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Member Since: 15 May 2011 01:49pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

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My Stories: 
Starting Over
Ali Jordan has had more personalities than fingers on her hand. Her family moves often, due to work, and with each new town comes the chance to reinvent herself. But when Ali makes the biggest mistake of her life while in her previous town, she is threatened with a choice. Don't mess up or be sent to live with her possibly evil aunt. In her new town, Ali plans to slide by without a social life, that works fine until she meets Connar, a boy with dark secrets, and Christina, a girl with even darker secrets.

Face it, we've all wanted to be that girl that every guy wants to date. We work so hard just go get that perfect guy to notice us...or any guy to notice us...but what if they did--a little too much? Being that girl everybody wants to date is more a nightmare than it seems. Especially when the cost of falling in love is all too dangerous.

♥ C O M M E N T  ♥R E AD  ♥F A V O R I T E  ♥F O L L O W

  1. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2011 3:51pm UTC
    Chapter Three
    Dating Your Brother?
    There it was. In large golden letters above the main doors were the words ‘Ivyfield Day School’. Students congregated around the fountain in front of the school, and the seniors were smirking at a pack of incoming freshman. Noah was at the head of the pack, smiling and laughing his perfect white teeth. At home he was a protective brother, but at school, he was the king of the Ivyfield boys.
    Marci took a breath, and began walking up the main doors. Nobody pulled her aside, saying ‘hi’, and nobody seemed to acknowledge her. That is, until Noah pointed to Marci and said something to his friends. Suddenly half of the senior class was staring in her direction, along with juniors, sophomores, and freshman who wanted to see what was going on. Marci blushed. She had no idea how to react to all the attention. A pack of freshman walked past her and one even whistled. Marci paused, and then waved, flashing an attempt at one of Noah’s classic smiles.
    Once the attention was averted from her, Marci stalked over to Noah. “Noah,” she yelped, “Why did you point so much attention to me?”
    Noah frowned. “Marci, I was telling my friends to stay away from you, but I guess some other people overheard.”
    She rolled her eyes, walking away. She didn’t want to talk to Noah at the moment. As Marci walked, a petite blonde approached her. “Were you just talking to Noah Finn?”
    Marci nodded, not in the mood to reply. “So?”
    “Noah is, like, the most popular guy in the school!”She exclaimed, “How do you know him?”
    “He’s my—“ I started. Saying he’s my brother would be so not cool. “He’s my boyfriend,” I replied.
    “Are you new? Because honey, you’re a goddess. Nobody dates Noah Finn!” Marci pulled her lips into a tight smile at the girl’s excitement. Don’t I know it? Noah never brings girls home. She thought.
    “Yeah, well…” Marci tossed her hair over her shoulder and began to walk away.
    Stage one of her biggest lie had begun.

  2. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 7:36pm UTC
    Chapter Two
    Good Girls Go Bad
    In order to tell this story right, we’re going to go have to go back to the beginning. The real beginning. We are going to a time before Marci Finn was the datable girl, but when Marci Finn was just another face in the crowd.
    “I make them good girls go bad, I make them good girls go baaad. I know your type, yeah daddy’s little girl…just take a bite, and let me shake up your world!” Marci’s old radio played the weekly hit countdown with all of its crackly wholesomeness. Absently, Marci began to sing along.
    “Shut up, up there!” Her brother screamed from downstairs. Marci reddened and turned the volume all the way down. She stared at herself in the mirror for a moment. Just last week, Marci had broken into her sister’s makeup supply and began experimenting. At first, it had turned out terrible, with bright red cheeks, smudged eyeliner, and clumpy eyelashes. But today, on Marci’s most important day, she had gotten it just right. The first day of school at Ivyfield Day.
    Normally, Marci was comfortable in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, but at Ivyfield, everybody wore a skirt and a button-down, so that was one less thing to worry about. She had even dyed her hair the previous week. Ivyfield Day was prestigious for its high standards, pervy boys, and perfect girls. Just like any other private school.
    After her embarrassing transfer from Ivyfield High, Marci hoped her past wouldn’t carry with her, for her own sake. Marci had never even had a boyfriend, while she was sure every other perfect girl at Ivyfield had had dozens. This was her time to shine, her one chance at being that girl that guys wanted to date. And she was starting all new.
    Marci padded down the stairs; maroon uniform rustling pristinely as she walked. A girl could get used to this. Downstairs, her brother Noah was seated at the table. He was a senior at Ivyfield Day, so he had spent hours filling Marci in on all of the school’s secrets. Her relationship with Noah was fairly good, they hardly fought about much, until now.
    “Marci, are you wearing makeup?” he cried.
    Marci reddened. “Maybe.”
    “You never wear makeup!”
    “Well, I decided to start fresh…”
    Noah glared at her, mumbling something to himself. “Well I don’t like it.” And with that, he stormed away.
    What a wonderful way to start her first day at Ivyfield Day.

