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Member Since: 29 Jun 2010 08:30pm

Last Seen: 27 Sep 2013 09:39pm

user id: 114230

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About me:
I've been a member of witty for almost a year now & i love it. I love writing stories here, because i can express how i feel. I cant believe how so much talented is found from this website. it amazes me.<3
I love music; its what i live for. My favourite artists are KiDCUDi & Taylor Swift. Boys drive me crazy ;) I cant wait until summer '11.

Previously, i was writing a book called "Guys or Death?" with a sequel to it, "Boyfriends or Bestfriends?" I loved writing it, but school got in my way. I never finished it & planned on revising it on MSWORD. but i think im a little too lazy for the job.
This Heart Beats Only For You- new story!

Comment. Follow. Favourite.
Suggestions are welcomed.
LionLayouts <3
  1. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 12:36am UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 14;
    I snuck around the corner to find Walker in his bedroom, still thinking hard. I stared at him, not noticing. He was looking around, and then caught my eye.
    I ran away from his window, hoping he wouldn’t come back to me… even though I was practically dying inside.
    I hid behind a bush, crying. I needed a life. I couldn’t keep chasing after people.
    I thought I would die here eventually and Walker would find my precious body lying here. But it didn’t turn out that way.
    Instead, Walker came back.
    “What the hell are you doing out here? It’s storming!” He screamed.
    “I-I have no place to go,” I hated to admit that.
    “I don’t know why you left me alone in the first place,” he whispered. I smiled inside.
    He picked me up and took me inside.
    I was afraid to admit to myself, but I was in love with him.
    He, out of all people, understood me.
    (comment? i feel like im not hearing from my readers!)

  2. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2011 12:00am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2011 11:39pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 12;
    Kade didn’t question me, like I planned. He waited a while, until the questions actually came.
    “Why did you leave?” He asked.
    I didn’t have the voice to answer him, I felt so small.
    “Someone.. visited me and I left with him.”
    “You left with him? Who is this guy!? Tell me now.” He sounded so demanding which scared me.
    “I was sick of staying in this place, I needed to get out! I’m tired of hiding and looking for food. I need a home, Kade. Something you don’t support me with.”
    I felt bad for saying that, it was quite harsh.
    “You wouldn’t have survived if I never came to you. You would have been worthless.”
    He was speaking the truth… something I don’t handle well.
    “LEAVE. Go back to prince charming! You’re on your own now. I was getting tired of your crap anyways!”
    Then he left me just.like.that.

  4. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2011 3:16pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 11;
    100th Quote(:
    Moving fast much? I wanted to pull away, but the other half of me wanted to keep kissing these lips. His hands were around my waist and mine were around his neck. I started thinking straight after a few moments and broke it up.
    I turned away and didn’t make eye contact with him. I didn’t even want to stay the night anymore. I felt his eyes staring at me. I glanced up and found an exit. I ran straight out the door. My tears finally came, the ones that I used to cry every night in the city alone.
    I tripped a lot, seeing that I formed new cuts and bruises. My senses found my way to the train station. I arrived like a mess. I saw Kade, the only person I wanted to see at this very moment. His big arms wrapped around me.
    “Knew you’d come home eventually,” he whispered. But in the back of my mind I was replaying the past 15 minutes of my life.
    -Please tell me how you like it, want a twist? Comment! Give me your suggestions to the right-
    *I was thinking about putting a quote about their background (kade, cecily, &walker) sound like a good idea? comment!*

  5. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2011 8:40pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 1O;
    I swear I was falling for him. His voice, words, and body made me want him more. I refused to let my heart open up to him. Walker was still a stranger to me. I needed to find out who he really was under all of this sweet talk.
    Walker let me stay another night after we shopped. I wore his clothes to bed and slept in his bed. It smelled just like him. I was in his room alone and he walked in. “Are you going to bed yet?” he asked.
    “Not really. Just chilling, trying to recover from so much walking,” I laughed a little.
    “At least you have some clothes now. Can we talk?”
    “Aren’t we talking now? But sure.”
    “I feel like … I’ve known you my entire life. I feel like I can tell you everything. I just don’t want to lose you,” he said.
    He got up and sat on the bed beside me. “You don’t have to worry about that,” I whispered.
    He was getting closer, like he did in the car. My heart was racing; my body was getting nervous and shaky. His face was an inch from mine. He couldn’t get any closer! At that split second I closed my eyes and his lips were pounding on mine.
    (Back ! hope you're still reading(: feedback?)

