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Quotes added on Friday, August 25 2006

  1. hollisterx3 hollisterx3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 11:12am UTC
    if two past lovers remain [friends]
    they’re either still in love or '
    [never] were <3
    ^trebuchet ms size 8
    kinda funny.

  2. xxGlamxx xxGlamxx
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 11:18am UTC
    we were picture perfectt ...

  3. espn_is_4_lovers espn_is_4_lovers
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 12:09pm UTC
    Juilet faked her death.
    Romeo died for her.
    Juilet died for him.
    I w o u l d die for you.
    But you w o u l d n ' t die for me...

    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 12:16pm UTC
    i dont know whats everyone elses idea of normal is..
    but no one ever is.
    -- SouTH oF NOWheRE

  5. icyhalie icyhalie
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 12:44pm UTC
    JUst becuz she have the meanest teacher doesnt mean the world has come to an end!!!
    ♥ Im editsss

  6. summernightsx3 summernightsx3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 12:55pm UTC
    Oh, kiss me beneath the ((milky twilight))
    -->Lead me out on the moonlit floor
    Lift your open hand
    Strike up the band and make the
    Silver moon's sparkling
    So kiss me
    -Kiss Me, Sixpence None The Richer
    ariel size 12
    kiss me's = hot pink
    twilight = navy blue
    lead = red
    moonlit= yellow
    band= orange
    hand= light blue
    firefliesdance= neon green
    silver= gray
    sparkling= outlined in light yellow
    last kiss me =bold/italic

  7. but_im_your_dork_x33 but_im_your_dork_x33
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 1:01pm UTC
    some hearts ©
    they just get all the right breaks
    some hearts ©
    have the stars on their side
    some hearts ©
    they just have it so easy
    some hearts just get lucky sometimes
    some hearts just get lucky
    lucky sometimes
    even hearts like mine <33
    some hearts © - pink, impact, bold, size 24
    some hearts © - yellow, impact, bold, size 24
    some hearts © - blue, impact, bold, size 24
    mine- make it a myspace or xanga etc. link
    all the rest- black or gray, tahoma or terminal, whichever you want. size 8
    to make the heart-
    1. make the font name symbol
    2. press the ALT key and hold it
    3. while you hold the alt key,, press the numbers 0-169
    4. dont type it in with the number keys above the letters, type it with the calculator keys.

  8. but_im_your_dork_x33 but_im_your_dork_x33
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 1:18pm UTC
    L is for the way you look at me a r
    O is for the only one i see r a
    V is very very extraordinary a r
    E is even more than anyone that you adore can r a
    Love is all that i can give to you
    Love is more than just a game for two
    Two in love can make it
    Take my heart and please dont break it a r a r
    LOVE was made for me and you
    part 1
    L,V- impact, blue, size 24 (bold if you wish
    O,E- impact, pink, size 24 (bold if you wish)
    look, very- tahoma, pink, underlined, size 8
    only, even- tahoma, blue, underlined, size 8
    all the rest- tahoma, gray, size 8
    part 2
    first and third line- tahoma, pink, size 8
    second and fourth line- tahoma, blue, size 8
    part 3
    L,O- impact, blue, size ten
    V,E- impact, pink, size ten
    was made- tahoma pink, size 8
    for me and you- tahoma, pink, size 8
    part 4
    the a and the r are supposed to be hearts
    hilight the a and the r, make the font name "small fonts"
    size 8, and make them blue and pink
    this profiles takes up a lot of room so if it doesnt fit, take away some of the hearts. but its worth it because it turns out beautiful.

  9. but_im_your_dork_x33 but_im_your_dork_x33
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 1:33pm UTC
    Young girl don't cry... ©
    × º © º × ©FALL© × º © º ×
    part 1
    young- georgia, pink, size 18, (bold if you wish)
    girl- georgia, gray, size 18 (bold if you wish)
    don't- georgia, pink, size 18 (bold if you wish)
    cry...- georgia, black, size 18, underlined (bold ifu want)
    ©- symbol, pink, size 38
    part 2
    ill be right here when your world starts to fall-
    arial, black, size 12, bold. (dont bold the vowels, thats makes it pretty)
    part 3
    × º © º ×
    make the x and o's black, and make the hearts pink
    part 4
    arial, black, bold, szie 12 (if you want, you can put a pink hearts between eache letter, but that might take too much room)

  10. but_im_your_dork_x33 but_im_your_dork_x33
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 1:34pm UTC
    && i am a material girl <33
    part 1
    were, in- color-pink, font- impact
    livin- color-green, font-georgia, bold, and size
    material- color- pink, font-georgia, bold any size
    a, world- color-green, font, impact any size
    part 2
    &&, material- pink , georgia size 8
    i am, girl- green, georgia size 8
    part 3
    to make the hearts (© this symbol)
    make the font name sybmol, and press alt 0-169 with the calculator keys

  11. but_im_your_dork_x33 but_im_your_dork_x33
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 1:49pm UTC
    text window color- black or white. (looks better in black)
    font- impact
    size- any size
    bold if you wish
    dont- aqua
    worry- teal
    be- pinkish red (or pink)
    happy- orange
    heart- pink, (font- symbol)

  12. singer12303 singer12303
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 1:54pm UTC
    I want to be the girl who thinks she is pretty at all times
    and that the boy says i love you
    i want to be the girlwho is nice to see

  13. Mandi718 Mandi718
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 2:00pm UTC
    I though you were a fairytale,
    My dream when I'm not sleeping,
    A wish upon a star thats coming true.

  14. singer12303 singer12303
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 3:00pm UTC
    you know how all breakups start "WELL i think your blah blah blah" But what if you broke up with him and said i think your real sweet and stuff and then all of a sudden he says i love you what would you do i would be confused.

  15. courtney_x3 courtney_x3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 3:15pm UTC
    Some hearts ©©©
    they just get all the right brakes </3
    © © © © © © © ©
    looks cute done.. lol

  16. courtney_x3 courtney_x3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 3:16pm UTC
    && we`re the girls * who laugh wayy to much.
    act like complete idiots- '* take too many '
    insane pictures;have wayto many crazy times
    &and would deffinatly be lost without eachh --
    other. bestfriends© love you girls<3 tfee!! <3'

  17. courtney_x3 courtney_x3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 3:16pm UTC
    roll our film baby<3
    this is another one of our Romantic Scenes
    so act like you like me

  18. courtney_x3 courtney_x3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 3:17pm UTC
    but everything inside you knows
    says more than what youve heard
    so much more than empty conversations
    filled with empty words
    on fire, switchfoot =]

  19. courtney_x3 courtney_x3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 3:17pm UTC
    you are in everything ive ever loved
    you can kiss a 1,000,000 other girls
    i don't mind
    you can't break what's not real

  20. courtney_x3 courtney_x3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2006 3:18pm UTC
    && all at once the crowd begins to sing sometimes ;;
    the hardest things & the right things are the same..


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