  3. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2011 5:42pm UTC
    Chapter One
    Cheese Head
    James King stared up at his new school with wide eyes. Compared to his old school in Wisconsin, Ivyfield Day was a castle. He felt ridiculous in his red—excuse him,maroon—blazer and khakis. At first sight of the uniform, he had even considered peeling off the Ivyfield crest, which featured a vine and two roaring lions. He felt like Harry Potter meets schoolboy in the preppy uniform, but in his opinion, he didn’t look as strange as some of the other guys.
    As he stood, a tall boy with black shaggy hair approached him. “Newbie, are we?” he said with a raised eyebrow. James noticed a lacrosse stick jutting out of his backpack. Of course.
    “Yeah,” James muttered, attempting to walk away. The boy placed a firm hand on James’s shoulder.
    “Where are ya from newbie? Alaska, Canada, Washington? You are pretty pale…Oh, don’t tell me you’re a vampire.”
    James rolled his eyes. “Wisconsin.”
    “Ah, a cheese head,” the boy guided James to the building, “My name is Max.” As they got closer to the building, James noticed a pack of girls crowded around the other lax boys. But one girl stood of to the side. She had long hair, and James couldn’t decide if it was blonde or dirty blonde. Even from a distance, he noticed her wide chocolate brown eyes. She was gorgeous.
    “Who is that?” James asked, indicating to the girl.
    Max let out a decidedly sinister laugh. “Marci Finn, Wisconsin. You haven’t lived until you’ve dated her, I mean, we all have.”
    “You’ve all dated the same girl?” James asked.
    “As I said, it’s a rite of passage. That girl is everything you could ever want, but she goes through a guy a week. With Marci, its dump or be dumped.”
    James frowned. “She seems nice.”
    Max laughed, slapping him on the back. “I like you, Wisconsin! But that’s the first thing we ought a do. Get you a date with Marci.”
    So the chase was on.

  4. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2011 7:56pm UTC
    Rebecca gulps. “I suppose that means I’m next…”
    The guidance counselor nods, slowly urging her on. I wait in horrified silence, peaking out of the spaces between my fingers in my hands held up to my face. “Well,” She begins, “I was the girl that Aiden fell in love with.”
    Aiden takes a shaking breath. “You know I don’t regret it, Bec.”
    She nods, swallowing. “I know. But after Christina took care of Aiden, she went after me. She pretended to befriend me, claiming that we needed to stick together after poor Aiden’s accident.” She nearly spits the words. “So she and I used to hang out. Soon enough, Christina and I were an inseparable pair. B-but that’s when the rumors started. A couple months into the friendship, people started giving me funny looks in the hall. Christina would pull me over, whisper the rumor to me with a disapproving expression, like she actually cared for me. “
    Rebecca breaks out in sobs, tears cascading from her face, makeup smearing everywhere. Connar outstretches a hand, but Aiden slaps it away. “Watch it, man.” Connar shoots Aiden a confused look and his lip quivers. I can sense the tension between the two.
    “Can’t you, like, expel her?” I suggest quietly.
    Connar speaks up for the first time. He lets out a maniacal laugh. “You honestly believe we haven’t tried? Her family practically pays for our whole school. If they expelled her, hell would break loose.”
    I look down.
    Rebecca speaks up again, her voice barely distinguishable. “S-so, one day, someone told me who started the rumor. I confronted her, but she laughed it off…like it was preposterous to believe. Until that night, at our weekly Friday sleepovers…she tried to choke me. We were eating pizza, and she says ‘here, let me try something’ so she shoves it down my throat. Worst of all…she ran right out the door at that moment. Lucky f-for me, my mother walked in and saved me. And when I bit into the pizza, there was a crumpled up post-it note. It said”
    “‘I’ll never forgive you for shutting me out with Aiden. Oh, and by the way…I started the rumors, hon’. It’s too bad, because if you don’t find this note, then my job will be done. But if you do…you’re never getting off the hook. Xoxo bestie! A-and...She signed it with her initials just like she did for Aiden.”
    I gasp, but she continues.
    “I still have friends only because they felt sorry for me. Word spread that Christina made up the rumors, then tried to kill me, and I was more popular then I had ever been before. Thanks to that, Christina hasn’t struck back yet.”
    Widening my eyes, I know who’s story is next…Connar.

