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Member Since: 17 Sep 2010 04:08pm

Last Seen: 23 Aug 2012 10:43pm

user id: 125276

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Hi;I'm Natalie
I cover up my blond hair and blue eyes with green contacts and hair dye;
I take way to many pictures;
I get attached easily;
I'll get annoying;
I over think everything;
Depressed people who cry for attention piss me off to no end;
I've got a mouth on me. I will use it too.
If you buy me a Monster and I'll be your bestfriend♥;
My hair is a dyed mess;
I won't lie to you; so don't lie to me please;
♪Music♥ will always make my life easier♫
I'm bisexual♥ and proud of it, but and I don't make it a big deal
I don't want your pity for me. Keep it.
All I really need is for someone to listen to me;
I love cuddling but I have a bubble. Don't come into my bubble untill I come into your bubble. Nuff said.
I love horses; I own two myself
aim; xxhawthorne97xx; and cellular device; ask me;
That's what you would know if you really knew me

" Will she love you like I loved you?"
"I've been hurt and abused; just remebered i l o v e d you."

  1. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2011 10:22am UTC
    My boyfriend is not "Whipped"
    I'm sorry he actually cares about me and pays attention to me.

  2. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 5:18pm UTC
    My relationship isn't always p e r f e c t, but that doesn't matter, because everyday he tells me he falls more and more inlove with me, and that's what makes all those imperfect days not even matter♥

  3. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 9:57pm UTC
    Tell me your Dreams;
    I'll help you achieve them.
    Tell me your Problems;
    I'll help you solve them.
    Tell me your fears;
    We will face them together.
    Tell me what you need;
    I will get it for you.
    Tell me what you see;
    I'll try to see it too.
    Tell me what hurts you;
    I'll do my best to fix it.
    Tell me what you hate;
    I'll change it.
    Tell me what you love;
    I'll keep it forever.

  4. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 9:46pm UTC
    Stop and Stare,
    Take It All In,
    Remember He Loves You;
    Because One Day He Will Forget,
    But You Never Will.

  5. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 9:41pm UTC
    How can you call it love, when you''re crying more than you're smiling?

  6. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2011 9:00pm UTC
    Forever can never be long enough for me (Because, I loveyou more everyday)
    Feel like I've had long enough with you (And I know, I’ll always loveyou)
    Forget the world now, we won't let them see ( Won’t let them see how much I loveyou)
    But there's one thing left to do (Tell me you loveme too)
    Now that the weight has lifted (And you know Iloveyou more than anything)
    Love has surely shifted my way( And It’s finally working right in my life)
    Marry me today and every day( Because I wanna be with you forever)
    Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café (Please baby I loveyou)
    Say you will, say you will (I can’t live without you)
    Together can never be close enough for me ( I want to lay with you forever)
    Feel like I am close enough to you (it’s never possible baby♥)
    You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you (I tell you everyday)
    And you're beautiful (Both inside and out)
    Now that the wait is over (And you loveme the same way)
    And love and has finally shown her my way (Lovehas shown me to you)
    Marry me today and every day (Forever)
    Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café (please)
    Say you will, say you will (I loveyou so much)
    Promise me you'll always be happy by my side(I don’t know what I’d do without you)
    I promise to sing to you when all the music dies (I would sing everyday just for you)
    And marry me today and everyday (Because baby, I loveyou.)
    Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café (I loveyou.)
    Say you will, say you will marry me (Ilove you.)

  7. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2010 3:27pm UTC
    To Write Love On Her Arms*

  8. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2010 10:08am UTC
    It's all here for you
    As long as you choose to stay
    It's all here for you
    As long as you don't fly away
    ♥♥¶?♥? ♥

  9. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2010 10:01am UTC
    Shouldn't I feel alive?
    I swear that I've tried
    Lyrics thanks to: ScaryKidsScaringKids; A Breath of Sunshine

  10. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 4:31pm UTC
    And the scary thing is
    You will never know what you meant to me;
    What I did to just even try to talk to you;
    The things I said to you
    Wondering did he get what I said; what I meant?
    I love you and you’ll never know it
    You’ve hurt me more than anyone;
    And I have no idea how you did this.
    Because baby I fell for you; and you never caught me</3

  11. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 4:23pm UTC
    Because baby;
    Everything is going wrong.
    It wasn’t supposed to be this way
    It was suppose to be my fairy tale ending</3

  12. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 4:22pm UTC
    But he’s not the same as you
    He’s not better then you.
    He’s not for me.
    He’s not the one.
    He’s just not you. </3

  13. xxhawthorne97xx xxhawthorne97xx
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 4:12pm UTC
    And yeah; I miss you more then I should.
    I feel like I still need you; more then I should.
    I still want you back; more then I should.
    These same old feelings come haunting back to me again; more than they should.


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