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Member Since: 8 May 2011 02:23pm

Last Seen: 8 Sep 2011 11:12pm

user id: 172559

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Five Years Old and Counting

That's my story. It's about a girl named Rosie. Her growing up and stuff.

This is Nicky and I am a hacker. Again, I'm sorry to Morgie, Seph, Chy, and Cutie. Sorry about that.
Some stuff about me:
My name is Yazmin,
I'm 13
I have a twin brother, he has cancer.
I started a witty because my bestie (LoserLikeMe17) is obsessed and I love her to bits!
My brother and I are on at the same time today. We're super sorry that we made Morgie lie. We feel like we've been doing a lot of cyberbullying to her friends, so I'm starting an annonymous account on Witty. This one will no longer be added to.

  1. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2011 7:16pm UTC
    This is to some girls named Sephora, Chy, Morgan, and Hannah.
    HI, this is Nicky. I'm a hacker (again) and I just wanted to tell you all that I'm sorry. None of this was Morgie's fault. She just went along with my idea after I pressured her to do it. So, if you're reading this, sorry.
    -Nicholas Victor Wenchester IIII

  2. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2011 7:10pm UTC
    Hey, Witty Girls.
    Some of you know this already, but my brother and I were crossing the street when somebody texting drove straight for us.
    So, some of you requested that I keep you posted on his condition. He's doing much better.
    He's most likely going to live.
    The hospital is sending us all home with a nurse tomorrow.
    He can talk and go on the computer, so I'm going to show him all the faves I've gotten on the quote about the accident.
    ILY Witty Girls.

  3. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 10:11pm UTC
    Earlier today, my brother was hit by a car.
    The driver was texting while driving.
    He saved my life.
    But now he's in the hospital.
    The doctors say he might not make it.
    As of two hours ago,
    It's a 60% chance he won't make it.
    If he doesn't, he will have died.
    For me.
    can I have 16 faves? 16 is his lucky number

  4. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 11:50pm UTC
    I walked up to my guy
    I asked them what was going on. They replied:
    "We just decided that if we both end up gay, we're going to date."
    I gave them the biggest hugs EVER.

  5. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 11:43pm UTC
    Gay means happy
    so when you call somebody
    gay, remember that
    you're also calling them
    Rude means rude.
    Just remember that when
    somebody calls you rude,
    they usually mean it.
    *not mine

  6. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 11:11pm UTC
    Make a wish!

  7. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 8:32pm UTC
    I don't want a boy to sing "Just the Way You Are" to me,
    I want him to sing "Nothin' On You"
    I don't want a guy to peck my forehead,
    I want him to make me weak at the knees with his passionate kisses
    I don't want a guy to tell me I'm perfect,
    I want him to love my flaws
    I don't want someone who isn't

  8. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 6:01pm UTC
    12 things about my twin brother:
    1. he flirts, but he isn't a player
    2. he's loyal
    3. his hair is cooler than mine
    4. he would protect me from anything
    5. he's closer to my girl friends than I am
    6. he plays the piano and sings for me every night
    7. he's 5 minutes older than me
    8. he's the best cure for a broken heart
    9. no matter what, I can always count on him
    10. he's my best friend
    11. he's the strongest person I know
    12. he has cancer.
    I love you Nicky. Forever.
    - your little sister Yaz.

  9. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 5:53pm UTC
    *In living room with twin brother (Nicky)*
    Mom: Hey Yaz, I bought you more tampons
    Nicky: *smirks*
    Me: Shut up Nicky. Just because you still use pads doesn't make tampons funny.
    not my format