  6. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2011 12:44am UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 9;
    I finished my shower and Walker let me wear his clothes. I looked like an idiot, but it didn’t bother him. “Let’s go now,” Walker said and grabbed my hand. I was getting used to his hand being in mine. I followed him out the door and got in the passenger seat.
    “Can you tell me where we’re going now?” I asked.
    “You’ll find out soon,” he smiled. It was really bugging me; I wanted to know where! He could kidnap me for all I know. I sat in the car thinking about the differences between Kade and Walker. There were quite some differences.
    We finally reached a stopping point and got out of the car. Looking around, all I saw were buildings and more buildings. What was this place?
    “I’m taking you shopping. You need some clothes,” he sounded proud of himself. I was in shock. I didn’t know what to buy, so I let him pick things out for me instead. We ended up buying a lot in my eyes. He carried all the bags like a real gentleman.
    He turned on the radio while we were in the car. It was a slow song and it continued when we reached the house. The sky was dark blue and the stars twinkled. Walker started looking at me and leaned closer to me. “Remember when you told me you weren’t beautiful?” he whispered, “You were lying to yourself.” I smiled, good thing it was dark so he couldn’t see how big my mouth was stretched across my ‘beautiful’ face.
    (Read the announcement, important*)

  7. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2011 7:32pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    I will be out of town for 5 days and that may push back a lot of my writing. I will try as hard as I can, but I want to enjoy myself with the fam (:
    Please continuing reading ! Comment, Critique, & Favourite.
    I cannot thank you all enough. You have been a pleasure to me & I'm doing this all for you !
    Keep stopping by for what's new. Thanks for you're time!(:
    Questions? Just ask!

  8. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 4:49pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 8;
    "I can't stay forever, ya'know?" I told him straight up.
    "Sure you can. We don't need to keep going through this."
    "I don't even KNOW you! You're a complete stranger and I stayed the night. That sounds.. desperate," I kept arguing with him.
    "We can get to know each other, if you actually take the time to listen," he said.
    "Fine then. I give up."
    "Go shower, then I'll tell you what we are going today."
    "What are you planning?"
    "You'll see," Walker said with a smirk.
    He walked me to this amazing bathroom. It was beautiful like any other thing in this house. I showered up and stayed in there for a while. I could get used to this.
    Kade. Kade. Kade.
    Was he a true friend? He let me stay on the streets, rather than helping me more than just giving me money and food. This guy, Walker, really had me thinking.
    (tell me what you think! thanks <3)

  9. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 4:26pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 7;
    My eyelids slowly opened and it was bright outside. The windows let in a lot of light. I was under the covers, which scared me for a second. I slept in his bed? I stayed... overnight? Looking around, I didn't see Walker anywhere to be found. I hears footsteps, and shut my eyes fast. "She's still sleeping," he breathed.
    Should I wake up? I need to talk to him, he was different.
    My body forced itself to actually make a move. "Hey, your up!" He said kind of cheerfully. "Yeah, I guess so."
    "Want some food? You've been sleeping for hours. Maybe you should shower."
    "Thanks, but I need to go...."
    "Why on earth would you go back to that place? You have no where to stay."
    "I live there and I need to see Kade. He's probably freaking out. I'm not going to live with you. That would be too much."
    "What is Kade going to do with you?"
    "He feeds me and.. gives me money."
    "Does he have a house?"
    "If he was a real friend, he would let you stay with him." Those words lingered in my head for a while, maybe he was right.

  10. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 12:04am UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 6;
    I turned around and our noses were almost touching. I started breathing harder and his hands went through my hair. My eyes closed and I just stood there, letting him do whatever. "I'm not beautiful," I confessed.
    "The moment my eyes layed on you, I knew I had to do something," he whispered.
    I was choking up, no one has ever talked to me like this.
    He stepped back and took my hand. We went to his room and he sat down right beside me. "Tell me about yourself, Cecily." My name is his mouth was perfect.
    "What do you want to know?"
    "I don't know where to start...," I carried out the sentence.
    "From the beginning."
    "I had a mom, she didn't want me. I was a mistake and I've been trying to find out who I am my whole life. My mom was a drug addict and she was high every night I was there. Eventually I was 'too' much to handle, so she literally put me on the streets. Then you come around and now I'm here," I said.
    "That's heartbreaking, but you should know that you're not alone in this world."
    Why did he make things so much better ? Walker's arms were wrapped around me now. I started getting tired and the next thing I know is, I'm in his bed.

