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Quotes added on Monday, August 2 2010

  1. MiiMily MiiMily
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:00am UTC
    Alex Gaskarth ♥

  2. wecheer4you wecheer4you
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:00am UTC
    Am I the only one
    who punches the lends out of 3-D glasses and pretends to be a nerd for a day? (:

  3. GigiDC GigiDC
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:03am UTC

  4. i_miss_youx3 i_miss_youx3
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:03am UTC
    i miss his smile.
    i miss his hair.
    i miss his laugh.
    i miss his hugs.
    i miss his kiss.
    i miss him. ♥

  5. iheartgiraffes iheartgiraffes
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:03am UTC
    She hangs off of every word
    and needs to hear another lie of his

  6. katluvsu katluvsu
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:03am UTC
    Going to sleep with a dream,
    waking up with a purpose

  7. sunsetboulevard sunsetboulevard
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:03am UTC
    Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps.

  8. xonickiebabyy143 xonickiebabyy143
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:04am UTC
    So it's not gonna be easy.
    It's going to be really hard;
    we're gonna have to work at this everyday,
    but I want to do that because I want you.
    I want all of you, forever, everyday.
    You and me... everyday.

  9. forever96 forever96
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:04am UTC
    texting so much faster
    _ . · ´ ¯ ` · »
    when you're in a fight in some one ღ
    saw it on another website and loved ittt(:

  10. tayalay tayalay
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:04am UTC

  11. xxosoccerbabe13xxo xxosoccerbabe13xxo
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:04am UTC
    no matter where you are in the world; the moon is never bigger then your thumb

  12. wecheer4you wecheer4you
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:06am UTC
    OMEGLE talk to strangers!
    That just ruined my whole Elementary school lessons.

  13. lOvE802 lOvE802
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:06am UTC
    itsss mmyyy bdaaayy :) wissh me happy bdaay (:

  14. xxBestDressFearlessxx xxBestDressFearlessxx
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:06am UTC
    [♥]do you remember the nights
    we'd stay up just laughing
    smiling for hours
    {[{at anything}]}
    remember the nights we
    drove around crazy in love♥
    when the lights go out
    we'll be safe and sound
    like it's all we have
    to hold on to. and
    w e ' l l b e a d r e a m
    we'll be a dream
    we the kings featuring demi lovato