  10. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 8:57pm UTC
    Five Years Old and Counting
    Chapter 3: Five years
    On Monday morning, we all got up just a little bit late. Chris seemed nervous about something... Bailey seemed even more nervous. "What's wrong, Bailey?" i asked walking into her room. she was sitting on her bed in a towel, brushing her hair. I was in my bathrobe combing mine. "Nothing, just oral reports in class today." She said, picking her bra up from her chair. She put the towel on her bed and put on the bra. Then she went into her closet and pulled out underwear. "What's an oral report?" "It's an assignment that you say out loud instead of write." She said, putting on the underwear. "Go get ready, Kiddo. I'll be downstairs in ten minutes." I ran back to my room and put away the comb. Then I put on underwear. Then mom came in and helped me pick out clothes. She told me I had to wear long pants. "How about jeans, sweetheart?" She asked holding up my favorites, the ones that were really baggy last year so i wore them every weekend. Now they fit perfectly and they were always soft and comfy. "Yes!" I pulled them on and looked in the mirror. Then, I put on a shirt with a green peace sign on it. I picked up my backpack and ran downstairs. It was early enough to eat breakfast at the table. Chris came down a minute later and sat down across from me. "Morning, Munchkin." He said, pouring himself some cereal. He sounded kind of nervous. "What's wrong Chris? You sound kind of.." "I'm just kind of..." He didn't really want to talk about it, I guess. But he wasn't sad nervous. He was kind of happy nervous. Then mom ran in, trying to keep her jog going inside the house. "Hey, Mom?" Chris said slowly. "Can I have a friend over after school today?" "Sure, Honey. Which one?"
    "Sam." Chris said. "Who?" "Sam. I haven't had Sam over before, Mom."
    "Is Sam responsible? Can you and Sam look after Bailey and Rosie?"
    "Yes." Chris said. "Then yes, you may have Sam over." Thanks, Mom." Chris said, smiling. "Bailey! Let's go!" he screamed. "Coming!" She yelled back. "Grab a granola bar for her." Chris instructed me.
    We walked to school together. Chris holding my left hand and Bailey holding my right. Our school is a kindergarten through eighth grade school. We walk together to and from school. I do afternoon kindergarten so in the morning, I go to kindercare. That's where we are babysat before we go to Mrs. McLaughlin’s or Ms. Campbell rooms. Chris and Bailey have this thing called 'advisory' before they learn stuff, except it's way shorter than kindercare.
    After school, Bailey and I walked home together and Chris waited for Sam at school. When we got home, we went to our rooms. About five minutes later, I heard the door unlock and then open. I heard Chris's big steps with his big feet and then some not-so-big steps with some Bailey-sized feet. I heard two people sit on the couch. One sat down hard (Chris) and the other sat down softly, like Bailey does. I heard a couple laughs, too. One was deep (Chris's) and one was high and was more of a giggle. Then I heard two backpacks unzip. For a while, all I heard were pencils and paper. but then, all of a sudden, I didn't really hear anything. Sometimes, I heard a tiny little *smack* like when Mom used to kiss dad. I decided I'd go see what was going on. I tip toed down the stairs and into the living room. And on the couch, was Chris and some girl with really long, blonde hair and really nice clothes. And Chris was kissing her. On the lips. Over and over. I tip toed back up the stairs to Bailey’s room and dragged her to the door. "Be super quiet!" I said. "Why?" she asked "Because I want a cup of juice and we are spying on Chris and Sam." "Oh, okay. Let's go." she and I tip toed down the stairs and peeked into the living room. They. Were. Still. Kissing. "Oh my god, Chris!" she squealed loudly. She ran into the living room and gave him 'the stare' "Uh, what are you doing out of your room?" he asked. "It was Rosie's idea." she said with her hands on her hips. "We were spying on you." I added quietly. "Maybe I should go..." the pretty girl said. "No Sam, you don't have to go." Chris said. "Uh, you were kissing a girl with Rosie right upstairs?" Bailey asked. "Yes." "Chris, don't you have any common sense?" "I really think I should go. I'll see you tomorrow, Chris." Sam the Pretty Girl said, picking up her back pack. I really liked her clothes (a light pink tank top, a black velvet skirt and a pair of pink kitten-heeled shoes with black lining. She also had a dark pink sweater with a light pink heart in the very center.) and I told her so as she walked out the door. "Thank you, Rosie." she said, waving bye. "Don't tell mom." Chris said the minute she closed the door. He grabbed his back pack and ran up the stairs. He closed his door quietly and I could hear his foot steps on his floor.