  11. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 5;
    Maybe he was right. Maybe Kade would eventually ditch me and he was tired of all my crap. I wouldn't be so surprised..
    There was something about Walker. How can someone be so nice to a stranger like me? I wanted to sit down and just interrogate him. We were sitting on his couch and I was staring at the tv. I felt his eyes on me the whole time. He finally broke the silence.
    "Wanna tell me about your life?"
    "I really don't want to talk about that," I said.
    "Then what?"
    "Why me? Why choose me over everyone else? Why help me, pick me up off the streets, or give me a place to stay for a while?" I was about to be in tears. He didn't speak for a while.. which was making me nervous. I got up and was half way to the door. My waist had hands on them now. "Don't leave," he whispered. His voice made me get the goose bumps.
    Did i really mean something to someone like him ?

  12. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2011 6:02pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 4;
    He grabbed my hand and we got in a car. He put something over my heart and it clicked. "It's a seatbelt," he read my mind. "What's your name?" he questioned. "Cecily."
    "I'm Walker." We kept driving and driving.
    "Where are we going?" I asked.
    "To my house, I was in town." And he somehow found me. I stayed quiet; I didn't want to speak much. We finally came to a stop. The house was huge, beautiful, and perfect. "I think I might faint," I told Walker, getting wheezy.
    "You'll be fine. Just stay close by me." The house smelt amazing. I wanted to breathe in everything. I also felt like a disgrace toward something this special.
    "...this is my room," he said slowly.
    "It's...so divine."
    "Sit down, please." I followed him and sat on the soft, luxurious bed. I wanted to sleep here all day and just stay. I guess he watched me and said aloud, "You can stay here if you want. You need some sleep."
    I was shocked. "Um.. I need to go find my friend. Thanks though."
    "The one you'll be waiting on forever. He isn't going to show up."
    "He always does...," i said kind of lost.
    "Maybe not this time around," he said sure of himself.

  13. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 11:34pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 3;
    I felt something shake me, hard. I know this isn't happening again. Why can't I just sleep?Might as well just stay up. "Are you alive? Wake up please! Why on earth are you sleeping here?" this person was saying to me. He sounded worried.. about me?
    My eyes opened, letting light come through. The person was blurry and I wanted to see his face. I also wanted to scream and leave. No one has EVER talked to me, besides Kade. I felt lost and insecure. "Dear God. You're alive," he said and hugged me tight.
    Who is this person? It sure wasn't Kade. I let go fast. "Who are you?" I said almost crying. "Someone you just met," he smiled at me. That smile was just beautiful.
    "Why are you still here? I'm unwanted, so you can leave," I said.
    "I'm not going to let you stay here forever! You can't live like this. Come with me."
    "I dont know you...I can't leave. I'm waiting on someone," I said.
    "You might be waiting forever."
    He helped me up and off we went. This was the first time I left my hideouts.
    (i appreciate my readers, im doing this just for you.)

  14. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 11:07pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    Chapter 2;
    "Cecily!" I heard someone call my name. I recognized his voice right away, Kade. I didn't want to be disturbed; I was having one of those perfect dreams. The ones you never want to wake up from. "I brought you some lunch," he told me. His voice soothed me, so I was just fine. I stopped worrying about the dream I was having. "Thanks," I whispered. It was a Subway sandwich, my favourite!
    "We should do something today. You spend too much time hiding out," he confessed.
    He lived in a house, but always stayed with me. I didn't quite understand why. Why stay with someone like me? "There's nothing to do. I'm fine where I am. I don't feel like going out."
    "Well, just stay here. I'm getting out. I'll come back soon, okay?"
    "Okay," I answered. I was finally alone. I fell back asleep, continuing my dream.
    (feedback? should i continue? thanks! read ch.1)