  15. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:07am UTC
    Boyfriends or Bestfriends?
    Chapter 6
    I fell asleep happily in his arms. I woke up in the middle of the night, of course, it was my phone.
    It was a text from Zach. I haven't checked my phone in a while, or answered it.
    It said:
    Zach: Hey, Alex. I know you might be busy, but I haven't heard from you in a while? Everything ok? Juss checking on you. Night.(:
    Me: Zach. Heeeeyyy. I'm okk. I am with Jayden. Barelyy awake. Loveeee you.
    Zach: Alright, good. Please stop saying that. You don't need to get hooked on me.
    I didn't want to respond. I was too tired, and he would understand.
    I snuggled next to Jayden, and fell back asleep. He moaned something.
    I woke up, and I was still with Jayden.
    He was awake, and he still looked tired. I hugged him tight, and closed my eyes. I wish I could lay down with him forever.
    "Good morning," he said hugging me.
    "Mmmmm," I moaned.
    He squeezed me tighter, and lifted me up. I squinted me eyes. I could hardly see.
    Jayden kissed my lips. I kissed back, and held him tight.
    "What do you want to do today?" I let go and asked him.
    "I don't care. Whatever you like."
    "I feel like doing nothing. Juss staying with you."
    "Well, do you want to go home?"
    "What is home, Jayden?"
    I wanted to move in together soon. One more year, and then college.
    "My house or your house."
    I didn't respond. Again, he pops in my head. My room, my house, my party. Zach. For some reason, I forgot about him this whole time with Jayden. Then he ruins it. I knew I love Jayden more. But Zach juss seems to stop me.
    I snapped back into reality.
    "Of course. Well, let's go to your house."
    "Ok. Sounds good to me."
    We stayed there a little longer, juss resting. I texted Mel.
    Me: Mel, what's up?
    Mel: Ohai(: Juss getting ready.
    Me: For what? :O
    Mel: I'm going to hang with John. I think I literally love him!
    Me: Don't fall for him too much. Don't want him breaking your heart.
    Mel: Well, he is like my first official boyfriend.
    Me: Honey, you are only 12.
    Mel: I know how old I am. I like him, and he likes me. I juss want this to last. Don't start breaking my heart, before he does!
    Me: Haha, well I won't. Where are you going?
    Mel: Going to the mall. And prolly the movies. Then, go walking around the park.
    Me: Oh sounds fun.(: Make shure you don't do anything your not supposed to. Your 12. Not 14. (:
    Mel: I promose I won't. It's juss last time, we were tired. And we fell asleep. He didn' t touch me.
    Me: I know. I trust you. Well, have fun. Send me a picture of you two together. :D
    Mel: Alright. I will later. Love you<3
    Me: Love you<3
    Jayden picked me up, and headed out the door. We went to the lobby and gave them our key. Then we left.
    "I had so much fun, Jayden. Thanks for spoiling me. I know I wasn't in the mood last night, but I enjoyed it."
    I leaned over, and kissed him. I wanted to sit in his lap again.
    "I had an amazing time too. Well, I told you I was going to spoil my baby. It' ok. I still love you."
    He started kissing me again. We kissed in the parking lot, for about 10 minutes. People could see through the window, and started staring.
    We let go and laughed. I climbed over to him, and sat in his lap.
    He held my waist, and I leaned back onto his chest.
    We stayed still for a while, then he cranked the car. I was still in his lap.
    We pulled up to his house, and he carried me up to his room. He plopped me onto his bed. I lied down right beside him. I juss wanted to be lazy today, and stay with Jayden forever.
    About 2 hours passed, and we were kissing for a while. We stopped, then kissed. It was on and off. Then we finally spoke.
    "Want to go to the movies?" He asked.
    "Shure. Let me borrow some of your clothes."
    "You can't go out in public wearing my boxers." He said laughed and squeezed me.
    "Well, I should have some skinnies here. I'll juss wear one of your small shirts."
    "Ok, Let me go look for them."
    He got up and left the room. I went in his closet, to find a shirt.
    I started looking and saw something. I was shocked to see. I wanted to go scream at Jayden, but then again, cry. I was upset. I tried to hold it in, so Jayden wouldn't see me. I didn't know when to ask him about it.
    Comment/favourite(: Tell me how you like it, and when you started reading my story(;

  16. HiddenSecretts HiddenSecretts
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:07am UTC
    i love you; its just that simple
    text. text. text. text. text.
    text. text. text. text. text.
    text. text. text. text. text.
    text. text. text. text. text.
    text. text. text. text. text.
    hi, i'm hailie and i'm in love.
    first test run for:: glamandfam12

  17. ashleyroks_14 ashleyroks_14
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:07am UTC
    Without you I'm not okay. And without you I've lost my way.
    My heart's stuck in second place ooh; Without you.
    Somebody please tell my head to tell my heart; that im
    better off without you; cause baby I cant live.

  18. watchoutforme123 watchoutforme123
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:07am UTC
    There is no such word as "loved"
    Love has no past tense.
    If you ever stop loving someone,
    then you never truly loved them
    In the first place.
    Click the heart if you'd like (:

  19. xjerseygirllx xjerseygirllx
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:08am UTC
    so i know a lot of girls are venting on here and i think that you girls need someone who can really help you with your problems and who you can vent to, so ask me anything or vent to me, or ask me for advice anything:)

  20. sunsetboulevard sunsetboulevard
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 12:08am UTC
    He who laughs last didn't get it.


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