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Quotes added on Thursday, January 5 2012

  1. SorrowUnleashed SorrowUnleashed
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:11am UTC
    Regret 3:Hating my best guy friend that I was in love with for going back to his ex and not having the guts to tell me himself. I realize now that he didn't mean to hurt me. It wasn't his intention, it just happened. He was just trying to do what made him happy, and I was being selfish and hating him for it. He didn't talk to me for about 2 weeks after he told my best friend that he was back with his ex because he knew I wouldn't want to listen. He was right:I didn't want to hear what he had to say. Yet, he still fought to remain my friend and not let things change between us. I'm happy to say I don't have to fix this, for he and I are still great friends. And I'm thankful that he didn't give up on me even when I hated his guts. I love you as a friend, AJ. <3
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  2. skyscraper13 skyscraper13
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:12am UTC
    If I had the chance to slap you without gettting in trouble,

  3. aleena499 aleena499
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:12am UTC
    Aight Be Truthful Now!
    A - Available?kinda...lol its complicated
    B - Birthday? 04-8-99
    C - Crushing on? I'm not posting that online hun :)
    D - Drink you last had? water
    E - Easiest person to talk to? sheen
    F - Favorite song? i have tooo manyyy ( it depends on my mood)
    G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? worms if there the sour kind!
    H - Hometown? Chicago babaaay
    I - In love with? Nobody...love is overrated :/
    J - Jealous of? Emma Watson! Pretty and Smart!!
    K - Killed someone? not yet... ;)
    L - Longest car ride? 16 cold hard hours
    M - Milkshake flavor? strawberry
    N - Number of siblings? 1
    O - One wish? To get into an Ivy league college (yes ik im a nerd :D )
    P - Person you texted last? Alexa
    Q - Question you are always asked? how are you so perfect? (if they only knew)
    R - Reason to smile? compliments :) dont blush hunney embrace them
    S - Song you last listened to? wait for you Elliot Yamin
    U - Underwear color? Lil personal dontcha think? Well if you insist its blue and says pink in purple glitter on the back. Thanks now i'm blushing!
    V - Violent moment you had? LOL i punched a guy in the mouth over the summer. He bled :O
    W - Worst habit? Hmm my left leg always shakes when im nervous

  4. AlanaDawn97 AlanaDawn97
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:12am UTC
    Don’t you hate it when you plan on actually studying for an important testbut something always distracts you.
    --- Like Witty&Facebook

  5. alliefish28 alliefish28
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:12am UTC
    there are plenty of fish in the sea
    but he's my nemo
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  6. lovelylaila1234 lovelylaila1234
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:13am UTC
    the best things in life,
    aren't very easy to obtain.
    But a little effort can go a long way.
    Text here;
    Text here;
    Text here;
    Shift+Enter for more lines.
    Text here;

  7. KayFactor028 KayFactor028
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:13am UTC

  8. jenlovepeace jenlovepeace
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:14am UTC
    I wouldn’t need anger management if you weren’t so stupid.

  9. chickie22 chickie22
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:15am UTC
    Black painted eyes, hide the lies
    It's time you threw away your cruel disguise.

  10. its_okay_not_to_be_okay its_okay_not_to_be_okay
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:15am UTC
    He, he is the words that I can't find.
    How can the only thing that's killing me,
    make me feel so alive?

  11. alliefish28 alliefish28
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:16am UTC
    if you love someone,
    put their name in a circle because hearts can be broken and circles are never ending....... <3