  15. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 9:08pm UTC
    This Heart Beats Only for You
    I am different from most people. You would think, welll yeah, everyone is different. We all have our life stories. But mine, mine is more like a miracle. I live in bus stations and love the physicality of people. Their movements make me stop & stare. I live on the streets chasing pavements with Adele. I try to follow my dreams, hoping someday someone will make an impact on my so-called life I have. In my dreams, I see these pretty boys walking with me. Making me feel so special. I'm the center of his world. That's everyone's dream, right? The pretty boys hold my hand, dance with me, and never let me fall. Can't I just be that girl? That will never happen. Want to know why ? Because I'm Cecily.
    Chapter 1;
    Like any other day, I was sitting on the sidewalk watching the crowds walk right beside me. The differences between me & the crowd? They have lives, I don’t. They stayed in school, I didn’t. They have a bed, I don’t. They all have a perfect family that ‘fights’, but my family was torn apart, I was left on the streets, and my mom didn’t want to deal with me. I hate thinking about my past…it makes me feel unwanted. I just want to feel wanted.
    I have this friend named Kade who watches out for me and lends me some money whenever I need it. He’s the only one that knows my life story and who I can actually trust. Kade is 22 and I’m 17. He’s a bit old, but I love him. I started liking him more and more when I was about to sleep behind an apartment. He found me and right at that moment he kissed my lips. I never knew what it was called, until I started crying and he told me. I can’t like him though. He isn’t one of those pretty boys in my dreams.
    (tell me if the title fits & comment if you like it ! )

  16. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2011 1:01am UTC
    Sneak Peek.
    I am different from most people. You would think, welll yeah, everyone is different. We all have our life stories. But mine, mine is more like a miracle. I live in bus stations and love the physicality of people. Their movements make me stop & stare. I live on the streets chasing pavements with Adele. I try to follow my dreams, hoping someday someone will make an impact on my so-called life I have. In my dreams, I see these pretty boys walking with me. Making me feel so special. I'm the center of his world. That's everyone's dream, right? The pretty boys hold my hand, dance with me, and never let me fall. Can't I just be that girl? That will never happen. Want to know why ? Because I'm Priscilla.
    Comment/tell me youre opinions. this is just a new beginning!
    Should i continue? thanks <3

  17. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2011 11:26am UTC
    Announcement !
    Heeyy, witty readers! As some of you know.. i was writing the story Guys or Death? & the sequel , Boyfriends or Bestfriends? I dont know if ill continue it, since its been a LONG time since i wrote. Im starting a new story;
    -Comments? -Requests? -Ideas? Thankss.
    Check out my quote account; momo4liife

  18. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2011 9:20pm UTC
    I just wanted to let you know, its been about 7 months since I've written my story.. which is REALLY sad.
    So i am going to revise it & probably rewrite it, if I'm not so lazy!
    Thanks for all the supportt. Some of you might not even recognize me. (:
    *If you havent read my story, you can! *

  19. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2010 6:28pm UTC
    Boyfriends or Bestfiends?
    Chapter 39
    Mel's P.O.V.
    We talked about my baby most of the time.
    "I still don't know what I'm going to do with her.. or him. I haven't been to the doctor in a while. I don't know what to do," I told him.
    "I think you should... keep the baby."
    I was shocked. Really?
    "Are you shure? I'm like really young. How am I supposed to take care of it."
    "I will. I will take car of her or him. You just study and finish school," he told me.
    "No. You need to finish school, go off to college, and succeed in life. I can't make you do all that. Nope. It'll be you're one priority in life. You won't focus."
    "Mel. Please? I will."
    "No. I can't do that. I will give it to... Alex and Jayden."
    He didn't say anything for a moment.
    "I'm sorry," I pleaded and started shedding tears in his chest.
    "There's nothing to be sorry about, hun. I love you."
    He wiped my tears away and brushed my hair. I was confused the rest of the day.
    School is here in 3 days. Summer is almost over! I'm upset and mad. I wish it was summer forever.
    My parents arrived home. Drunk as all get out. I didn't care what happened, I stayed out of their sight.
    Alex took care of me.
    I left Zach's house later on and talked to Alex about it.
    "Alex, would you like to have my baby?"
    "Oh, hun. What are you saying? You can't go through all this stress for it!"
    "But, I don't want to kill it.. please. Save a life."
    "I don't need her," she drifted off.
    I got up and left the room. She wouldn't take her..
    "Mel! Please, I'm sorry," I heard her scream.
    I ran up to my room. I called Zach.
    "Zach... please.." I cried.
    "I'm on my way."
    In a few moments, he was here. In my room.
    He put my close to him, rubbing my hair and my back.
    "I need you," I hesitated to say.
    "What happened?"
    "Alex won't take her."
    I assumed it was a girl.
    "We'll work something out."
    He sang to me and hummed. He left to talk to Alex and came back later.
    "I love you," he whispered to me and left. Just. Like. That.
    I was so confused.
    That night I didn't talk to Zach anymore. He texted me and I ignored him. I would talk to him soon, but not now.
    Alex never came back to talk to me. I fell asleep.
    School was 2 days away. Drama needed to get off my mind before hand.
    I repeated his words in my ears, "I love you."
    Things changed after that day. Everything like shifted to one side.
    Again, SORRY. I'm busy EVERY weekend now, and 1 is like all I can get. I apologize if this is a little confusing, you'll get it soon though! Love you all!