  5. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2011 5:40pm UTC
    “WHAT?” I find myself yelling. “Christina hurt…all of you?”
    The counselor nods slowly. “That girl is loose cannon. But her family is rich, and they can get out of any case with their lawyers.”
    Rebecca narrows her eyes. I turn to her, raising one eyebrow. “That sucks.” She rolls her eyes.
    Nonchalantly lighting another incense, the counselor begins to speak. “Now…?”
    “Now, Ali, I’m going to have Connar, Aiden, and Rebecca tell you their personal stories. I believe you can handle it, but please be respectful.”
    I nod, gripping the soft tassels of my cushion. “Aiden?” whispers the guidance counselor softly.
    Aiden takes a hesitant breath. “Well, Christina and I used to be best friends—that is, before she went psycho—and we did literally everything together. It was only until she caught me kissing her best friend, that she realized she had feelings for me. She told me this, but I told her I wasn’t interested.” He took a breath. “So she…tried to undress for me…I pushed her out of my home, disgusted. And as I was walking to school the next day, she drove her brother’s car straight onto the side walk, and...” he lets out a small whimper. “She hit me. I fell onto the sidewalk, and when I woke up in the hospital, I couldn’t see.”
    I widen my eyes, fighting the urge to bite down hard on my wrist. “That’s terrible…”
    He sighed, “But there’s more. In a perfect little envelope next to my bed was a note. It said: ‘Dear Aidykins, You’ve seen too much of me. I open my heart out to you, and you embarrass and reject me. Now let it be a reminder for the rest of your life, that the sight of me will be the last thing you see. Kudos learning brail!’” He gulped, “She signed it with her initials, but it wasn’t enough evidence for the court.”
    From the back of the room, I can hear Rebecca stifling dry sobs. What kind of girl was this Christina White?

  6. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2011 5:20pm UTC
    Abruptly, Connar snatches up his books and begins to walk away. I run after him, not even bothering to recover my fresh new school supplies. “Connar…Connar? Connar!” I yelp, reaching out. But he continues to walk; eyes set straight, mouth pressed into a thin line. Finally, I slow down, and let him guide us both to the guidance counselor.
    Finally, he opened the door to a tiny room at the edge of the school. Inside, the room is coated with floor pillows and smells like incense. A stalky man sits at the edge of the room, back facing the door. Two more students sit behind him. One is a girl, the other a boy. The girl is the blonde one that whispered about me earlier (was that really just an hour ago?), and the boy is one I haven’t seen, with dark features and shaded glasses. Connar and I stand there for a few minutes, contemplating what to do. Finally, he gives me a look as if to say: Well? Go ahead.
    I clear my throat. “Um, Mr. Uh, Guidance Counselor?”
    The man slowly turns around, revealing shaggy hair and drooping eyes. “Welcome Mr. McDonald, and oh, I haven’t seen you before!” He turns to me and I blush.
    “I’m new.”
    “Have a seat, have a seat,” He muses, “I was just talking to Rebecca and Aiden for their usual meetings.” Connar sits down on the outermost corner of the room, so the only seat left is next to Aiden. Sighing, I flop down next to him.
    “Don’t worry about embarrassing yourself,” He says, obviously noticing my hesitant decision to sit next to him. “I can’t see you.”
    “Well of course you can’t, you’re wearing sunglasses in—you’re blind aren’t you?” I cradle my face in my hand, inwardly scolding myself for being rude.
    “Yup. Apparently I have anger problems ‘due to well-guarded anger for my condition’.”
    “Silence, children!” The guidance counselor yells suddenly. He locks eyes with Aiden, then Rebecca, than Connar, than me. “I believe it’s time we admit a new member into our little band of misfits.”
    “What, oh, me? Uh, well I’m just here because Connar punched me…”
    Connar has fire in his eyes. “It’s your fault for bringing it up.”
    “Well why are we all here?” I murmur.
    The guidance counselor shakes his head sadly. “Christina White has hurt us all.”

