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Quotes added on Tuesday, August 25 2009

  1. BrokenBeky BrokenBeky
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 6:03am UTC
    lets commit the
    perfect crime
    ill steal your heart
    and you steal mine
    sorry is it already here,
    comment, favorite, follow?

  2. BrokenBeky BrokenBeky
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 6:22am UTC
    love is being stupid
    fav, commet, follow?
    credit to me

  3. lexijayy lexijayy
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 6:29am UTC

  4. miss_dudi212 miss_dudi212
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 6:37am UTC
    Is There Anyone On Witty Who Would Like To Have RAINBOW Fades?
    [[ btw, the quote is just random ]]
    we're just silly little girls <3 who fall for stupid boys♥
    You can just comment me the Quote or Whatever you would like and I'll make it RAINBOW :P
    [[ PS. i only do rainbow fades atm. ]]

  5. miss_dudi212 miss_dudi212
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 6:41am UTC
    we're just silly little girls <3
    who fall for stupid boys♥
    my own rainbow :)

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. xoxohersheykiss5 xoxohersheykiss5
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:07am UTC
    - - - >Forever...Is a long time
    And I'm not wasting it
    On You

  8. crisis_unknown crisis_unknown
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:16am UTC
    "and being smart,
    i know that i need to (stay with)
    the [perfect] girl that god practically
    made for me. My soulmate? Maybe.
    > > All I know << is that the smartest
    descision is the one with|you|in|it."
    ("if you were as clever as you think, i would be heartbroken... soulmate? hm, i like that. i think it implies i get to keep you forever.. but god, darling?")
    "Silly girl, i suppose you're glad i'm
    not the brightest crayon in the box,
    but when it comes to this descision,
    i - know - what - i'm - doing. &, yeah,
    GOD. i decided there's gotta be a
    god or something out there that
    made you for me or i'm just :really:
    :really:lucky: because guys like me
    just don't get beautiful girls like you."
    texts from the boyfriend. gray one is
    me//credit for the edit? tenichally. ;D

  9. no_strings_attached no_strings_attached
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:25am UTC
    i'm over the part
    of letting go
    n o w a l l t h a t ' s l e f t i s
    >> ..moving on.. <<
    (( xx this may take some time xx ))

  10. NotYours_x NotYours_x
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:34am UTC
    there's a reason why;
    i dont answer your calls,
    or write back to your messages.
    i dont walk upto you to start conversation,
    or even smile at you.
    you wanted me gone,
    so i left.
    you miss me?
    you wanted it this way.
    Mine .
    - NotYours_x

  11. crisis_unknown crisis_unknown
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:39am UTC
    all the wasted time on you;
    all the bullshit you put me through;
    checking into rehab
    'cause everything that we had didn't
    mean a thing to you. < / 3

  12. CrossCountryChic CrossCountryChic
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:40am UTC
    *Request for LaceyLove

  13. CrossCountryChic CrossCountryChic
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:45am UTC
    Just Dance♥
    It's not just a sport anymore
    *Request your sport like this.Making more

  14. xxkai_tidexx xxkai_tidexx
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:54am UTC
    Birdy, birdy, in the sky
    Why'd you do that in my eye?
    Looks like sugar, tastes like sap.
    heard it somewhere, if it's your's I'll delete it, just tell me

  15. no_strings_attached no_strings_attached
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 7:59am UTC
    w h e n y o u >> d o n ' t << c a r e
    whether you cry **in.the.end** because
    is that (( xx----brief moment----xx )) of

  16. twilightgirl892 twilightgirl892
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 8:15am UTC
    request!!!!!!!! <3

  17. mint mint
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 8:17am UTC
    You know,
    if I were to die right now,
    in some sort of
    fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend...
    well, that would just be ok.

  18. mint mint
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 8:20am UTC
    You know what's funnier than 24?

  19. mmglysm2 mmglysm2
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2009 8:22am UTC
    is when you can say one word and crack up & no one else will ever understand it

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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