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Quotes added on Wednesday, August 30 2006

  1. singer12303 singer12303
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:14am UTC
    Everyone is famous for 15 minutes
    when it is your time dont be snotty like the stars

  2. singer12303 singer12303
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:15am UTC
    It says that im away

  3. singer12303 singer12303
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:18am UTC
    it is a good way to exspess your self
    sing in the shower it doesnt matter
    it wont make a difference

  4. singer12303 singer12303
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:20am UTC
    i think you look the cutest in your little uniform

  5. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:39am UTC
    i`VE LOVED YOU all along
    & i miss you _ BEEN fAR `
    AWAY F0R' [FAR T0O L0NG]
    i keep dreaming YOU`LL
    [bE WiTH ME] AND Y0U'LL
    never go '

  6. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:40am UTC
    i want to be like the seashell you find
    washed along the tide. beautiful, flawless,
    and special in your eyes.

  7. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:40am UTC
    for once in her life, she wants someone
    to take a chance with her so she can
    show them she really could be worth it. <3

  8. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:40am UTC
    you ruined it for every other guy
    no one even comes close to you

  9. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:40am UTC
    best friends are the people who are always there for you
    no matter what, they stand by u through everything, fights
    last about an hour && in the end they're the ones who will
    always tell you the truth © girls © ukwur` i love youu a & f

  10. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:41am UTC
    The World is
    gonna throw us a million
    reasons why this ` [ isn`t ]
    -gonna work out between
    us, but i`m armed with one;
    reason why it will
    i love you- boy meets world

  11. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:41am UTC
    hope for the best` & expect
    the worst. life isnt a movie ;
    its all » u n r e h e a r s e d

  12. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:41am UTC
    the cracks in the concrete are just
    reminders that you'll fall apart no
    matter how strong you are.

  13. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:41am UTC
    There are some people in life
    that make you laugh a little
    louder smile a little brighter
    && just live a little better*
    i call them my friends..

  14. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:41am UTC
    dont wait,
    the road is now a sudden sea
    and suddenly, your deep enough
    to lay your armor down <|3

  15. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:42am UTC
    should I smile because we're friends,
    or cry b/c that's all you said we'd ever be ??

  16. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:42am UTC
    why did you do those things? why did you constantly lead me on..?
    why did you get thoughts inside my head ;; if they weren't meant to
    stay? but worst of all.. why do i still like you ?? i just don't know. <3

  17. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:42am UTC
    i`m going insane without you;
    i`m loosing my brain without you;
    && i just can`t help myself,
    don`t want nobody else,

  18. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:42am UTC
    && someday someone is going to walk into '
    your life and make you realize why it never
    worked out with anyone else <3

  19. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:43am UTC
    you make it seem like y0ur so0o much better then me ;;
    ur just jealous because you cant and will never be me
    GET OVER IT =]

  20. sOfTbAlLx3sTaR sOfTbAlLx3sTaR
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2006 5:43am UTC
    we laughed, we cried
    and all the while we felt so alive
    it was you and me
    you grabbed my hand and made me see
    what it could feel like'.
    and what it might be like.
    you wrote my name in the sand
    in this
    e n d l e s s s u m m e r''


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