  7. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2011 7:27pm UTC
    I look at my schedule for a minute. I have English first period. I frown. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Connar is in my class, but so is Christina. I suppose I don’t really have the choice whether to go or not. In my old school, I would ditch class with my best friend Maci whenever I wanted. Didn’t feel like returning my paper? Go shopping. Didn’t want to face an obnoxious ex-boyfriend? Day trip to the spa. It was that simple. But here, it isn’t that simple. If I mess up one more time, my life will literally be ruined.
    With that, I heave a disdainful breath, grip my notebooks tightly, and make my way to English. By the time I find the classroom—which is halfway across the school—I am late. I sulk in, feeling twenty sets of eyes on me. A few kids whisper, but others turn away, uninterested. I’m the frumpily dressed new girl who doesn’t talk to people. Who would care?
    Christina grins and waves to me, motioning for me to sit down next to her.
    I roll my eyes and take a seat in the back, caught up in my tangle of feelings towards Christina. It isn’t until I hear the sound of grinding teeth until I realize who I just sat next to. A muscular blonde boy is sitting beside me, gripping the table with whitened knuckles. Connar McDonald. “Hello,” I start to say, until he winces and shakes his head.
    “Don’t…talk…” He says.
    I look down, embarrassed, and pretend to listen to the English teacher’s first day lecture. Really, the whole time I am thinking of Connar. For the last ten minutes of class, the teacher (Mrs. Wallows) gives us time to make study plans with our neighbors.
    I turn to speak to Connar, but he stares warily off into the distance. The room is buzzing with voices, forcing the paranoia out of my mouth. “What did Christina do to you?”
    He stares at me with wide, unfocused eyes. “H-how did you…?” He blinks rapidly, looking in one direction, then another, and clenching and unclenching his fists. The quiet, disturbed boy I have been sitting next to has disappeared. He lets out a deep-throated growl and punches me in the jaw.
    I fall back, letting out a yelp. I stare up at him from a heap on the floor with watering eyes just long enough to hear Mrs. Wallows shout “Connar, Alison! Guidance Counselor now!”

  8. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 3:46pm UTC
    what do you think of my story
    comment, read, and fave.

  9. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 3:32pm UTC
    The bell rings. Christina and I begin to walk towards the school. She talks to me, asking me questions, but I continue to stare at Connar, intrigued. “New girl,” she waves a hand in front of my eyes. “I just asked if you were a serial killer and you agreed. What’s distracting you?”
    I give her a sideways glance as we make our way into the school. “Connar McDonald.”
    She pauses, “Give me your class schedule.”
    Hesitantly, I hand it to her. She scans it for a couple of minutes. “You have English with Connar. And, by the way, your locker is over there.” She points to a stained blue locker with the number 23 printed on it. “You better go.”
    How did she know Connar’s schedule? Why was she helping me? Questions race through my mind. “Well, um, thanks,” I say, walking over to my locker.
    Christina disappears into the hallway. I sigh, shoving my books in the small space left in my locker, and try to avoid contact with the two boys on the other side of me. I feel a tap on my shoulder. The boy with a locker to my right is staring at me. He is handsome, but not nearly as attractive as Connar. “Were you just talking to Christina White?”
    I nod.
    “Don’t. I can tell you’re new, because, well, we’ve been with the same kids since middle school, here. So a word to the wise, Christina is bad news.”
    I open my mouth to object, but he cuts me off.
    “She got arrested last year. Know that kid, the blonde, Connar McGulligan or something?”
    “McDonald?” I ask.
    “Yeah. Him. Well, Christina had been going out with him, and they broke up. After that, she went crazy, and drugged him. Ever since, his head has been messed up. Don’t go near either of them.”
    I slam my locker closed, “Thanks for the heads up.”

