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Quotes added on Monday, June 27 2011

  1. xoxojulieoxox xoxojulieoxox
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:23am UTC
    Goodnight Witty!

  2. ieunice ieunice
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:23am UTC
    There's alot of fish in the sea
    but. i'm looking for my nemo..
    so i'll just take Dory's advice and
    just keep swimming

  3. sammroz sammroz
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:23am UTC
    i hate how i don't know
    what i mean to you ..
    am i the girl you can't get out of your head, or the girl that's just the friend ? <\3

  4. silly_jilly_1994 silly_jilly_1994
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:23am UTC
    I'm more than Some pretty
    face beside a train.
    It's not easy to be me.

  5. PhotoFreak8 PhotoFreak8
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:24am UTC
    Every second counts,
    and there's no second tries,
    so live like your never living twice <3

  6. TruthFull TruthFull
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:24am UTC
    don't fall hard for someone
    if you're not sure that they'll catch you ..

  7. MadeWithLove MadeWithLove
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:24am UTC
    oh, you t hink I ' m ang r y ?
    wait til I get my period...

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. _Rhi_ _Rhi_
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:25am UTC
    They broke up.
    Yes, if you read my last quote about me being heartbroken, Bestie 2 and my crush broke up. Yesterday. I should be VERY happy, right? But I'm not. I feel more worse than I did when they got together. I had told another friend of mine about the whole 'Bestie 2 and my crush getting together' situation, and how I was heartbroken. Well, yesterday, that friend I told [let's call her Friend 1], came on the place me, my crush, and Bestie 2 were talking. Friend 1 started saying mean things to Bestie 2. Now, Friend 1 and I were talking on something separate, and she told me she was basically going to 'tell off' Bestie 2. [Bestie 2 and Friend 1 hate each other. Fight; a few weeks back.] I told her not to hurt Bestie 2 or make her very mad. Well, after Friend 1 and Bestie 2 talked, Bestie 2 was ticked. Bestie 2 and my crush were then talking on a private chat. Bestie 2 had left the place we were talking on, and shortly after Friend 1. Friend 1 then told me on the place just me and her were talking that the 'fight' was 'amusing'. I was mad at Friend 1 sorta! Yes, fights usually do entertain me. [I don't know why :P] But not this time because she made my best friend mad. So a few minutes later, I got an email from Bestie 2 [it was sent to me and my other friend like really likes my crush], saying something like 'i just broke up with [my crush's name]. i hope you two are happy now. you both practically forced me to break up with him. don't talk to me ever again.' I was about to break into tears. My ALL TIME best friend saying to never talk to her again?! That she broke up with him?! For the record, NEVER, EVER have told her 'oh god just break up with him already! you've caused me enough pain!' I've just been sucking it up and dealing with it, trying to forget about it and move on. All she knows is that I just felt terrible when they started dating. Then my crush emailed me, my other friend that likes him, and Friend 1 and said Bestie 2 is doing bad things to herself. I wanted to die! I care about her so much and I don't want to see her in this pain! I emailed Bestie 2 about 5 times, asking for her to talk to me, and I even took pictures of myself holding up little notecards that said things like 'i'm sorry' and 'i love you', etc. She didn't answer. I had to go to this thing at my church, and when I came back, she answered, but it was nothing. [I don't know why, sometimes the email system is weird :\] After that I decided to go back on the place me, my crush, and Bestie 2 were talking on before everything happened. Bestie 2 and one of my other friends were on. I tried talking to Bestie 2, and she said that she was very mad at me because I ran my mouth to Friend 1 about her. I told her, we didn't talk ABOUT you. I told Friend 1 about the situation, and I, at least, didn't trash talk Bestie 2. [Friend 1 did :\] Bestie 2 seemed to not understand. She said she is in a big depression now, and she loved him more than life. [Even though they've only been dating for a few days..] Also, earlier that day, when Friend 1 and Bestie 2 were fighting, Friend 1 said something, and I just said something like 'oh well i have to agree with her there..' and Bestie 2 had kept saying that I encouraged her, earlier, and possibly when just me and Friend 1 were talking. I told Bestie 2 that I was STUPID for saying that, which I was. I told her I was sorry a lot, and I told her I did not encourage Friend 1 in any other way. We kept talking, and I think we may have worked it out. She says she still misses my crush, and I told her she should just get back together with him. I NEVER thought I'd say that, but I just want Bestie 2 to be happy, because I love her so much. Though inside, I can't stand them being together! And I can't stand seeing Bestie 2 in pain! I just don't know what to do!
    What do you guys think I should do?
    I can still tell she doesn't trust me a little.. :\
    I just want our friendship to be fully okay again.
    Thank you, everyone. ♥

  10. Gab_Gab13 Gab_Gab13
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:25am UTC
    Waiter- Would you like a soup or salad?
    Me- What's a super salad?! :O

  11. 1957 1957
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:25am UTC
    i wish boys and girls could have sleepovers without it being a big deal.

  12. Isabel18 Isabel18
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:25am UTC
    All I want in life right now is to know what it feels like to have someone love you, and care about you so incredibly much. It shocks me how people have love and they take it and don't truly appreicate it. Sometimes it makes me want to cry...Sometimes I actually do.

  13. klk klk
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:26am UTC
    things I hate #6;
    when people interupt me.
    nmf. format-x3wittyfades

  14. fallforyou22 fallforyou22
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:26am UTC
    Just keep fighting for our lovin'
    Baby I'll defend it too.

  15. whydoihatemyself whydoihatemyself
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:26am UTC
    Harry Potter has reached out to an estimate of 200 countries, spoke out
    in over 69 languages and has touched the lives of more than 400 million
    people. It's the phenomenon that ignores race, age, gender and religion.
    It has brought us together despite all our differences.
    We are the Harry Potter generation.

  16. _regret _regret
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:26am UTC
    Sitting there awkwardly while
    your friend gets
    yelled at by their
    parents. ♥

  17. iwillalwaysloveyoudontforget iwillalwaysloveyoudontforget
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:26am UTC
    Day one: Letter to your bestfriend.
    Dear Bestfriend,
    Alright, so i've know you for four years. your not my bestffriend your my sister. thankyou for everything. we may not have the best friend ship sometimes but i love you to death. you mean the world to me & im sorry for all the fights we got into. I love you being right across the street. All throughout middle school you've been my bestfriend..no matter what..i never told anyone anything about you & your boyfriend..or family problems..or anything..sometimes im jealous of how gorgeous you are...but no matter what i love you like fammily <3

  18. Jazziiee Jazziiee
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:27am UTC
    are like a phones,
    We liked 2 be held,
    We like 2 talk,
    But, if you press the wrong BUTTON you will be DISCONNECTED.

  19. Tay_JB Tay_JB
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:27am UTC
    ♡ ELMO
    ♡ BARBIE
    ♡ DORA

  20. prettygrl2424 prettygrl2424
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 12:27am UTC
    Y o u n e ver no what will happen when . ,.
    You fa l l in love <3


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