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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. taaymaex3 taaymaex3
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 1:25pm UTC
    Making faces in the mirror after your done straightening your hair & putting on makeup ♥

  3. candyninja08 candyninja08
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 11:44am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. xxNeonMeAndYouxx xxNeonMeAndYouxx
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 6:09pm UTC
    That awkward moment when ...
    You try to kill a baby but all he gets is
    a lightning shaped scar on his forehead and
    half your powers...

  5. smlyx13 smlyx13
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 1:38pm UTC
    that awkward moment when...
    your hiding and you all of a sudden have to go pee really badly.

  6. WritingSunshine5 WritingSunshine5
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 11:45am UTC
    hugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Love.hugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Love hugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Love hugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Love hugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Love hugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Lovehugs. kisses. secrets. texts. hearts. tears. laughs. calls. songs. dates. compliments. needing. wanting. LOVE. smile. beautiful eyes. perfect smile. amazing hugs. curly hair. soft hands. butterflies. blushing. flirting. touching. feeling. playing with hair. jokes. tickles. hugs on the waist. hugs from behind. cheek kisses. Im In Love ,
    HIM< 3

  7. SarahBoBeara SarahBoBeara
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 3:13pm UTC
    <p style="text-align: center; "><strong><span style="color:#696969;"><span style="text-shadow: 1px 3px 9px #330066;"><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="font-family:georgia;">All I want is to fall in love,<br /> is that really too much to ask?</span></span></span></span></strong></p>
    & I had a dream about him last night...
    Does that mean he went to sleep thinking about me? <3
    -Format not mine.

  8. PwinncessScarrxD PwinncessScarrxD
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 11:17am UTC
    atelphobia ;
    the fear of not being good enough .

  9. TooCloseToTheFlame_x TooCloseToTheFlame_x
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 11:30am UTC
    I might've already met
    My husband.
    But I know I've already met
    My bridesmaids. ♥

  10. WritingSunshine5 WritingSunshine5
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 12:50pm UTC
    fave if you miss someone.
    fave if you're in love.
    Fave if you think your pretty.
    Fave if you think you aren't.
    Fave if you want him to text you.
    Fave if you're in love with your best friend.
    Fave if you wish he liked you back.
    Fave if you don't know if he does.
    *Everyone should've faved once(:

  11. iloveyoubabey iloveyoubabey
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 11:13am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. pleasantly_pocket_sized_one pleasantly_pocket_sized_one
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 3:32pm UTC
    If loving you is wrong,
    then I don't want to be right

    not my format

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. Niaalovesed Niaalovesed
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 3:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. XshannawashereX XshannawashereX
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 3:29pm UTC
    Your bestfriends
    Junk Food
    Cell phones
    Hot guys

  18. NoSecondChancesx3 NoSecondChancesx3
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 4:53pm UTC
    Me: I'm lost.
    My Friend: Ok, where are you?
    Me: -__-
    Fav if you get it?(:

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. Caelan Caelan
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2010 11:44am UTC
    I dropped a tear in the ocean today.
    When they find it, I'll stop loving you ♥


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