  11. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 2:55pm UTC
    Five Years Old and Counting
    Chapter 2: Five years
    When we pulled into the driveway, Mom announced that she had to do some work on the computer but that we could do whatever until Mitchell arrived for dinner at six.
    Bailey and I ran up to our rooms and we both kept our doors open. I got out my new coloring book and and went in search of my crayons. I looked everywhere in my massive room, but I couldn't find them. I went to Bailey’s room. " Did you borrow my crayons?" I asked. She spun around from her desk that held her laptop and frowned. "I think they're in the living room, Kiddo." I ran down the long hallway, through the front landing, down the stairs, down the other hallway, past the den, past the office, and past the parlor to the living room and sure enough, They were sitting on the coffee table. i ran back to my room and started to color the page with the rainbow on it. I colored three pages before I heard mom's footsteps on the stairs. She came down the hall to my door and knocked even though it was open. "Can I come in, Rosie?" She asks. "Sure mom. What's going on?" I ask slowly, focusing on my coloring. "Well Mitchell is coming over and I was wondering what we should wear..." "We?" I ask. "Yes, we. You, Bailey, and me! Why don't we do a fashion show?" She asked enthusiastic "Sounds like fun! Let's ask Bailey said yes. We were modeling clothes in the hallway. We changed in our rooms and shouted "Ready!" once we were ready. Then we'd all step out and walk around like models! It was so fun.
    Then we heard a knock at the door. "No way! He's two hours early!" Mom said, panicking. "Open up! it's just me!" Said a familiar voice. "Chris!" I squealed, running to the door. "Hey, Munchkin!" It was summer (the last day, actually!) and Chris had gone off to a . Now he was back and what seemed like taller and definitely more deep-voiced. "Wow, your voice got deep, Chris!" Bailey said hugging him. "Let him take his bags up to his room, girls!" Mom said (In case you're wondering, Bailey and Chris are twelve, and I'm five) picking up Chris's duffel bag. "Pick something to wear; Mitchel’s coming over at six." Bailey said "Would you like to join the fashion show?" I asked. "Sure! just let me put these away." Chris said, kissing my forehead.
    After a several more rounds we all said "Ready!" and jumped out of our rooms. "These are the ones!" Mom said, tying her apron on to finish dinner. "Fifteen 'til six!" Chris said looking at his watch. "Oh, my goodness!" Mom said, panicked. "Kids, go set up the table!" We did as we were told, zippy quick. "Bailey, you put ice in all the cups and put them at the table. Rosie, you put all the plates and napkins down. "I'll do the utensils." We did it as quick as possible and as we put the finishing touches on everything, mom asked, "Time?" "One minute!" Mom plated all the food and carried the salmon fillets to the table. Chris carried the rolls, Bailey carried the steamed vegetables, and I carried the pesto macaroni. Then mom told us to sit on the stairs and wait for him. So we did. Chris was wearing a Polo shirt, Bailey was wearing a fancy pink sundress, and I was wearing a red blouse and a black velvet skirt. Mom was wearing a fancy sundress like Bailey’s except silk, not cotton, and blue instead of pink. Mom joined us and almost as if on cue, we saw headlights in the window; a car pulling into our driveway."Mitchell!" mom says, fixing her hair and smoothing out her dress. The doorbell rings and mom counts to ten then opens it. I always thought counting to ten was something grown ups did when they were mad... I guessed she wasn't mad so I wondered why she was counting. Mitchell walked through the door and kissed mom on the cheek, just like dad used to, back when he lived here with us.
    Mitchell had been coming over for almost a year and mom said he was her very special friend. Once we were all sitting down for dinner, Mitchell started talking about how he would love to be a bigger part of our family, how he'd love to come to one of Bailey’s poetry readings or one of my ballet recitals. "Chris, I'd love to come to a swim meet," Mitchell said, "I've always been interested in your sports career." He smiled. "Maybe I could coach you?" He asked. "That's always kind of been dad's thing with me..." Chris said. "Well, it could be our thing... when your dads not around, right?" Mitchell was starting to talk in a skin-tight voice. "May we be excused?" Chris asked mom. "Who is 'we'?"
    "Rosie, Bailey, and I?" "Fine." Mom said with her lips stretched out into a pretend smile. Chris picked me up and carried me upstairs. Bailey came up behind us, still chewing her salmon. We all walked into Chris's room and I sat on his bed. "Chris, what's the matter?" I asked in my I'm-still-a-baby voice. "I hate Mitchell!" he said with his fingers clenched "He's talking about being our step-father!" Chris screamed tossing his basketball at the wall. It made a loud thump as it bounced back. I looked at him. He never screamed at me. I felt tears in my eyes. "Oh, Munchkin I'm so sorry, don't cry!" Chris ran over and hugged me hard. "I don't want a new daddy!" I said quietly. "I don't either, Kiddo, but it's not up to you, or Chris, or even me. It's up to mom." Bailey said, tucking her hair behind her ears.
    None of us kids liked Mitchell that much; he wants to be our new dad. That's all he ever talks about, being 'part of our family' and being 'like a second dad' but I don't want him to be.

  12. yazzyandty4ever yazzyandty4ever
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 2:43pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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