  12. MyConfessionsAreWrittenInCuts MyConfessionsAreWrittenInCuts
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:16am UTC
    *You don't have to read this, I just really wanted
    to save it, I feel glowing inside out right now.
    Knowing you've saved someone always brings
    me into the happiest of moods. I love doing this.
    Seriously so proud of myself for this conversation.
    Via internet I know I've save a lot of my friends,
    but I'm SO close to her, you have no idea how
    happy I am I was helpful to her, she's wonderful.
    Melissa; sophia im sooo sorry but i just broke our promise</3 :(
    Me; Why?:'(
    Melissa; because my grandfather is literally dying and everytime i see him it kills me.and i just want my mom to actually love me and stop everything.and with everyone hating me im starting to hate myself and i tried so hard.but i just broke.im sorry :'(
    Jamie; What promise?
    Melissa; i didnt want to tell anyone else but i trust you..i cutt myselff :(
    i promised her i wouldnt after the first time.and for the past two weeks its been so bad and after seeing you guys pictures i couldnt hold it in anymore! im soo stupidd</3
    Jamie; It's fine. Calm down dont do it again k? You're beautiful and things will go right. Idfk why I did I was left an idiot but.. It happens?
    Melissa; thank you.but i feel so bad here i am telling you guys not to do it and then i just did.i feel so useless and i cant stop shaking...i never thought my life would ever get this bad.i feel like im all alonee :(
    Me; I feel horrible, just saw these comments. Didn't get notification, sorry:/ Melissa, I'm so so so sorry for you grandfather, but just think every time you see him, that when he's gone he'll be happy in heaven, and he won't be in pain anymore. &smile for him, pray for him. Your mom, I don't even know, mine's horrible too, and it's hard I know:/ But she doesn't dictate your life, and never listen to her hate words that make you want to do something like that. Melissa, we love you. So so much. So what if we can't see eachother or stuff, we know you probably more than anyone there, and we still love you. Don't hate yourself, because you're wonderful and beautiful. It's okay, like 80% of this group has down it and we know how addicting it can be when you really want to do it, but just remember that^ when you want too, because nothing is bad enough to make you want to mark your skin. Let these scars be the last and remember them as your battle wounds, you fought hard against hate, and you came out a winner, with happiness, love, and self-confidence. You deserve it. You're NEVER alone, we're here whenever you need us. &even one friend over there must be close enough to tell. Your life's bad, could be, but it only gets better. It might seem worse, and you might be stuck in this phase of hate in your life, but as you get older you come out into the permanent stage of happiness. &it will be soon.
    Melissa; sophia i love you soo muchh..but i cant i just cant do it anymore.nobody understands what i go through all day every single day.nobody around here cares about me at all and even if they did care i wouldnt be able to tell them.and i trust all of you with my life but i hate how im always complaining i feel like im annoying</3 i try so hard to be happy and to be strong but it just doesnt work i feel like im a failure.i just had a 9 year old tell me if she cant see me she will kill herself.she is my life and at one point i was her role model and i feel like im never there for her anymore :'(. i honestly hate myself!!
    thank you for being here for me sorry if im annoying!
    Me; You're not annoying for venting! I love helping you because I love you.:P :/ I was talking about that yesterday with someone on witty, how alone I feel because I have no one here I can trust with anything about my life. Only silly things like who I'm crushing on, and it hurts not having anyone to call and vent too:( You are definitely not a failure though! You have your own special talent, and it's definitely how you can do hair. I see the pictures and they're great. The leopard/cheetah hair, it's like... wonderful. I've never seen it before and you're so good at doing what you do. &I'm sorry about that, :( That's awful! But you're beautiful, and 9 is probably around the age you start resenting everyone, when you think you know everything. Do not ever hate yourself, that's just reallly sad to me, because you don't see how much of a wonderful person you really are.
    Melissa; i honestly cant thank you enough right now<3you've been there for me since the very beginning& never feel alone i'll always be here for you like your there for me! doing hair is the only thing that makes me happy sometimes.its the only thing i think im good at so thanks.all of what you said i know is soo true i just have to take some time to really believe it.dont be sad i'll be okay! i lovee youuu♥
    Me; No need to thank a friend♥ You're absolutely welcome. &that's wonderful, you're skills amaze me. One day will you do the cheetah hair for me?(: &good, because I meant every word of it, and I won't. :p Please don't do it again? I love you too♥
    Melissa; If you really want it I will :) and I can't make you another promise because it hurts more that way but I will try my hardest♥♥
    Me; That's perfect, thank you<333
    Melissa; ♥

  13. Kensie50 Kensie50
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:16am UTC
    I have a problem. Okay well I have to problems.
    PROBLEM ONE: I tend to speak in a manner that no one my age understands.
    PROBLEM TWO: I really really do like this format, so most of my next few quotes will be in this format.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  14. aleena499 aleena499
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:17am UTC
    Hurting yourself on the outside doesn't fix things inside.

  15. gurneett gurneett
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:19am UTC
    The Best Revenge is:
    happiness & success

  16. Peytonxx8 Peytonxx8
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:19am UTC
    That awkward moment
    When its the end of your speech and your just like "....so yeah.."

  17. DirtyUndies DirtyUndies
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:20am UTC
    I need you now, ..here tonight.
    Don't close your eyes just love..
    Your heart was just here the other day
    Did i miss something? Cause it sure
    feels like i did. Just come home.
    I'll admit it. I miss you. &
    I'm waiting for nothing.
    just you.come find me.
    come hold me.
    and don't
    let go

  18. CassieAnn14 CassieAnn14
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:20am UTC

  19. igotwit igotwit
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:22am UTC
    Me: OMG guys, guess what!
    Friends: What?
    Me: I have a date tonight! :D
    Friends: Really?
    Me: Yeah. We are totally going 2 sleep 2gether.
    Friends: Omg with who?
    Me: My bed. :P
    Friends: Oh wow.
    Me: I know! I really think we r really gonna hit it off!
    Fave if this iis how u spend ur nights :D

  20. AlliieGiirl AlliieGiirl
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 12:23am UTC
    For one split second, she almost turned around.


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