  20. ConverseChiiickx3 ConverseChiiickx3
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2010 1:50pm UTC
    Boyfriends or Bestfriends?
    Chapter 38
    Mel's P.O.V.
    I woke up and of course, I had a text from Zach. We stayed up all night together texting. He called me a few times just to tell me he loved me. How amazing?
    I still don't know if we are like a thing. Boyfriend and girlfriend? All I know is that we love each other. I am hoping that I will have permission to go over his house today. I want to because I'm going to get bored.
    I keep forgetting the baby in my stomach. I keep forgetting school, my parents, friends, everything. I have him. That's why.
    I got up and went in the kitchen.
    Jayden was awake, but Alex wasn't.
    "Hey Melanie," he whispered.
    "Hey Jayden."
    "What are you doing today?"
    "Probably go to Zach's house. Hang out with him. You?"
    "I'll have to see. I'm not sure."
    "Cool. I don't want school to start."
    "I know, right? It's our last year, then college!"
    "That's not fair," I smiled some,"I hope you and Alex get married some day."
    "We will, don't worry."
    I kissed his head, then left. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Alex.
    I got finish eating, then went up to my room to shower. I answered Zach's text.
    Zach: I love you.
    Me: I love you more.
    I hoped in the shower; afterwards, I got dressed and brushed my hair. My phone vibrated then.
    Zach: Are you coming over, hun?
    Me: I still haven't asked. Jayden is awake, but not Alex.
    Zach: Ok. I'll be waiting(:
    Me: Ok love.
    I went back downstairs to see if she was awake now.
    She was!
    They were eating breakfast together. Alex noticed me and spoke up.
    "What are you doing today, lazy bug?" she smiled.
    "I'm so not lazy! Um.. I was just about to ask you about that and someone's happy."
    "I am happy. Zach's house?"
    "Umm.. yes."
    "I knew it. You can go, just make shure you text me every once in a while so I know what's going on."
    "Thank you so much! I'll walk over there in a minute."
    I had a smile on my face. I didn't get Alex sometimes. She hated my choices, she let me do them. The next day she would be happy about what I'm doing.
    I walked back up to my room an grabbed my phone and shoes.
    I texted Zach.
    Me: I'm walking over to your house now. (:
    Zach: Ok (:
    "Bye, Alex and Jayden! I love you!" I yelled out the door.
    "Bye, Melanie! Love you too!" I heard them yell back.
    Walking down the street, I could spot Zach's house. I saw his room from the big window in his room.
    I sped up my pace and knocked on his door.
    Five seconds later a face popped up and I was lifted off the ground. Zach was carrying me.
    I started giggling. We were going to his room.
    He finally set me down and smiled wide at me.
    "Hey," he said.
    "Hey," I said back.
    "I missed you last night."
    "Me too. But we are here together now," I smiled.
    "Yes, we are."
    "What are we doing today, here?"
    "I dunno. Let's just sit and relax. Talk for hours."
    "I'm fine with that."
    And we went outside, lied in the grass, and talked for hours.
    I'm SO SORRY I haven't written in forever. I am busy on the weekends a lot not. I won't write as much, I don't have like any time! I'm doing my best. Please keep reading. Thanks for everything. (;


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