonde
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    Now this looks like a job for me
    so everybody just follow me
    Cause we need a little controversy
    Cause it feels so empty without me

  9. stories721 stories721
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    Nothing's What It Seems
    Chapter 2
    "There she is." said Adri as we walked into study. "Why is she sitting with Bianca...and Julie?" I asked. Me and Adri walked over to the table that Lauren was sitting at. "Hey Lo." I said calmly. She looked up at us then continued her conversation with Bianca and Julie. "Lauren" Adri said sternly. "What?" she said in an annoyed tone. "Can we talk...over there?" continued Adri. She looked at us for a couple of seconds then got up and walked with us. "What is going on with you?" I asked her. "This summer both of you have been so cliquey, and I can't take it anymore." she said. "What are you ta-" started Adri. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." she said. Me and Adrian looked at each other confused. "Sleepovers without me, mall trips without me, beach trips without me, vacations without me, everything was without me." she responded sadly. "Lo, we never meant to leave you out and we're sorry." She looked at us sincerely for a second, but continued to say, "You don't need to be sorry. I have new friends now." as she gestured to Bianca and Julie, the girl Ryan cheated on me with. She walked back to the table, and right after me and Adri turned around, they were all smirking at us. "New year, right?" I said trying to be positive. Adrian looked at me for a second, then we both started laughing as hard as we could. "This isn't funny." Adrian said through her laughter. "I know!" I said in response.
    We made our way over to our table and talked for a couple of minutes until I saw Jared walk through the door. "Your eyes just totally lit up." said Adrian. I smiled at her then looked up to see Jared talking to Lauren. "Come sit with us." said Lauren. He looked over at me, and said, "I would, but I want to sit with Emily." I laughed after I heard him say that. He came over to the table and Adrian said, "Good choice." "Jared, this is my best friend Adrian, and Adrian, this is Jared" I said. We talked asked Jared some questions about Arizona, then he asked me and Adrian questions about Colorado. I saw Ben, the guy Adrian has had a crush on for a year, walk in and I nudged Adrian and said, "Hey Adri, looky, looky." She knew exactly what I was talking about and eagerly asked, "Oh my god, oh my god. how do i look?" as she ran her fingers through her dark brown hair. "Great!" I said giving her a thumbs up. "Hey guys." he said leaning over the table. "So my parents are out of town this weekend and I'm gonna have a party this Friday night." he continued. "Sounds fun." said Adrian. "Whose this guy?" he asked referring to Jared. "Thats Jared. He's from Arizona." I said. "He cool?" he asked. "Yeah, he's cool." I said smiling at Jared. "Sweet. So you guys coming?" he asked. We all looked at each other, and nodded. "I think thats a yes." said Adrian in a flirty tone. He gave us a thumbs up and started walking out of the room, then turned around and said, "Adrian, I almost forgot. Do you want to be my date for my party?" he asked. "Yeah. Sounds good." she said, playing it off like it was no big deal. As soon as he left she started squealing. "Let's celebrate. Frozen yogurt on me after school?" I asked looking at Jared and Adrian. They nodded yes, and then the bell rang and we made our way to our next class.

