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Quotes added on Monday, May 3 2004

  1. SWMprincess717 SWMprincess717
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 9:19am UTC
    10. We're half naked
    9. We never stop no matter how hard it is
    8. We never hesitate to get on our backs
    7. We love getting wet
    6. The deeper we go the faster we get
    5. Ultimate swim suit competition
    4. We'll usually bring along a six pack
    3. We can beat you with one stroke
    2. We're just so hott
    1. We do it better in the water

  2. SWMprincess717 SWMprincess717
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 9:20am UTC
    ~~*Swimmer's Prayer*~~
    Now I lay me down to rest I've tried my hardest and done my best to swim, flip, speed, and cheer, with the fastest times and no trace of fear. I know in the morning my body will ache, but for what I love, it's a price I'd gladly pay. Thank you God for making me strong with determination and commitment when practices are long. And if I shall die before I wake, I'll know I've shown the world that swimmers are born not MADE!

  3. SWMprincess717 SWMprincess717
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 9:21am UTC
    |S|w|i|m|m|i|n|g| my Anti-Drug

  4. SWMprincess717 SWMprincess717
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 9:25am UTC
    I swim the sport.
    I practice smart.
    My energy comes from my heart.
    There's no one out there.
    That I can't beat.
    Cuz I'm 100 percent athlete.
    We needed more swim quotes in here.

  5. SWMprincess717 SWMprincess717
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 9:26am UTC
    Swimming is a sport, everything else is just a game.

  6. NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 10:27am UTC
    i cRiEd tOdAy.. nOt bEaCaUsE i mIsS yOu..
    oR eVeN wAnTeD yOu bUt bEcAuSe
    i fInAlLy rEaLiZeD iM gOnNa bE AlRiTe wItH oUt yOu

  7. NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 10:29am UTC
    x.O.HeS CutE, sMaRt aNd ReElY FuNnIe.O.x
    o.X.He mAkEs eVeY ClOuDy dAy o sO SuNnY.X.o
    X.o.He lUvS Me sO MuCh hE TeLlS Me dAy tO DaY.o.X
    O.x.ItS So pErFeCt, CuZ I FeEL tHe sAmE WaY.X.o
    X.o. We R AlWaYz tOgEtHa aNd NEVER EVER fIgHt.o.X.
    O.x.O, U MiTe nO HiM, hiS NaMe iS Mr.rItE.X.O.

  8. NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 10:31am UTC
    .·'"`· . ·'"`· .·'"`·.
    ( ( In LoVe ) )
    ( ( WiTh y0u ) )
    ` ·..·` ·..·` · ·..·` ··.
    (Y )(*Y)

  9. NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 10:33am UTC
    *-i LoOk aT aLL tHe PiCtUrEs oF tHe PaSt- tHiNkiN oF hOw ThE yEaRs WeNt bY sOo FaSt- ThE dAnCeS- tHe PaRtiEs- ThE PiX-tHe LaFfS- tHe ShOuLdErS 2 CrY oN n CuTe PhOtOgRaPhS- tHe PpL iVe KnOwN SiNcE WaY bAcK wHeN- ThE nEw KiDs cAmE EvErY nOw N tHeN- tHe FrEnDsHiPs U mAkE cOmE n gO- bUt ThErEs aLwAyS tHoSe FeW uLL aLwAyS kNo- NoW aS wE gO oUr SePeRaTe WaYs- i KnO iLL aLwAyS rEmEmBeR ThEsE dAyS-

  10. NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe NaUgHtEeXbLoNdEe
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 10:34am UTC
    *A Broken Heart Is Forcing Yourself To Hang Up The Phone After You Have Dialed The First Three Digits To His Number. *
    *A Broken Heart Is When You Think About The Individual That Broke Your Heart Constantly. You Reminisce The "Good Times" Almost As If The "Bad Times" Never Existed. *
    *A Broken Heart Is When You Are Crying Yourself To Sleep Every Night And Yet Crying More And More Each Morning. *
    *A Broken Heart Is The Cold Shattering Feeling You Receive When You Hear The Syllables Of His Name. *
    *A Broken Heart Is Secretly Wanting To Run Back To Him And Secretly Wanting To Just Be Loved By Him Again. *
    *A Broken Heart Is Asking Desperately For Just One Last Chance With The Only Person Responsible For Your Loneliness. *
    *A Broken Heart Is Pretending To Not Care What His Friends Are Saying About You. *
    *A Broken Heart Is Screaming And Begging For A Second Chance Inside. *
    *A Broken Heart Is The Emptiness And Heart-Wrenching Feeling You Encounter When You See Him With His New Love. *
    *A Broken Heart Is Knowing That No Matter What You Do Or Say To Yourself, You Can't Fool Your Heart Into Believing That You Will In Fact "Be Alright."*
    *A Broken Heart Is Seeing Him And Even Though It May Be The Hardest Thing That You Have Ever Had To Do But, You Decide To Walk Away. *
    *A Broken Heart Is Listening To That One Song That Makes You Break Down, Over And Over Again. *
    *A Broken Heart Sometimes Means: Not Wanting To Go On. *

