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  1. xpinklove1202 xpinklove1202
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 3:39pm UTC
    I'm sorry, but every time I see you, think of you, or hear your name my middle finger gets excited </3

  2. xpinklove1202 xpinklove1202
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 3:03pm UTC
    I'm sitting here waitIng for my crush to get out of the eye doctors to text me back...the first thing he responds back is "I got new contacts! I can see your beautiful face now!" <3

  3. xpinklove1202 xpinklove1202
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 5:41pm UTC
    with out you its hard to survive.
    i get this feeling
    and everytime we kiss

  4. xpinklove1202 xpinklove1202
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2011 4:21pm UTC
    Oh great, just another person venting right? I just need to tell people about this and let it all out.
    Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost four months. Nothing to big and like OH MY GOSH! I have liked him since August 15, the first day of school, it is now March 24. My one friend liked him for a little bit, I never told her how I felt about him though. He finally asked me out December 15. Things have been going great, we haven't done anything serious besides make out and him grabbing my butt. But I have noticed the past month maybe hes been getting closer and closer with my friends.
    Its a good thing he gets along with my friends but its at the point where hes always high fiving them in the halls, and sitting next to them at lunch and talking to them at lunch. let me remind you of two things, I AM HIS GIRLFRIEND and two, THEY ARE GIRLS. My one friend that he is talking to is my same friend that liked him. When ever I am with him and he leaves his phone behind I go through his messages, I know I shouldn't, and hes been texting them a LOT, one of the convos he had been sending winky faces and smiley faces. I have no idea if this is like normal or what. I just need someone to tell me what to do and how to react. I haven't told him because I know if I don't think it through i will flip out on him, and I don't want to do that. Someone tell me what to do.


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