  10. guayaba456 guayaba456
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    if you have 35+.. you're spoiled :
    [ ]own car
    [x] cell phone
    [] own phone line
    [] bf/gf
    [] own bathroom
    [x] own room
    [x] 2 or more story house
    [] built-in pool
    [ ]guest house
    [] game room
    [] a tv in your room
    [] Double (queen) Bed
    [] more than 20 pairs of shoes
    [x] 10+ things from a designer store (if hollister counts)
    [x] good grades
    [ ] Dior sunglasses
    [] louis vuitton purse
    [x] iPod
    [] XBOX
    [] PS3
    [] mp3 player
    6 Total
    [ ] Mercedes Benz
    [ ]BMW
    [x] basketball hoop
    [] air hockey table
    [] pool table
    [] ping pong table
    [] trampoline
    [] live ON a lake or pond
    [ ] own a pair of skiis
    [] own a snowboard
    [] has a boat
    [ ] has a jet ski
    [] has a beach house/ cabin
    1 Total
    [ ] only child
    {x] stereo system in bedroom
    [] DVD player in bedroom
    [] 100+ dvd's
    [ ]gets $50+ for allowance each month
    {] goes shopping every month...or every week
    [] shops at abercrombie
    [ ] goes snowboarding/ skiing every weekend
    [x] makeup
    [x] cologne/perfume
    [] AIM
    [ ] MSN
    []5+ trophies
    [x]own digital camera
    []walk-in closet
    4 Total.
    [] electric scooter
    [] dirt bike
    [ ] 4X4 truck
    [x] guitar/drums
    [ ] hammock
    [] been on a cruise
    [] traveled out of the country
    [] weight set/ workout set in house
    [ ] personal fit trainer
    [] expensive jewerly
    [] met a celeb
    [x] straightener/ curling iron
    [] gets hair done/nails/spas
    [] on/was on a Varsity team for the school
    [ ] own batting cage
    [] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
    [] own savings account
    [}]1+ BEST friends
    [] been to the carribean
    [] been to europe.
    [] been to hawaii
    [] been to NY
    2 Total.
    [ ] shopped in seattle
    [ ] eaten at the space needle in seattle
    [ ] been on the eiffel tower in paris
    [] been on the statue of liberty in NY
    [x] been on the honor roll for 2+ years
    [ ] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday
    [ ] lives on a private property
    [ ] license
    [] moved 3+ times
    [ ]sports car
    [ ] hot tub
    [x] pet(s)
    [x ] ranch
    [] at&t
    [x] verizon
    [ ] cingular
    [] virgin mobile / other
    [] been to 5+ states in the US
    [x] dont have a job
    5 Total
    [ ] 100+ buddies on messenger
    [x] alarm clock
    [x] home-cooked meal almost everyday
    [] eat-out almost everyday
    [] been in a limo
    [] own camcorder
    [] own laptop
    [x] own desktop
    3 Total.
    Overall Total 21
    You spoiled?
    [] yes [x] no.

  11. cropacuddles22 cropacuddles22
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    NICE A$$

  12. duhhitsgiselle duhhitsgiselle
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    so I came to the conclusion...that you're insane.

  13. duncann98 duncann98
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    I'm proud to say that
    at the carnival earlier, I stole a guys hat and he ended up just giving it
    to me. And now he somehow magically has my number...? Well ok.

  14. sayyouseeme529 sayyouseeme529
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    making a cake
    just to lick the spoon ;)

  15. Because_YOU_Forgot_ME Because_YOU_Forgot_ME
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:24am UTC
    when you tell your parents that you tried to kill yourself and they just say 'whatever' when you ask why, the say,
    'beacause you cant even put a knife near your skin' then you go off on them, not with words' but pulling out the butcher knife and cutting open you arms in front of them, until the blood is pouring out. Then you look at them and ask,
    'cant put a knife to my skin?' drop the knife of the floor and run upstairs intears. Oh God witty, please
    help me.

  16. meggi711 meggi711
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:25am UTC
    A talk between my and my mom...
    Me: Mom did you know Adele's prego?
    Mom: Really? Is she married?
    Me: Hahaha, yeah okay, not with all those songs!
    Mom: True that, true that.
    True story

  17. ilovevolleyball ilovevolleyball
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:25am UTC
    I wonder if Adele's Baby was planned, or came out of the blue uninvited.

  18. blownaway blownaway
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:25am UTC
    No matter where my reckless soul takes me,
    baby, you save me.

  19. Okkatie1 Okkatie1
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:26am UTC
    When your 'friend' is the person your daitings ex ..and she starts to try to make your life a living hell but really kinda fails all because she messed up.

  20. hazel_eyes_ hazel_eyes_
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 12:26am UTC
    'tears are words that the heart cannot express.'


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