  11. XoXSwtLiLCutiePieXoX XoXSwtLiLCutiePieXoX
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 11:05am UTC
    This is a story about 2 friends who couldn't get along and it turn out that they weren't friends anymore and they kept on hurting each other
    I thought you were my Friend My Best Friend of the whole wide world! But i was wrong you stab in the back until I die and my last Words were "I thought you were my Friend my Best Friend of the Whole World?" After I torture you and haunted you down until I kill you! now up in heave n you sleep right next to me as if you were My Friend my best Friend of the whole wide world! this is not a tru story but i thought this would be interseting! to list b/c it was about to happen to me

  12. ajlova4eva ajlova4eva
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 11:55am UTC
    some people want it all
    but i dont want nothing at all
    if it aint with you baby
    if i aint got you baby
    some people want diamond rings
    some just want everything
    but everything means nothing
    if i aint got you

  13. AutumnNoelle AutumnNoelle
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 11:59am UTC
    x·. · ´ ¨ ` · . . o. . · ´ ¨ ` · . ·x
    I slipped on a kiss n fell in love
    now I’m hurting because it ain’t returned.
    You know who you are!!!!! Don’t play stupid!
    x·. · ´ ¨ ` · . . o. . · ´ ¨ ` · . ·x

  14. xcheerinmex xcheerinmex
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 12:45pm UTC
    I'm away eating breakfast, lunch or dinner. If ur smart u'll figure out which one it is.
    <center><table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 width=500><tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF><p align=center><font face=arial size=4><b><font color=#FF00FF>!</font><font color=#DD22FF>b</font><font color=#BB44FF>e</font><font color=#9966FF> </font><font color=#7788FF>r</font><font color=#55AAFF>i</font><font color=#33CCFF>g</font><font color=#11EEFF>h</font><font color=#11EEFF>t</font><font color=#33CCFF> </font><font color=#55AAFF>b</font><font color=#7788FF>a</font><font color=#9966FF>c</font><font color=#BB44FF>k</font><font color=#DD22FF>!</font></b></font></p></td></tr></table></center>
    this is so cool!!! ok , all you have to do it copy and paste it on an away message and it will say "!be right back!" and in these cool colors -- it is so cool !
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The person that did that can u plz make one that says eating, and one that says watching american. I would really appreciate it if u could

  15. ToTaLLyHeArTbRoKeN ToTaLLyHeArTbRoKeN
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 12:52pm UTC
    iF i ToLd yOu i WaSnT ScArEd tO LoOsE yOu iT WoULd bE A LiE CaUsE
    EvErYdAy i ThiNk *WhAT wOuLd i dO iF i DiDnT HaVE u* i WoULd diE*
    i love him with all my heart<3333!

  16. lil_lexie lil_lexie
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 1:03pm UTC
    i h
    i ha
    i hav
    i have
    i have l
    i have lo
    i have lot
    i have lots
    i have lots o
    i have lots of
    i have lots of f
    i have lots of fr
    i have lots of fri
    i have lots of frie
    i have lots of frien
    i have lots of friend
    i have lots of friends
    i have lots of friends and i will tak to them and be there friends to not spred there secrets about what they told me
    i love all of u

  17. ForgetMyName020 ForgetMyName020
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 1:09pm UTC
    please let me breath..
    your choaking me..
    and my feelings..
    this is my fall..
    downward i fall..
    my minds slipping..

  18. ForgetMyName020 ForgetMyName020
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 1:11pm UTC
    People were always talking about how mean this guy was who lived on our block. But I decided to go see for myself. I went to his door, but he said he wasn't the mean guy, the mean guy lived in that house over there. "No, you stupid idiot," I said, "that's my house."

  19. ForgetMyName020 ForgetMyName020
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 1:12pm UTC
    Well This is where we are at this point and time..
    Life is a Constant Circle Never Ending.. And things change places change people change. Guess thats just how thigns go.. Life or Death.. Pain or happyness... its all up to you.. live ur life the way u see fit feel dont think...Fly out of the cirlce be unique.. one day ull see how different things are for you and me....

  20. ForgetMyName020 ForgetMyName020
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2004 1:13pm UTC
    when your time comes and you’re numbers up
    All you have in life is what’s left in your cup
    When the whistle blows and the party’s over
    Don’t let em drag you out bored and sober
    When what’s done is done and what said is said
    And the dreams you’ve had are lying in your bed
    Let your memories be filled with no regrets
    There’s no second chances, there’s no turning back so..


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