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Quotes added on Thursday, July 9 2009

  1. xoxosmileyface7729 xoxosmileyface7729
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:14am UTC
    I wish you felt the same way
    I DO....

  2. 3oh3_is_my_life 3oh3_is_my_life
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:15am UTC
    \m/ ^_^ \m/

  3. cayla242424 cayla242424
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:16am UTC
    sometimes i wonder
    what would he say if he knew how i really felt ?
    he could feel the same.
    he could feel the opposite.
    lifes about taking risks.
    i think i'll take this one.

  4. livelaughandlovethesox livelaughandlovethesox
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:19am UTC
    WE DiD iT!
    [( class )] of 2O13!
    credit to esthiebaybee, but i changed the words :)

  5. brun3tt3love brun3tt3love
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:21am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. Someday12 Someday12
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:21am UTC
    i think you were in my life for a reason
    for me to see how [ much ] you can want
    something that is so c o m p l e t e l y wrong for you
    to learn that sometimes what you want is
    not what you [ need ] and what you [ need ] is
    nothing like what you want you hurt me
    [ you broke me ][ you used me ][ you lied to me ]
    you left me and you made me stronger
    than i was the day [ before ] now i know loving
    you wasn't for n o t h i n g so
    for teaching me a lesson
    - mine venttttt -
    comment fav follow!

  7. sydnyyx sydnyyx
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:22am UTC
    And maybe..
    I don`t know how long fxoxrxexvxexr is.
    But I do know..
    to guys, its
    2 weeks.
    all mine.
    just venting;
    feel free to change the colors
    credit please;

  8. pazzxamorrxd pazzxamorrxd
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:22am UTC
    ok so anna, kassondra, and lizzie are in annas room. lizzie's layinq in one cornor doinq nothinq.? The radios on (mostly static). And its sittinq on a shelf next to the bed.
    kassondra is sittinq on annas bed with me and we are passinq each other a basketball. I decided to qet crazy and throw the basketball real hard. BAM, there qoes the radio. It hits the radio and the radio falls almost on top of kassondra's head so she screams and trys to move away franticly. and i just sit there and qasped and said "KASSONDRA!" while anna dives from the other side of the bed to catch it.
    anna didnt catch the radio, it fell + broke and made a huqe crash. thanks to me and my amazinq basketball skills. the funny thinq is, lizzie just lays there not knowinq what just happened. And doesnt even bother askinq. it was so funny thouqh.
    sorry again anna!
    qo to x0besties101x0

  9. xxloverrxx009 xxloverrxx009
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:23am UTC
    You wont be his first, his last, or the only hes loved before, he will love again but if he loves you now what else matters? Hes not perfect, and neither are you and the two of you will never be perfect but if he makes you laugh at least once and causes you to think twice and admits to being human and making mistakes hold onto him and give him all you've got hes not going to quote poetry he is not going to be thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you can break. Dont hurt him, Dont change him, and dont expect too much from him, smile when he makes you happy, [[Cry]] when he makes you sad and {miss him} when hes not there...
    sorry i didnt feel like doing a whole lot to this but you can take this and make it prettier ahah

  10. iceicebaby95 iceicebaby95
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:24am UTC
    I asked him if I was crazy...
    His response?
    "Your different but I like it"
    *actually happened to me
    *ALL MINE vvv

  11. randomxxcardss42xo randomxxcardss42xo
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:26am UTC
    But the thing is, I don't think fate is real.
    I think that it's impossible for something to be "meant to be" If you can't make it happen, then dammit, it's not going to happen. Life is not pre-planned for you like that. Because then, it would be easy. No, life is much more based on emotions. Because what's going to happen is all based on decisions. And decisions are all based on emotions. So, basically, what I'm trying to say is, we decide our own fate. Each and every one of us do. You can't always just let things happen. Sometimes, you have to fight for what you want.

  12. marinshka09 marinshka09
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:27am UTC
    Everytime I see him
    My heart starts beating so fast
    I feel like it's going to blow out of my body.

  13. marinaluvsxox marinaluvsxox
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:28am UTC
    Screw Albert Einstein! I blame gravity for falling in love! Lol

  14. xoprimee18 xoprimee18
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:40am UTC
    i'm sorry,
    but you're just so amazing.
    and i can't stand her, be-
    cause it's clear that you a-
    re still in love with her. e-
    ven when we were dat-
    ing. you loved her. it's al-
    ways been her. but why
    not me? she plays ever-
    yone. she's playing you.
    but i'm not playing you,
    i really do love you still so
    if you still love me, i'm here.

  15. randomxxcardss42xo randomxxcardss42xo
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:45am UTC
    And I'm Never Going To Look Back,
    But I still want you to know that I'm sorry.

  16. cayla242424 cayla242424
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:53am UTC
    you just got face it, face to face

  17. XxLeahxLygophiliaxX XxLeahxLygophiliaxX
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 1:58am UTC
    The seven words I live by:
    I need to get out of here...
    *Word/word position credit to moonlitmatches. Credit for the edit.

  18. peacexlovexx20 peacexlovexx20
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 2:03am UTC
    your the reason
    she joined witty
    so she can write about you <3

  19. musicislife musicislife
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 2:06am UTC
    Summer 09

  20. XBriBriX XBriBriX
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 2:08am UTC
    A teardrop rolls down my cheek. All because the ghost of the past is haunting me. As each day goes by it gets harder and harder to know, you didn't want me, you let me go.


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