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Member Since: 11 Nov 2008 09:04pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 57632

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  1. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2009 9:24pm UTC
    im so lucky to be in love with my best friend <3

  2. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2009 9:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2009 9:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2009 9:15pm UTC
    Y O U ... C A N ... O N L Y ... T Y P E ... O N E ... W O R D !
    N O ... E X P L A N A T I O N S !
    1. Yourself: beautiful
    2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush : adorable
    3. Your hair: sexybrown
    4. Your Mother: weird
    5. Your Father: old?
    6. Your Favorite Item: computer
    7. Your dream last night: crush<333
    8. Your Dream Home: hobohut
    9. The Room You Are In: bedroom
    10. Favorite colour: orange
    11. Your fear: fights
    12. Where do you want to be in ten years? playboymansion ahahahajk
    13. Who you hung out with last night: soccerteam
    14. What You're Not: non-sexy
    15. Your Best Friend: corenine
    16. One of Your Wish List Items: ricardo
    17. Your Gender: female
    18. The Last Thing You Did: shower
    19. What You Are Wearing: clothes
    20. Your Favorite Weather: hottbutsnowing
    22. The Last Thing You Ate: butterfinger
    23. Your Life: ehh..ehhh.
    24. Your Mood: silly:p
    25. Who are you: A BB BBB YYY

  5. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2009 4:22pm UTC
    and that moment, right then, when i just looked into his eyes, i saw him
    completely differently. not as my best friend, because that moment,
    boy, i fell in love <3

  6. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2009 7:39pm UTC
    He gave her 12 roses ;
    11 real, one fake
    & he said
    " i'll love you until the last rose
    dies "
    *credit for colors not quote

  7. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2009 7:26pm UTC
    Having the love of your life break up
    with you and say
    " we can still be friends "
    is like you dog dying, and your mom
    saying "you can still keep it."

  8. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2009 7:23pm UTC
    there's a town in illinois named
    NORMAL. if i ever went there,
    the townspeople would chase
    me out with pitch forks & torches
    in a split second.
    haha ; mine <3

  9. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2009 9:05am UTC
    i hate you. but i'd take you back in a
    heartbeat [©] xoxo<3

  10. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2009 9:05am UTC
    environmental protection
    agency would be so mad ; because i waste so much
    paper drawing thoose stupid little hearts around
    yourname <3

  11. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2009 9:04am UTC
    [wanna join the club :]

  12. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2009 7:03pm UTC
    shes crazy. shes weird. she loves to stand out, she hasn't gone a day
    in her life without spazzing out and embaressing herself in front
    of her whole class . her ipod is filled with crazy funny songs that
    nobody has ever hear of . she takes everything as a joke , because
    everyone loves her . she lives to laugh and she makes her lunch
    table laugh their guts out every day at lunch when she makes a
    scene some how . but under it all , under the spazz attacks , under
    the sugar high -ness , under the girl that just wants to have fun ,
    theres a broken heart & the only thing that can fix it, is __*

  13. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2009 8:21pm UTC
    every day during class, when she hopelessly stares at
    him from a distance , look into her eyes & see all the
    pain shes gone through , and the tears shes cried .
    because she loves him

  14. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2009 8:03pm UTC
    and so theres this boy . . . & hes amazing and cute and funny & i think i
    might be in love with him, but if i told you anymore than you just might
    fall in love with him too <3

  15. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2009 8:29pm UTC
    lifegoals .
    10) Date an apple store geek- get free i-pods .
    9) Learn to play "Don't Stop Believin" on a bassoon.
    8) Go to Siberia, buy milk in frozen blocks (:
    7) Poke a water tower . Don't ask why .
    6) Have a pet tiger, let it attack little children.
    5) Fill a trash barrel with pudding and bathe.
    4) Know what it feels like to be the guy that invented the window.
    3) Have a magic wand that gives people britsih accents.
    2) Adopt a pet old man. Keep him in a cage and feed him cherrios.
    1) haha you'll never know (:

  16. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2009 8:20pm UTC
    ill give you this
    heart, if you swear not to break
    it apart. ill give you my love,
    if you swear its something
    you'll be proud of. ill give you
    all that i own, if you swear not
    to leave it alone. ill give a
    kiss, if you swear it'll make
    you bliss. ill wait for you
    because i know its true
    so i'll give you this heart,
    will you swear not to
    break it apart
    all mine (:

  17. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2009 7:55pm UTC
    dont touch hot lamps
    [ i t h u r t s ]

  18. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2009 6:33pm UTC
    if it wasn't supposed to hurt,
    they would'nt call it aeaeaeaeae
    _a crush *

  19. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2009 10:13pm UTC
    i may have failed but i
    have loved you from
    the start</3

  20. xxdanggGIRL xxdanggGIRL
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2009 4:50pm UTC
    in 09' the government
    will start killing mentally challenged people.
    my heart sank when i thought of you.
    [ r u n m y l i t t l e r e t a r d e d f r i e n d , r u n . ]


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