  10. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 2:29pm UTC
    All around me, students laugh and talk. For once in my life, they aren’t staring at me. For once in my life, I haven’t been noticed. Just like my previous school, a pack of scandally-clad blondes stand off to the side, gigging, and a bunch of the guys are striking up conversation. There are some kids sitting on the wall in front of the school, filling out class forms. Others are texting off in the side, catching up with old friends.
    I tighten my backpack around my shoulder, walking over to the blonde girls. What am I doing? These girls aren’t going to be my friends this time. I turn away rapidly, but not fast enough to hear one of them comment about me, just as I used to do.
    “There’s a new girl, Anna.”
    “Who cares? Look at her; she obviously doesn’t know how to dress.”
    Normally, I would storm over to them, furious, but instead I laugh. If only they knew how often I had been in the opposite position. I begin to make my way up to the school, feeling pretty confident in my plan to remain unnoticed until I see him.
    He is tall, with messy blonde hair falling over his forehead. He wears a tight-fitting black shirt over a muscular chest, and he is scribbling in a notebook. This boy is handsome enough to be laughing and talking with the blondes and the other guys, but he remains off to the distance. In a daze, I turn to a girl walking to my left. “W-who is that?” I ask.
    She brushes a pale red strand of hair from her face. “Connor McDonald.”
    “Who is he?”
    The girl, stares at me for a moment. “Oh, you’re new. Well, Connor has mental issues. Do not talk to him, trust me. He doesn’t know how to act around people.”
    “Thanks,” I reply, beginning to walk away, disappointed.
    “Wait, I’ll walk with you. I’m Christina.” She says.
    So much for avoiding everybody. I now had a friend and unexplainable feelings for a boy I had never met.

  11. xxwritergrlxx xxwritergrlxx
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2011 2:00pm UTC
    “Are you sure? I just bought you all that nice clothing…” My mother mutters.
    “Yes,” I say, taking a deep breath. “Throw them all out. Every item.”
    Rolling her eyes, she gathers my huge bag of clothing and shoves it into the trash. “Whatever, honey.” She storms out of the room. Ever since I got thrown out of my old school in Georgia, she has been furious with me. My family moves very often, to say the least, and settling into Pennsylvania hasn’t been the easiest.
    A few minutes later, my father sticks his head into my room. “School on Wednesday, Ali. You’re lucky, you know that? You ruin your life back in Cottonwell, and you get to start fresh. You certainly don’t deserve it.”
    I nod. He is furious with me as well. I don’t really think what I did was that bad...Georgia was the place where I decided to become a more popular version of myself, and, well, you can picture what happens from there. Lots of drinking, a fight, and a police station were involved in “the incident” as well. Since then, I’ve gotten sick looking at my barely-there shirts, and my tiny shorts.
    According to my father, this was my last chance. If I mess up again—as I did in every previous town—I would be sent to live with my Aunt Ellen to go to boarding school. Aunt Ellen isn’t exactly my favorite person…when we come to visit, she deems my wardrobe inappropriate and makes me wear gray pants (not even jeans!) and a gray t-shirt. She corrects my grammar every time I try to talk, so at her place, I just don’t even bother speaking.
    I can’t let that happen to me.
    Sighing, I look at my new wardrobe. I have a few pairs of jeans, some old t-shirts, a couple pairs of sneakers, and a sweatshirt. Nobody will notice me now. Next, I stare in the mirror. I hardly wear any makeup, and my formerly dyed hair is back to brown.
    This year, I don’t plan to be noticed. I plan to slide by without a social life, and just try to stay out of trouble…but fate had other plans.


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